Uchiha Madara's actions stunned the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates

"I...Did I hear that correctly?...He is...Are you going to fight the navy alone?"

Izo was so shocked that he stuttered, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

"Dad, shall we go?"

Marco asked

"Kulala~ The navy should be finished!"

Whitebeard laughed and said, then turned to his sons and warned:"Watch carefully, this is the strong man of the old times!"

People around the world who were watching the live broadcast stood there in a daze, and Yamato on Onigashima was even more fanatical.

"How arrogant! He actually wants to challenge our navy alone!"

Akainu said angrily.

"Let the Seven Warlords test his strength first!" Aokiji said slowly

"It's so scary~" Kizaru's expression became much more serious.

Garp rubbed his fists, walked slowly forward with a firm gaze.

At this time, Uchiha Madara stood on the ice, looking forward.

Although Uchiha Madara did not move, the momentum of him standing there alone made the Seven Warlords feel the pressure doubled. Mingge could no longer laugh, and Moria did not dare to yell to collect his shadow. They also heard the other party's words clearly, this was not a joke. Hawkeye held the black knife in his hand, with a fighting spirit on his face.

At this moment, the originally clear sky suddenly darkened.

Uchiha Madara stepped forward lightly with his right foot, and then his left foot.

Watching the other party slowly approaching, Sengoku on the execution platform looked at the Seven Warlords and shouted:"Don't be careless, the other party is a strong man from the last era! All of you come together"


As Sengoku shouted, Uchiha Madara sped up and started to jog.

""Here they come!" the giant lieutenant general shouted, and instantly, countless people's hearts were in their throats.

"Don't look him in the eye!" Cap yelled

"Uh ah~~~"

The marines raised their swords and roared. 100,000 people rushed out at once.

Garp, the three admirals, and Vice Admiral Tsuru were stunned. What kind of order did Sengoku give?

Sengoku was also a little confused. He was clearly shouting at the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so why did all the marines run over?

"It's really spectacular!"

Looking at the densely packed navy rushing towards him, Jinbei was extremely shocked.


Luffy was stunned when he saw Uchiha Madara running fast in front of him.

The Seven Warlords wanted to take action, but now that they saw a large number of navy passing them and rushing to the ice, they also decided to see what happened first.

""Tap, tap, tap~"

Uchiha Madara ran faster and faster, looking at the densely packed navy in front of him, without a trace of fear.

The 100,000 navy shouted and rushed towards Uchiha Madara.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

Uchiha Madara didn't attack, but just relied on his strong physical fitness and the momentum of running, knocking away more than a dozen people like a locomotive.

Uchiha Madara rushed around and scared the surrounding marines.

The marines who reacted raised their swords and chopped. Uchiha Madara kicked the opponent's waist with a whip kick, and the marine flew out instantly. Another marine colonel's long stick attacked, and Uchiha Madara kicked the opponent's wrist. The moment the stick fell off, he kicked the stick with his left foot, and the spinning stick flew to the back of several people.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

The three marines were hit on the head and fell to the ground instantly. The colonel, who had lost his stick, only felt a kick on his cheek. The next second, he felt his head being trampled by gravity. The three blades that attacked Uchiha Madara chopped the colonel.


Uchiha Madara used the force to glare and jumped into the crowd ten meters away.

The moment he landed, the powerful impact knocked away seven or eight ordinary marines around him.

The marines who reacted raised their swords and slashed at Uchiha Madara's waist. Uchiha Madara jumped high, and the moment the sword passed under his feet, he stepped on the sword and kicked his legs to both sides in the air. The two marines who rushed over were kicked in the face. The huge force made them fly backwards and knocked down a large number of people.

Then Uchiha Madara pressed his legs heavily, stepped on the sword of the person in front of him, grabbed the opponent's left hand, and swung it hard.

The marines attacking from all around were swept away by the man in Uchiha Madara's hand.

"With a whoosh, the man was thrown out like a cannonball.


A navy soldier holding a gun roared and fired two bullets at Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara tilted his head

"Uh wow~"

The two marines who were attacking Uchiha Madara from the side screamed. They were accidentally injured by the bullet.

"Don't shoot!"

Sengoku on the high platform shouted hurriedly.

The person who wanted to shoot didn't dare to shoot again after seeing that he accidentally injured the navy. He rushed towards Uchiha Madara again with a knife.

Marco, who was watching the battle, was shocked and said,"What a terrible fighting skill~"

In the field.

Uchiha Madara was like a no man's land in the 100,000 troops. Wherever he went, no navy could hold on for a second. Only those who attacked Uchiha Madara were either beaten away or injured and screamed.

"Bastard! Try this!"

A navy man in the crowd saw Uchiha Madara so brave and immediately took out the detonating tag he had distributed before.

There was a kunai tied to it.

"Hmm? What is that?"

Uchiha Madara was stunned for a moment.

The marine on the opposite side thought that the other party was frightened and threw it out.

Uchiha Madara turned around and kicked a marine more than two meters high into the air. He grabbed the kunai with his right hand, quickly tore off the thread on the kunai with his left hand, and used the detonating talisman to stick to the person who attacked him, and then kicked the person to a crowded place. After doing all this, Uchiha Madara threw the kunai with his right hand at the person who had just thrown the kunai.




The sound of flesh being pierced and screams, as well as the sound of the man being kicked away, the man with the detonating talisman shouted in panic:"Hurry, help me..."

The people around him were all in panic.

Before he could finish his words, the place where he was standing exploded.


With a roar, a two-meter-long saber slashed towards Uchiha Madara.

The moment Uchiha Madara dodged sideways, he took a step forward and stabbed with his palm. The brigadier general whose wrist was stabbed felt that his hand was immediately useless, and he couldn't even hold the sword steadily and it fell. At the moment when the sword was about to fall to the ground, Uchiha Madara grabbed the sword and turned around to slash,"Ugh!"

The three marines who were slashed screamed.


Suddenly, two hands stretched out from under the ice, trying to grab Uchiha Madara's feet.

How could Uchiha Madara be caught by such a ninjutsu? He kicked his feet in advance, exerted force on his waist in the air, changed his direction and kicked the three-meter-tall brigadier general at the same time.

The moment he landed, Uchiha Madara stepped on the two hands, pressed hard, and pressed the man's head into the ice.

Screams were also heard from inside:"Uh ah~"

"Swish, swish, swish~"

Uchiha Madara spun the blade and dived into the crowd.

Every time the white blade light spun a marine fell to the ground.

"You bastard, stop being so arrogant!"

Smoker raised his ten hands and slashed at Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara bent down to avoid it, turned around, grabbed the marine who was attacking him from behind with both feet, and carried him on his shoulders.


The sound of ten weapons breaking through the air rang out.

Uchiha Madara carried a marine on his left and right feet and took two steps back to dodge, and Smoker's attack missed.

Then, Uchiha Madara grabbed the man on his body and threw him at Dashiki next to him.


The navy that was knocked out crashed into Dashiki, and the two rolled on the ice.

Smoker was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he met Uchiha Madara's eyes, and Smoker's pupils widened.

"With a"bang", a big hand grabbed his neck.

Smoker's face turned red, and he couldn't believe that he was restrained in an instant.

"Do you want to dance too?"

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