"Shiki seems to be a little bit exhausted~"

By chance, Uchiha Madara sensed that Golden Lion Shiki was a little bit overwhelmed, and used this as an excuse to say.

Everyone's observation Haki attainments were not low, and they clearly sensed that Shiki was 1 vs 4, and there were some dangers.

"Although these little tricks that are not very presentable are more than enough to deal with you!"

"But the delay is indeed a bit long!"

Uchiha Madara nodded to himself.

Then, Uchiha Madara looked at Garp and said:"In this case, let you try my medium-level moves!"

"Medium move?"

Thinking of this word, Garp immediately became angry and shouted:"Stop looking down on me!"

Uchiha Madara didn't care about the other party's anger and directly launched Susanoo.

The next moment, the skeleton of Uchiha Madara quickly took shape, and arms and legs grew out.

Susanoo's body quickly grew taller, and meridians and muscles gathered on his arms.

Armor appeared on Susanoo, and two wings grew behind Susanoo.

Susanoo clenched his hands, and two chakra swords instantly appeared in Susanoo's hands.


Kaido in the distance widened his eyes and looked at the giant who was over a hundred meters tall with a trembling voice.

"Fake...It must be fake!"

Karp's angry expression disappeared, replaced by shock.

"this...How is this possible!"

Charlotte Lingling couldn't believe it.

"Captain, it seems to be even harder to deal with!"Rayleigh stared at the giant, trying to find the giant's weakness.

"I...I know!" Roger replied seriously.

The battle on Whitebeard's side stopped when the giant appeared, and they were all stunned. At the highest position in the Valley of Gods.

Saint Satan looked at the giant and said solemnly:"This...What kind of fruit is this?"

"It seems that this is not included in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, it should be a new mythical beast!"

"We don't know how powerful this giant is, let's wait and see!"

Saint Macas Maz replied.

Halfway up the mountain,

Uchiha Madara's voice came from above:"What? Are you so scared that you dare not take action?"

"Humph, what's the use of being big, watch me beat him to pieces for you!"

Garp was stubborn and unwilling to admit that the opponent's move shocked him. He replied, and then gathered his Armament Haki in his right hand.

Uchiha Madara, who was hit by Susanoo, certainly would not let the opponent beat him. He directly gathered his Armament Haki into a chakra sword. He swept towards Garp who was rushing.

In an instant, the huge chakra sword hit Garp. Garp felt like he was hit by a speeding warship, and his body flew backwards. The lightsaber's slash was too fast. Roger, Rayleigh, and Charlotte Linlin had no time to respond, and could only use the blade to block in front of themselves.

"With a"bang" sound, the three people were chopped away by the giant sword, and their bodies shot into the sea like cannonballs.

The powerful slash followed them.


Susano's slash made a huge explosion on the sea surface, splashing the sea water hundreds of meters high. The huge waves caused by the explosion overturned several ships on the shore, and the huge waves rushed from the shore to the middle of the mountain.

"How is it possible!"

On the top of the mountain, the two Five Elders who witnessed the attack said in disbelief.

The power just displayed by the opponent was not inferior to theirs, and the two of them became very alert.

"Such people cannot live in this world!"

Saint Satan said directly

"That's right, he must be eliminated!" Marcus Mazsan nodded in agreement.


Roger's shout came from the sea

""Don't think you are great just because you are big!"

The next second, Roger ran from the shore at a very fast speed, with Garp on his right.

When they were fifty meters away from Uchiha Madara, Roger and Garp kicked their legs on the ground, and the two jumped thirty or forty meters high.

Roger's domineering aura wrapped around Ace, and shouted:"God avoid!"

Uchiha Madara, who had read Roger's information in his previous life, did not dare to be careless. Roger's flying slash attack would avoid the opponent's weapon and hit the body directly.

Uchiha Madara immediately covered Susanoo with armed aura, and slashed at Roger with a huge sword blade, and slapped Garp with another."

Bang!" With a loud bang, the earth shook.

Garp was slapped to the ground like a fly by this huge sword, and a deep pit in the shape of a big character appeared on the ground.

Roger's flying slash flew past the side of Uchiha Madara's lightsaber and hit Susanoo's waist. Roger's blade hit Uchiha Madara's lightsaber.


There was a trace of cracking at the waist, but it was quickly repaired.

"With a"whoosh" sound, a shock wave and a slash came from a distance. They were Rayleigh and Charlotte Linlin. Their attacks went straight to the Susanoo Prism.


Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, ignoring the attacks of the two. Susanoo's prism is the hardest part of Susanoo, and now it has the blessing of domineering. Uchiha Madara doesn't think that the opponent has the strength to break it. If Roger hits there, he will have to be cautious.

Red lightning flashed on Roger's blade, and his Ace was like a small match in front of the chakra sword.

Uchiha Madara swung hard, and Roger seemed to know Uchiha's plan. He turned sideways in advance, turned the blade, and crossed his chest with the blade. Then, at the moment when the lightsaber passed by, Roger stepped on the lightsaber, used it as a springboard, and shot at Uchiha Madara's Susanoo's body.


With a loud noise, Uchiha Madara's prism exploded. The two's slashes were not to be underestimated. Susano's head was knocked back by them.

At this time, Roger was about to swing his sword, but the blade in Susano's hand disappeared and he punched Roger.

Roger underestimated Susano's speed, and his fist was too big, so he didn't have time to dodge.


Roger, who was hit hard by a punch, smashed to the top of the God Valley Mountain.

Roger Rayleigh was knocked away, and while running quickly, he charged a blow and shouted:"One-sword style·Draw and cut!"

The slash of a hundred meters flew out of his hand, and the position was exactly the calf of the Susanoo Giant.

Uchiha Madara swung the lightsaber in his right hand.

The powerful shock wave instantly knocked away the opponent's slash,"Boom boom boom!" Three consecutive explosions sounded, and the shock waves generated by the explosions blew away Charlotte Linlin and Rayleigh.

The God Valley was shaking.

After a few seconds, the light of the explosion dissipated, and Garp, who came out of the soil with the moon step, found that the hillside had disappeared, and a large amount of sea water was rushing over, and even several ships were brought over by the surging sea water.

When Garp was shocked, he suddenly realized that danger was coming

""Not good!"

With a bang, Karp's feet and head hurt, and stars appeared in his eyes.

The smell of moist soil entered his nose, and a trace of blood flowed from the top of his head to his face. Karp, who was dizzy for several seconds, looked up and found that he was back in the pit.

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