
An explosion sounded above Shanks' head, followed by an explosion on the ground. Roger raised his sword and stood in front of Shanks and the others.

Shanks reacted quickly and took out his Griffin Chopper and jumped high to face the giant's other sword.


Red lightning burst out between the two swords. Uchiha Madara pushed hard. Red Hair felt the huge force coming down and quickly changed his moves to prevent the sword from knocking him out.

He held the sword with one hand, slid along the blade of the giant sword, leaned back, and slashed the sword against Griffin. The powerful impact caused an explosion on the ice in the distance.

The cadres of the Red Hair Pirates stared at the place where the explosion occurred with wide eyes.

This attack range is simply a joke.

Red Hair landed on the ground, and Roger next to him lost his strength in his arm. His figure flashed, and the big sword slashed on the ice. There was another explosion. This time the explosion was very close. The members of the Red Hair Pirates used their domineering power to protect their heads with their arms.

After the explosion, Uchiha Madara held up his two swords and looked at them.

"It seems that it is not easy to deal with, Captain!"

Jesus said with cold sweat.

"Indeed~" the red-haired man said solemnly

"The opponent can deliver a blow with more destructive power than the great swordsman with just one strike. You really messed with someone you can't mess with, Captain!"

Beckman said, smoking a cigarette.

"There is no other way. Even if it is difficult to fight, you have to go. This is the consciousness of a man!"The red-haired man said, looking at Uchiha Madara with a determined face.


Roger shouted at Shanks, who turned to look at Roger.

Roger said with a serious face,"Uchiha Madara is in the same state as me now, he is an immortal being!"

Roger said this, stabbed his heart with a knife, then pulled the knife back and demonstrated it to Shanks and the others.

Shanks and the others widened their eyes.

"How could there be such a move?"

Shanks said in disbelief.

"So, Uchiha Madara is not easy to deal with!"

"This move is called the Impure World Reincarnation Technique. No matter how badly injured one is, one will recover in a certain period of time, even if the head is smashed and the bones are broken!"

When these words came out, Jesus and the others' faces changed color. If that was the case, then why fight?

Beckman frowned and asked,"I guess there should be a way to deal with him, right?"

Roger nodded and said,"Indeed there is"

"Need a seal"

"All we need to do is break his tortoise shell, so that his body is severely damaged and he can't resist, and then tie him up with a seal, that's all!"

Roger explained.

"Are you sure?" Beckman asked.

"Not sure!"Roger said seriously.


"Hahaha! I guess, it should be like this, it failed just now probably because Aokiji's ice blocked the seal, I think so!"

Roger said with a big laugh

"I think Roger is right!" Cap agreed

"Have you discussed it?"

Uchiha Madara asked in a low voice in Susanoo.

He wanted to make these people feel hopeful, so that they would have motivation to fight. Otherwise, if they became six paths in a flash, it would be no different from the Celestial Dragons slaughtering those slaves. So he gave them time to discuss it.

"Now that we know the weakness, it will be easy to deal with. Besides, this kind of giant is not really unbreakable!"

Shanks said confidently.

After that, he raised Griffin and looked at Roger next to him. The two nodded in tacit understanding.

"With a"swish!" sound, the two rushed towards Uchiha Madara at an extremely fast speed.

While running, the two adjusted their breathing, and the moment the sword saw them, Roger took the lead.

He chopped the incoming sword with one sword. Shanks dived towards the giant from the explosion, close to the ground.

Uchiha Madara chopped with the sword again, and the red-haired Shanks swung out a slash and shouted:"God avoid!"

The moment the slash was made, Shanks' body rushed over along the slash.

"Ping Pong~"

The giant sword and Shanks's slash collided.

At this time, they were facing the giant of Uchiha Madara, and the direction Shanks rushed to was the right foot of the Susanoo giant.

Seeing Shanks' attack, Uchiha Madara controlled Susanoo, covered with domineering power, and kicked Shanks.

Thunder jumped on Shanks's blade, and he stabbed the giant's right foot with one hand


Uchiha Madara in Susanoo was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, and then his face showed excitement.


With a sound, Susanoo's right foot broke, and Shanks rushed into Susanoo's right foot. Susanoo retracted the blade in his left hand and slashed at Shanks under his feet. Shanks turned around and slashed at Uchiha Madara above him with his domineering aura.

A mental force attacked, Uchiha Madara's eyes glared, and Shanks below was stunned for a moment.

When he reacted, he was hit by the giant sword.


Marinford was shaken by an earthquake.


Jesus shouted worriedly.

"With a"whoosh", Shanks crawled out of the hole and said with a serious face:"I'm fine!"


Shanks coughed twice. Although the previous slash did not cause any damage to him, his internal organs were hit by a huge force, causing vibrations and some discomfort.


The sound of swords colliding rang out, and Roger did a backflip, pulling away from Uchiha Madara's sword.

"Brat, you are still a little naive if you want to use Conqueror's Haki against me!"

Uchiha Madara said in a low voice in Susanoo. Shanks stood there without saying a word. He did not expect the other party's mental strength to be so strong, which made the red-haired man feel a little tricky.

Roger, who was far away, saw Shanks like this and said with a smile:"The other party is not an ordinary person. Let's join forces!" Shanks did not speak and chose to default.

Then, Roger looked at the three admirals and Kaido and shouted:"Let's go together and get rid of him first. Otherwise, if this kind of person survives, it will endanger the sea. He is a more ambitious person than Rocks!"

After Roger finished speaking, he looked at Kaido who was still standing there and shouted:"Hey, bull-headed brat, aren't you going to take action?"

""Hmph!" Kaido snorted coldly and walked over.

"Count me in!"

At this time, Beckman came over smoking a cigarette.

"And I!"

"And me!"


The members of the Red Hair Pirates came over one after another.

"Hey, this is not a joke. If you don't have any strength, don't join in. It will kill people!" Garp kindly reminded.

Akainu on the side wished that there were as many people as possible, and hurriedly shouted to Garp:"Garp! Take care of yourself first!"


Uchiha Madara saw more and more people coming and said excitedly:"Come together, you will all die in my hands in the end anyway. If you unite now, maybe we can still have a chance to seal me!"

"This is my final advice!"

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