
""Bang bang~"

White Zetsu used the Mayfly Technique, and wherever he passed, there were gunshots and screams.

In the big tree on the top of the mountain, White Zetsu carefully peeked at the situation in the square.

In the field, hundreds of Celestial Dragons were sitting in the audience watching the real-time broadcast, and the screen happened to show an SR slave being killed.

The Celestial Dragon on the stage was holding a loudspeaker and explaining:"It's amazing, Saint Feigaland Galin killed another SR-level slave, and now his score has reached 23,000!"

"Gellinger Saint's score reached 11,000, taking second place!"

"The current score of the Mamaia family's Xili Palace is 9000. If she can kill one more SR slave, she will surpass the Gellinger Saint.!"....

Looking at the six boxes next to the Celestial Dragons on the platform, Bai Zetsu murmured curiously:"Is the thing in that box the prize this time?"

"I don’t know if what Lord Madara wants is there. I have to find a chance to go and take a look!"

"But there are too many people here. Lord Madara said that the strong people in this world have observation Haki, so it's a bit difficult to start.~"

"The six boxes are placed a little far apart. If you try to take them all at once, you'll probably be attacked."

"Forget it, let's not alert the enemy yet, find a Den Den Mushi and call Madara-sama to see what to do!"

After Bai Zetsu finished speaking, he sank into the ground and rushed down the mountain. When he was on the shore, he found a navy holding a Den Den Mushi, and Bai Zetsu planned to steal it.

After a while, Bai Zetsu came to the middle of the mountain.

"Why are those people wearing handcuffs, and what are the circles on their backs for?"

Bai Jue poked his head out of the ground with some curiosity, and saw that the group of people were standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down.

"So many naval ships have surrounded the island, haha~"

The speaker was a little boy with an afro. His serious tone and unusual speaking habits gave people a very weird feeling.

The little boy looked at everyone:"No one can escape, and this incident will be erased by history!"

"They drove out the indigenous people for resources and started a killing game. In the end, none of the 100,000 people on this island survived, including us!"

"In three weeks, we will kill them all without leaving a single one alive. Can you believe it? Haha!"

A slave asked puzzledly:"Didn't they say that as long as we can survive within three weeks, we can regain our freedom?..."

Before he could finish his words, the little boy interrupted him excitedly,"That kind of thing won't happen! All the survivors of the past competitions are dead!"

"Hey, it's a lie, then why do you deliberately give us hope?"

A slave asked in confusion.

"It is because of hope that people keep running away, isn't it?!?"

"Where is the pleasure in killing those who hesitate because of despair?"

"Stop dreaming about surviving this shitty game!!!"

""We have to escape from this game!!!"

The little boy's words confused most of the slaves.

A slave who wanted to survive asked hurriedly:"But...But what should we do?"

"Let's remove the handcuffs first!"

A little girl wearing glasses said below.

Everyone looked at her. A whale shark man next to her walked to the boy, lowered his head, and bit the handcuffs with his sharp teeth.

"With a sound of"click", the chain broke under the huge bite force.

""Very good, it's solved, haha! You are indeed a shark man!" the little boy praised.

"many...Thank you for the compliment. This is the first time I have been complimented...."The shark man said shyly.

The slaves were excited as if they saw hope.

The little boy and girl saw that their will to survive had been awakened, and they looked at each other and smiled.

This was planned by the two of them in order to get more people to participate in the escape plan they had already planned.

Then, the shark man bit off the handcuffs of a dozen people around him.

One of the slaves looked at the little boy and the little girl and asked,"Then how can we escape?"

The little girl looked at the man and said confidently,"The prize of this competition is the key to escape!"

"Prizes?" the slaves wondered.


The little girl nodded, and then continued:"It is said that if you eat it, you can transform into the mythical beast 'Blue Dragon', the strongest level one devil fruit. There is another one that can send others or yourself to a distant island. It is called the 'Meat Ball Fruit'. They are on the island!"

"That's right!"

The little boy clenched his fist and agreed. Then he looked at everyone and encouraged them,"If any of us can eat those fruits, dozens of people can escape from this hell and encirclement. Hee-ha!"

At this moment, the little girl took out two Den Den Mushi from her trouser pocket.

"you...How did you get this?" one of the slaves asked in shock.

"I'm an expert in stealing, eavesdropping and communications. This Den Den Mushi was stolen by me from the Celestial Dragon!"

"Two weeks ago, I leaked information about this island to the outside world, so someone should know about it...."

Before she finished her words, a voice came from three meters behind them:"That....Excuse me."

All the slaves were startled and turned their heads to look at the tree trunk three meters away, only to see a white head sticking out of the tree.

The slaves took a step back in fear.

Bai Jue stretched his head and asked curiously:"Are there any other prizes besides the one you just mentioned?"

"you..."Who are you?" the little boy asked loudly, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Another tall boy thought the other party was a bad guy, so he rushed to the front of the crowd and opened his arms to block the other party.

"My name is Bai Jue!"

After Bai Jue answered, he turned to the little girl and asked,"That...Are there any other prizes? You just mentioned two, can you tell me about the rest?"

"Are you from the World Government?" the little girl asked cautiously.

"Ah, no, I am not, I am the will of Madara-sama!" White Zetsu said

"Mr. Ban?"

Hearing this name, the little girl was stunned for a moment, then became excited and asked back:"Is it the Uchiha Madara who killed Rocks?"

"Hey, you actually know Lord Madara!" Bai Zetsu said in surprise

"I have been monitoring the World Government’s phone calls whenever I have time these days. They said that a very powerful person killed the great pirate Rocks. Since you have shown up, it seems that your captain has already arrived~" The little girl said, and introduced herself:"By the way, my name is Ginny, how about we make a deal?"

"Oh, what's the deal?" Bai Jue asked curiously.

Ginny's eyes showed cunning, and she said:"If you help us escape, I will tell you all the information I know!"


Bai Jue glanced at the dozens of people on the other side and felt that it would be a bit difficult for him to rely on himself. There was an ocean outside. If it was land, it would be okay.

"It seems that I can’t do it!"

Bai Zetsu said directly

"Then ask your captain and see if he is willing!" Ginny said unwillingly.

Silly White Zetsu thought that what the other party said made sense, and nodded and said:"Okay, then I will use your Den Den Mushi to make a call and see!"

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