"White Zetsu, shut up. If you dare to ask this kind of question again, I will kill you!"

Uchiha Madara said, and shouted loudly:

""Get out of here!"

White Zetsu was so scared that he quickly burrowed into the ground. The good thing about White Zetsu is that he is loyal enough. The only bad thing about him is that he likes to study defecation and things related to feces.

Uchiha remembered it clearly from watching anime in his previous life.

Early the next morning, Uchiha Madara made a vortex mask for White Zetsu, asked him to wear it, and let him go out to sea with a ship. The place where Uchiha asked them to sail on this ship was not the Valley of the Gods, but another island half a day's journey away from the Valley of the Gods. In order not to alert the enemy, Uchiha Madara didn't even let them hang a flag, and there were not many people on the ship.

As soon as White Zetsu left, Shiki hurried over and reported,"Captain Madara, our people who stayed in the Sabaody Archipelago said that they saw the Celestial Dragons of the Rozwald family set off. I guess they are going to that event!"

"And just as the captain expected, the direction they were heading to was exactly where the Valley of the Gods was."

"Very good!" Uchiha Madara smiled.

"You should immediately send people to the islands near the Valley of the Gods to monitor and see if there are a large number of ships heading towards the Valley of the Gods in the near future!"

"If so, then you are right!"

"I guess the prizes they have prepared are not only the surgery fruit, there should be others. When the time comes, you can pick the rest except the fruit I need!"Uchiha Madara directly painted a pie in the sky for Golden Lion.

In his previous life, he only saw Luffy defeat Kaido, but didn't see the rest. As for the plot of God Valley, he only knew that he joined forces with King Garp and Roger to defeat Rocks. As for when he got the Golden Lion Fruit, he had no idea.

At this time, Golden Lion was still a two-sword flow, and he was extremely eager for strength. Uchiha Madara used the method of painting a pie in the sky to trick the other party into helping him. After all, he didn't know what the combat power over there would be at that time, and the chances of winning would be greater with one more person to help.

Golden Lion grinned, and he agreed with this proposal very much. He began to call his men to make arrangements.

Whitebeard was also contacting his former friends, asking them to pay attention to the movements of the Celestial Dragons.

Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and Captain John were still eating and drinking there, and Long Bread was making delicious food.

As for Charlotte Linlin, he was instructing Kaido. The last time Kaido was frightened by Uchiha Madara's eyes, Charlotte Linlin, as Kaido's big sister, felt It was very embarrassing, and he was giving special training to Kaido.

The two women, Flame Flower and Stussy, were also training.

Uchiha Madara didn't plan to count on them to help.

Except for the cadres of the Akatsuki organization who knew that Uchiha Madara was planning the surgery fruit, no one on the island knew, so the navy didn't know what Uchiha Madara was going to do for the time being.

That afternoon, a message that Uchiha Madara didn't expect reached Beehive Island.

Most pirates received a message that the Celestial Dragons were about to hold a hunting event in the Valley of the Gods. After questioning, Uchiha Madara learned that it was a little girl who made a phone call to reveal the event.

The other party claimed that there were six prizes for the Celestial Dragons competition in the Valley of the Gods.

After thinking it over again and again, Uchiha Madara didn't act immediately. He wanted to wait until the navy let down their guard and the World Government thought that their group would not go, and then go over and catch them off guard.

In this way, two days passed calmly.

On the sea, the members of Roger's pirate group were stunned after seeing the latest newspaper.

"Rocks is dead?"

Rayleigh couldn't believe it.

"Is this a message sent by the Navy to trick us? How could Rocks die?"Skirba Jabba also didn't believe it.

"It should be true. Just looking at the photo of this person gives me a strong feeling!"Roger smiled.

Then, Roger felt a little lonely. He felt sorry for Rocks' death.

"Captain, the other party has changed the name of the pirate group, and those people from Newgate have not left. This shows that the other party is also a strong one, and it is estimated that he is not easy to deal with!"Spencer with a ponytail analyzed

"I agree with this point. Ordinary strong men can't deter those monsters!" Rayleigh echoed.

The place where Roger's pirate group was going was the Valley of the Gods. They received news that the Celestial Dragons would use it as a hunting ground. Roger planned to go there to rescue those people.

On the sea, after a few days of fermentation, more and more people knew that Rocks was killed by a man named Uchiha Madara, and a reward of 3 billion berries was offered.

Uchiha Madara's reputation became famous.

A few days later, this was the seventh day of Uchiha on Beehive Island.

During this period, Uchiha Madara signed in two ninjutsu, namely Raikiri, and Water Style: Water Rush Wave.

Uchiha Madara calculated the time and found that there were still eight days before the so-called activities of the Celestial Dragons, so he decided to go out to sea today.

"Kurala~ Are you finally going to take action? I've been itching to do it for a long time!"

Whitebeard stood on the shore, looking at the busy pirates, and said with a big laugh.

"I don’t know how much treasure I can get this time!"

Captain John looked expectant.

"Remember, don't let the news leak out before you reach your destination!" The Golden Lion, who was the most concerned about this voyage besides Uchiha Madara, warned everyone.

"You are not the captain, why should I listen to you?"Wang Zhi said unconvinced

"That's right, who do you think you are?" Silver Axe echoed

"Please give me some face, this is related to my financial report!" Captain John said hurriedly

"Your face is worthless!" Silver Axe said disdainfully.

"That is, do you think you are Newgate?" Wang Zhi echoed

"Do you want to fight?"

"Why don't you try me and Shi Ji teaming up, 2V2!"

Captain John put down the bottle and questioned the two men with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I just happen to have two swords, I can chop you down!" Shi Ji's expression gradually turned cold, and as he spoke, he drew his sword.


Charlotte Lingling chuckled and said,"I'm curious, is Wang Zhi and Silver Axe more powerful together, or is Shi Ji and John more powerful together?"

"Are you guys free? If you are, go and help!"

At this time, Uchiha Madara came over and asked Wang Zhi Yin Fu indifferently.

Seeing that the ruthless man who killed Rocks was coming, Wang Zhi said to Shiqi and John:"I'll let you go this time, let's go, Silver Axe!"

After that, the two ran to the boat and pretended to help.

Shiqi and John looked at each other and smiled. It was rare for them to agree on the same opinion.

Soon, after packing up, Uchiha Madara stood on a high place on the shore and shouted to the pirates who were looking forward to it below:"For this operation, those with a bounty of more than 10 million will board the ship immediately, and the rest of you stay here."The pirates with a bounty of more than 1,000 were extremely excited, and those who didn't arrive were dejected.

Soon, thousands of pirates boarded the giant ship, and the deck was densely packed.

""Let's go!"

With a wave of Shiki's hand, the pirates on the ship started to move, some collected the anchors, some raised the sails, and soon the ship was moving. As soon as the Akatsuki pirates left, the navy received news from spies.

In the busy office of Marshal Marin, Steel Bone Sora asked on the phone:"Where did they go? How come you don't know?""

"Marshal, the other party didn't tell me. I guess only the navigator knows."

The spy's helpless voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Then you keep asking around, and tell me as soon as you get any news!" Gang Gukong ordered.

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