Above the sky.

Tornado was stunned as she looked at the two people below. The man with red energy on his body made her feel very powerful.

She didn't expect that there was a strong man besides Blast in this world, and the bald man opposite seemed to be his opponent. Could it be that the bald man was also very powerful?

Tornado looked at the bald man for a few times and couldn't understand why the man with red all over his body treated him so carefully. This kind of person looked like a weak chicken.

""What's the situation, Long Juan?"

A questioning voice came from the phone, bringing Long Juan back to his senses.

"I have arrived here. There are no monsters here. It seems that two people are fighting!"

Tornado replied.

"What? Duel?"

The members of the Hero Association were surprised on the phone.

Tornado didn't answer, her eyes were fixed on the two people below, because she felt that they were about to start.


Uchiha Madara noticed Tornado in the sky, but he didn't care. At this time, Uchiha Madara's mind was all on Saitama

""Get on!"

Uchiha Ban warned, then kicked his feet on the ground and ran around Saitama at super speed.

Saitama looked around and found that the other party was running around him, and he was shocked by the speed.

Tornado in the sky opened her mouth wide because she couldn't catch the other party's figure.

Uchiha Madara was very fast, leaving a red light wherever he passed. His speed was dozens of times faster than Might Guy running in the sky in Naruto.

""A kick from the evening elephant!"

Suddenly, Uchiha Madara appeared in the air beside Saitama and punched at him.

Saitama raised his head sharply, punched the sky, and shouted,"An ordinary punch!"

In an instant, Uchiha Ban's air cannon collided with Saitama's air cannon.

Uchiha Madara stopped in the air and pressed down hard.


Uchiha Madara roared.

Saitama was standing on the ground, and a violent explosion occurred! The scope was so wide that Tornado, who was watching from the sky, was shocked.

Saitama, who was underground, kept sinking, and the ground he was standing on was like paper.


Uchiha Madara pressed hard again


A circular air column with a diameter of more than 100 meters hit the ground.

Saitama's body continued to sink in the rocks, and soon he was hit more than 100 meters deep.

""Two feet!"

Uchiha Madara shouted again and changed his fist. Carrying an air bullet, Uchiha Madara rushed into the deep pit and punched out.

Saitama, who was underground, just felt the pressure disappear at the moment, and another air bullet hit him. Saitama's eyes widened and he protected his head with both hands.

Under this move, he felt a little pain.


There was another earth-shaking noise.

The ground in Y City shook violently.

Saitama, who was underground, was hit deeper into the ground again.

"Three Legs!"

Uchiha Madara, who was chasing into the cave, changed his fist again and blasted it out, hitting Saitama again.

Saitama, who was under the attack of the air bullet, had an excited look on his face. This long-lost pain made him feel that he was not dreaming.


A muffled sound was heard from thousands of meters underground.

"Four legs!"

Uchiha Madara punched again.

Below, Saitama finally fought back after enduring three punches from the other party.

""Continuous normal punches!"

Saitama shouted.

Seven or eight air punches similar to Uchiha Madara's were blasted out by Saitama.

The two's moves collided.

In just a moment, Uchiha Madara's body flew back from the hole.

Tornado in the sky quickly raised his head and found that the flaming man disappeared in the air in the blink of an eye, looking at the sky like a meteor.

""Bang!" There was a loud noise.

Saitama jumped out from underground and came to the ground. He looked up at the sky and felt a little regretful.

Saitama looked down at his arms, which had a little red mark on them. Although Uchiha Madara's move did not break his defense, it also made him feel a little pain.

In the sky, Uchiha Madara arched his back, with horror on his face. He was actually hit into the sky by the fist of the north. If it hadn't been for the air bomb blocking it, his body would have been broken if he had relied on his body to take it.

The next second, Uchiha Madara activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and appeared on the ground in an instant.

At this time, Saitama was looking at the sky. Uchiha Madara suddenly appeared. He immediately looked down and was faced with a fist as big as a sandbag.

"Five feet!"

Uchiha Madara shouted

"With a"bang",

Saitama's body flew out like a stream of light and crashed into the mountain.


The mountains within a few kilometers suddenly exploded.

Tornado in the sky almost dropped his jaw in shock. How could the power of this fist be so terrifying?


Uchiha Madara stood there, panting, staring at the direction of the mountain.

"With a whoosh,

Saitama shot out angrily and came in front of Uchiha Madara.

""Bang" the sound of Saitama landing made Uchiha Madara look extremely ugly

"You, you actually sneak attack me!"

Saitama said unhappily as soon as he came up.

Uchiha Madara looked at the other person's cheek. Except for a little redness, there was no injury at all.

"How is it possible!"

Uchiha Madara stared at the other party blankly.

"Are you talking about this?"

Saitama touched his cheek and asked

"In fact, your attack is already very good, I can already feel a little pain."

Saitama said, thought for a while, and said in a long voice:"Well...."

"It feels like a two-year-old child hitting an adult on the cheek!"

Uchiha Madara's face looked extremely ugly when he heard this. He usually mocked others, but now it was the other party's turn to mock him, and he was very angry.

Saitama seemed to have noticed the anger on Uchiha Madara's face, and hurriedly explained:"Don't be angry, I'm just giving an example!"

Above the sky.

Tornado looked at the bald man as if he was a monster. He couldn't believe that the other party could still jump around and mock the other party after suffering such a horrible attack.

"What a terrible defense!"

Tornado said solemnly

""Very good, Saitama!"

Uchiha Madara said in a low voice, then bent his back, put his hands on the ground, and got into a running posture.

A lot of sweat came out of Uchiha Madara's forehead and slid down his cheeks to the ground.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Saitama asked doubtfully when he saw the other party's posture.

"Saitama! This is my last move, and also my strongest one!"

Uchiha Madara shouted, all his energy gathered in his heart, and the Dao-seeking Jade behind him transformed into a leg guard to protect his right foot.

"Otherwise, forget it, I think...."

Before Saitama finished speaking, Uchiha Madara in the distance shouted in a low voice:"Accumulate!"

The next second.

Red energy exploded around Uchiha Madara, and the powerful momentum blew away the surrounding sand and stones.

Saitama raised his right arm to protect his eyes, his expression became serious again, and Saitama's eyes were fixed on the other party.

The tornado in the sky was also affected by this violent momentum and was blown back. The tornado hurriedly used its ability to stabilize its body.

A large number of blood vessels appeared on the cheeks and upper body of Uchiha Madara who was posing. The blood vessels burst, and the red steam on them began to gather, and a dragon head composed of blood-colored steam slowly took shape.

"hold head high~~~"

The dragon head roared.

Saitama looked at the blood-red dragon head in front of him and said excitedly:"I didn't expect you to have such a move. I can't wait to test its strength."

"Come on! Uchiha Madara!"

Saitama shouted excitedly.

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