"What is he going to do?"

Kizaru asked solemnly.

"I don't know, maybe it's some dangerous ninjutsu!" Aokiji expressed his opinion.

Akainu silently clenched his fists, took a step forward, and was ready to attack at any time.

"Dad, what is he going to do?

Marco asked Whitebeard hurriedly.

"I don't know, I've never seen him use this trick!"

Whitebeard replied calmly.

"It seems like the other party is going to perform some powerful moves again. Let's retreat first. When the navy attacks, we will definitely be implicated!"

Brother 3 hurriedly said to the people around him.

When everyone heard this, they thought it made a lot of sense. Even Buggy and his group with cameras quickly got off the boat and ran towards Whitebeard. On the execution platform, Sengoku frowned, thinking of the fire escape ninjutsu performed by the other party, and immediately shouted:"Water escape ninjutsu, get ready!"

After shouting, Sengoku was suddenly stunned, because he found that the other party had actually released the giant, and the hand that was holding the seal was also loosened.

"Did he fail to use it or what happened?" Vice Admiral He asked in some doubt.

"No, look at his expression!"

Aokiji shouted hurriedly.

Everyone stared at Uchiha Madara's face and found that he was smiling arrogantly.

On the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard frowned and slowly raised his head.

The sky, which was originally clear, suddenly became dark.

Many people on the navy side looked up at the sky.

"This bastard!!!"

Zhan Guo gritted his teeth, his whole body trembling, looking at the thing in the sky, and cursed angrily

"Fake...It must be fake~"

Kizaru said with cold sweat on his forehead

"open...What a joke!"Doflamingo looked up at the sky, no longer calm.

"How...How is it possible!"

Hancock was terrified.

Hawkeye held the black knife Night tightly and looked up at the sky in disbelief.

Akainu's eyes widened and his face turned pale.

Garp clenched his fist tightly, and a drop of cold sweat slid down his face.

"What on earth is that?"

Smoker looked at the huge black shadow in the sky, puzzled.

""Pada~" A navy blade with strong observation Haki fell to the ground, and said in despair:"This bastard~"

Ivankov trembled all over as he looked at Uchiha Madara who was showing an evil smile

"How can it be?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Is that a ninjutsu?"

"How could there be meteorites?"

"There's no way to escape. Is he going to catch us all in one fell swoop?"


As the huge monster in the sky got closer and closer to the ground, the navy also discovered the huge meteorite in the sky.

The navy was frightened and their faces turned pale.

Some timid navy even peed their pants. Belumber and Coby were shaking all over like sieves. The pirate in charge of the live broadcast was a little puzzled at first, but seeing that those people were looking at the sky, he pointed the camera at the sky.

The next second, the pirate holding the camera stood there in a daze.

The huge monster in the sky was immediately seen by the audience through the live broadcast.

Sabaody Archipelago

"How can it be!!!"

"He actually summoned a meteorite!!"

The reporters watching the live broadcast were stunned, so shocked that they even forgot to film.

Onigashima. Yamato was even more enthusiastic. Seeing Uchiha Madara perform this move, he was so excited that he wanted to stamp his feet.

Quinn forgot to smoke his cigar, staring blankly at the meteorite that covered the sky in the picture.

"How is this possible?"

Jack said in a muffled voice.

"It's ridiculously strong~ Can meteorites be used in battle?" Jin said in surprise.

In Pangu City.

As the rulers of the world government.

The five of them watched the live broadcast on the screen and were stunned.

Saint Satan, who was the first to react, said solemnly:"It seems that we were lucky at the beginning, otherwise if he had used this trick, the Celestial Dragons in the Valley of Gods would have been finished!"

Shepard ten Peter Saint nodded with a serious face.

"This kind of person must be executed! He can't be allowed to live in this world anymore! He will threaten our rule."Macas Maz Saint said with cold sweat.

"But what should we do? Now the enemy is at the Navy Headquarters, there are so many people there, it is not convenient for us to reveal our strength."Topman Wachuri said helplessly

"According to CP's report two days ago, Kaido has left Onigashima. I guess he came here for this war. I guess he should be nearby. I plan to call him over and give him some benefits so that he will cooperate with the three admirals to kill Uchiha Madara!"




""Second," the other four echoed.

Soon, Saint Satan called Kaido, but no one answered after a long time.

"What's going on!"

Saint Satan frowned.

At the same time, below the meteorite of the Navy Headquarters, Kaido, who had turned into a blue dragon, stared blankly at the meteorite that covered the sky above. His eyes were wide open.

"This bastard Uchiha Madara actually used a meteorite to attack me!"

"But you underestimated me too much!"

Kaido roared and rushed towards the meteorite.

Obviously, Kaido thought that the meteorite was a sign that Uchiha Madara had discovered his arrival and was prepared for him.

In the square below, countless marines seemed to have been drained of their energy and spirit, and their morale was gone.

"Our strength....It's simply not in the same dimension!"

Tina murmured as she looked at the meteorite in the sky.

"Is this the power of God?" Tashigi said in fear.

Garp heard countless navy officers saying discouraging words, and he grabbed the loud speaker of the navy next to him and shouted,"It's not over yet~ What discouraging words are you saying!"

"Are you planning to throw away your life in vain?"

"Try to do something within your power!"

Karp shouted, took off his clothes, and rushed towards the meteorite in the sky with moon steps.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

The navy shouted excitedly when they saw Garp facing the meteorite alone.

Aokiji saw Garp's action, put his hands on the ground and adjusted his breathing. He was not sure if he could block the meteorite.

Akainu on the side had already prepared his magma fist, and his fist was still expanding, it seemed that he wanted to attack the meteorite.

""Everyone! Run as far as you can!"

Zhan Guo shouted from the execution platform with a loud speaker.

In an instant, the navy in the square rushed to all directions.

"you...You bastard, do you want us to be killed too?"

Izo asked loudly, with horror on his face.

Uchiha Madara smiled as he looked at Garp rushing towards the sky, but did not answer Izo's question.

""Kulala~ Calm down, son. Daddy is here. Don't be afraid!"

Whitebeard said with a big laugh.

He didn't believe that the three admirals and Garp would watch the meteorite fall.

""Run, Luffy!"

Ivankov hurriedly shouted at Luffy who was standing there stupidly, still looking at the meteorite in the sky. Luffy

's face turned pale and he nodded mechanically.

The pirates in charge of the live broadcast ran away with the camera. The pirates and the navy mixed together. At this time, in order to escape, no one attacked anyone.

"You guy, aren’t you afraid that you will be killed by your own moves?"

"You don't seem to be a natural ability user!"

Crocodile said with a cold sweat.

"Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about you. If they can't catch it, the ice will explode and you will probably be dragged into the water!"

Uchiha Madara said in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Crocodile's face turned green and he quickly used the sand element to escape into the distance.


At this moment, Uchiha Madara discovered a creature attached to the meteorite below.

"A flying blue dragon?"

"Then he should be Kaido's kid!"

Uchiha Madara said lightly.

When Garp, who was rushing towards the meteorite, saw the dragon under the meteorite, he was stunned for a moment.


"Damn, it's so heavy!

Kaido tried to lift it with his body, but he underestimated the weight of the meteorite. Suddenly, he found someone calling him. He looked over and saw it was Garp.

"What a joke, it's just a meteorite of a few kilometers!"

Kaido roared, and a large amount of flames came out of his body.

"I didn't expect that he was actually helping our navy?"

On the execution platform, Sengoku was shocked.

Kizaru and Akainu also looked at Kaido dragging the meteorite in the sky in disbelief.

""Hurry, help him, Aokiji, he seems to be struggling!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru shouted hurriedly.

For the safety of the navy, Aokiji had to cooperate with the other party.

He pressed his hands on the ground.

The next moment, an icicle with a diameter of more than 500 meters shot up into the sky.

When Garp saw the icicle coming, he quickly dodged.


He also discovered Aokiji's fruit ability, and it seemed that he was here to help him. Kaido did not refuse.


A huge ice column pressed against the meteorite. Aokiji activated his ability again, and the column that pressed against the meteorite spread to both sides. Two huge ice palms held up the meteorite in the middle.


Seeing the meteorite stop, Kaido breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Aokiji below wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead. This move had a large range and consumed a lot of his energy.

"Kaido has become more powerful!"

Looking at the meteorite that stopped in front of him, Uchiha Madara said lightly

"Yo! That's great!"


"We are saved!"

Countless pirates of the navy fell to the ground after surviving the disaster.

In the sky, Kaido seemed to have turned the game around, and said proudly:"Haha, Uchiha Madara, you are nothing but this!"

The fleeing pirates, navy, and Sengoku looked at Uchiha Madara, wanting to see what he would say.


Uchiha Madara's voice was very calm

"What are you going to do with the second one, Kaido!"

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