"Everyone get ready!"


The navy commodore on the warship shouted, and more than a dozen shells flew towards the Akatsuki pirate group.

The golden lion stood at the bow, drew out a sword, swung it and shouted:"Chop the wave"

The next moment, a white crescent slash was shot out by the golden lion, hitting the incoming shells

"With a"swoosh" sound, the Golden Lion's slash split a row of shells in two, and the slash flew towards the distant warship without slowing down. The brigadier general on the warship was shocked, drew out his sword, covered with armed color domineering, and also swung a slash.

However, his slash was much smaller than the Golden Lion's. The

Golden Lion's slash knocked away the opponent's attack, and with a loud bang, the deck of the hull exploded


The navy on the ship screamed and was blown away

"Fire and blow them away!" Then, Shiqi waved his hands and shouted.

""Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The pirates on the ship were already on standby and fired their shells.

Not only the Akatsuki pirate group, but also the other pirate groups launched their shell attacks.

The dense shells hit the three warships in front.


A lieutenant general flew into the air, swung his sword and slashed with sword energy, trying to block the incoming shells.

"It's useless, Navy!" Shiki yelled.

Then, Shiki used his two-sword style to strike, and two yellow slashes quickly attacked the Lieutenant General who was stepping on the moon step in the air.

Seeing the attack coming, the Lieutenant General stretched out his sword to block it.

""Bang!" The body of the vice admiral flew backwards and hit the cliff of God Valley.

A large number of rocks rolled down from the mountain and fell on the navy ship, hitting the navy and making them scream.

On the top. The navy responsible for protecting the Celestial Dragons received the news of the attack by the Akatsuki pirates, and immediately ran to the Celestial Dragon who was hosting the competition, and shouted respectfully:"Report, there are a large number of pirates attacking below, including the Akatsuki pirates, and the Roger pirates are also here. For the safety of all the Celestial Dragons, please let the contestants return to the top of the mountain immediately!"

The host was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly ran with his accomplices holding the treasure chest.

At this time in the woods of God Valley, there was a Den Den Mushi broadcasting the latest news every few dozen meters, so these people also heard the navy's report.

‘hair..What happened? '

Some of the pirates who had escaped were stunned.

In the forest, Feigarand Garin took out two Den Den Mushi, dialed the numbers respectively, and ran down the mountain at a very fast speed.

Soon, the call was connected. It was a brigadier general in the east who answered the phone.

"All the navy, retreat, go protect the Celestial Dragons!"

Another call was also connected, and Saint Feigaland Garin shouted to the Den Den Mushi:"The Knights of God attack, target the Akatsuki pirate group!"

On the sea in the south, the Roger Pirates have broken through the shore's defenses, and the number of pirates following them is no less than that of the Akatsuki Pirates. A large number of pirates jumped off the ship, and Roger took the lead in the charge. His members were ready to fight.

Roger had two purposes for this trip. One was to snatch the fruits that the Rocks Pirates wanted, and the other was to release these slaves.

On the east coast, the Golden Lion waved his hand, and a large number of pirates jumped off the ship. Uchiha Madara took the lead in rushing forward.

And where they passed, countless navy officers were lying on the ground, dead and wounded.

The Roger Pirates and the Akatsuki Pirates came to the only way to go up the mountain on the island at the same time, and the two sides looked at each other.

On the uphill, a large number of navy officers pointed their guns at the pirates below. The navy officers' hands holding the guns trembled, and they looked at the large group of pirates in fear. In addition to the terrible existences of the Akatsuki organization, there were also members of the Roger Pirates and some famous pirates in the New World.

""Hurry, get the reinforcements from the west and north, they are going up the mountain!" A commodore shouted.

The sailors began to call and urge the rest of the navy to come quickly.

"You are Uchiha Madara, right?"

Roger called out, but Uchiha Madara ignored him and continued forward.

"With a whoosh!

A red light flashed past, and Uchiha Madara stopped. A cut appeared on the ground in front of him. Uchiha Madara looked down and saw a shocking depth.

"Stop! I won't let you succeed!" Roger said seriously.

"If someone doesn't know, they would think you are a lackey of the navy!"

Uchiha Madara turned his head and replied, then looked at Whitebeard and others and said:"Stop them, I'll go get the things!"

""Kulala, I haven't fought Roger in a long time, leave it to me!"

Whitebeard laughed and rushed towards Roger with Kusanagi.

"Rayleigh, don't try to stop our captain!" Golden Lion raised his knife and shouted at Rayleigh.


Charlotte Linlin laughed and said to Shiki:"You are afraid that you can’t beat Rayleigh, Kaido, go help him!"

"Jabba, let Captain John meet you!"

Captain John pulled out his gun and shot Jabba.


Jabba roared, raising two axes and hitting the incoming bullets.

Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, Flame Flower, and Stussy each chose their opponents, and the minions of the Akatsuki organization also rushed towards each other. The other members of the pirate group who followed Uchiha Madara rushed up the mountain desperately.

Just as Uchiha Madara was about to go up the mountain, a slash came from the mountain in the distance.

Uchiha Madara dodged sideways, and the huge slash extended to dozens of meters away from the ground with a"boom". It exploded.

At the same time, Whitebeard's fist collided with Roger's Ace, and the collision of their moves was louder than the explosion.

"Uchiha Madara, don't even think about going over there!"

Feigarand Garin Saint stood in the center of the navy and said in a cold voice.

Uchiha Madara looked up and found that there were a total of six people coming.

"Tell me now! Where is Roger!!!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the bottom of the mountain, and the people fighting in the field tacitly chose to stop.

I saw Garp leading a large group of naval elites running up. There was someone beside Garp who Uchiha Madara knew, that was Bogart

"Reinforcements have arrived, it’s Vice Admiral Garp!"

"We are saved!"

The navy on the hillside was very excited when they saw Garp coming.

"All navy retreat, go to the mountains to protect the Celestial Dragons!"

Feigarande Galin Saint waved his hand and gave the order to the navy.

""Go!" the brigadier general shouted, and the sailors rushed up the mountain with their weapons.

"Roger! You bastard!"

As soon as Garp approached, his eyes were fixed on Roger, and he shouted excitedly

""Hahaha! Garp, it turns out it's you, the old immortal!" Roger responded with a laugh.

""Roger, what have you been doing lately? I haven't heard from you much!"

Garp seemed to pay no attention to the situation on the battlefield and started chatting with Roger.

"I haven't been out to sea for more than a year. I'm practicing. How about you?" Roger was also very nervous and seemed to have a lot to say. He asked hurriedly.

"Hey, Lieutenant General, pay attention to the atmosphere in the field!"

Bogart reminded awkwardly.

"Sorry! I forgot, hahahaha!"

Garp scratched his head and laughed, then looked at the Uchiha class, Whitebeard and others who were all indifferent.

"Hey, you are Whitebeard’s captain, Uchiha Madara, right?"

"Now I'm here, if you're smart, leave immediately!"

Garp looked at Uchiha Madara and said confidently.

Uchiha Madara pretended to be puzzled and asked Garp:"Oh? What if I'm not smart? What are you going to do?"

"I'll make you smarter!" Karp said seriously, and gave a look to the elites behind him. Bogart and others stepped forward.

"In that case, come on, let me weigh you, what confidence do you have to say this!" Uchiha Madara said in a low voice, and waved to Garp.

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