
Seeing Shanks' crew being drowned in fists, Roger immediately swung his sword and slashed with it. The slash flew out for hundreds of meters and more than a hundred fists were cut off, but then, another wave of fists came.

Uchiha Madara on top of the Buddha statue clasped his hands together and controlled the giant Buddha's arms to hit Sengoku.

Seeing so many fists coming at him, Sengoku knew that he couldn't stop the speed of his punches, so he gathered his armed color domineering all over his body and tried to resist.

Aokiji in the distance was afraid that the marshal could not resist, so he pressed his hands on the ground and gathered a lot of ice around the marshal. The next second, a super-large ice ball appeared where Sengoku was standing, and Sengoku was protected in the ice by Aokiji's ability.

Roger remembered that he was immortal, so he flew in front of Sengoku, swung his sword twice, chopped off hundreds of fists, and then covered his whole body with powerful domineering, trying to use his body to help Sengoku block these punches.

"With a"bang", Roger flew back and hit the ice block.

The next second, a dense fist hit Roger.

"Boom~ Boom~ Boom~ Boom~ Boom~"

Dense fists bombarded the ice block on the ice surface. After only dozens of punches, the ice block exploded, revealing the Sengoku Armament Haki and Six Styles-Gong's posture.

The moment Roger was attacked by the fists, he blocked in front of Sengoku.

The dense fists instantly engulfed the two.

"Boom boom boom!!!!"

With each punch, the ice surface shook. After nearly a thousand punches, the giant's arm retracted.

At this time, the giant attacking Kizaru and his men stopped. Kaido, Akainu, Garp, and Aokiji looked at the place that was attacked by a thousand fists.

Red-haired Beckman ran quickly to the place where Jesus Bu was attacked before.

"Jesus Bu!!! Punch!!!"

Red Hair shouted at Jesus Bu and Mengshida's bodies.

Jesus Bu's head shrank into his stomach, and Mengshida's stomach was flat. The two died miserably. This was also because Uchiha Madara took special care of them. He added domineering power to his fists when attacking them, so the power was stronger than ordinary fists.


Beckman shouted angrily, quickly drew his gun and shot at Uchiha Madara.

On the Buddha statue, Uchiha Madara raised his right hand, activated the repulsive force on his hand, and grabbed the bullet firmly in his hand.

Then, after playing with the bullet with one hand, Uchiha Madara clamped it with both hands and said coldly:"A weakling like this is not qualified to dance at all. He has no strength and doesn't know the height of the world. He actually dared to attack me. This is the price!" After that, Uchiha Madara aimed at the body of Jesus Bu below and fired.

The bullet was blessed by the repulsive force, and it spun very quickly and shot at Jesus Bu's body.


The red-haired man raised Griffin to block the flying bullet.

"You bastard!"

The red-haired man saw that Uchiha Madara actually wanted to attack Jesus' body. He was originally angry because of the death of his companions, but now he was even more angry.

"Can..."Damn it!"

A weak voice came from the pit attacked by thousands of arms.

The next second, an icicle slowly rose from the pit, and Zhan Guo lay on the icicle. At this time, he was in tatters, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his whole body was covered with scars.

""Hua La La~"

On the side of the icicle, Roger's broken body was recovering and making sounds.

If he hadn't helped Zhan Guo to bear most of the damage just now, Zhan Guo would have been dead.

"Thank you very much!"

Zhan Guo turned his head and said gratefully to Roger.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm only helping this sea. If you die, there will be one less high-end combat force. Uchiha Madara is too difficult to deal with. You can't get hurt!"

Roger stated his point of view.

The navy watching the battle around couldn't believe that the marshal was almost seriously injured with just one blow.

"How despicable! You even said that the Marshal should use both hands, but you only use the 998 arms at the back!"Kizaru was speechless.

"I just thought the thing behind him was just for decoration, what a bastard!"

Karp echoed

"Well, now that the weak have left, there is no need to continue using this method!"

On the big Buddha, Uchiha Madara said this and released the wooden clone.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

There was a dense sound of wood falling to the ground, and the giant Susanos were also released.

"Everyone, be careful. I think the other party is going to use this big Buddha to attack us!"

Aokiji guessed Uchiha Madara's plan and said it out loud.

After this, several people stood together solemnly. They still remembered the attack that Sengoku had just suffered. If there were more people, it would be easier to deal with it. Even Kaido stood on the side of the navy.


Uchiha Madara's voice was drawn out.

This made the people below alert.

"Let me ask you something. Do you think the Great Buddha is easier to deal with, or Susanoo is easier to deal with?"

Uchiha Madara pretended to be curious and asked

"Bastard Uchiha Madara, what do you want to do now?" Garp asked immediately without letting up.

"Your giant is indeed very strong, but it is not so easy to hurt us. I admit that your giant Buddha can hurt us, but the defense is insufficient. There are so many of us here, we can easily break it. You want to hurt us like you just hurt Marshal Sengoku, but it is not so easy!"

Akainu said loudly.

"I don't believe you can create hundreds of Buddhas like you did with your clones!" Kaido added

""Little brat, you underestimate my Uchiha Madara's strength!"

Uchiha Madara stared at Kaido and said in a low voice, then he put his hands together.

He really couldn't do it, but he wouldn't admit it. He did this to scare them.

Sure enough.

As soon as Uchiha Madara made this move, the people below became nervous, even the red-haired man full of hatred looked up solemnly.

""Forget it~"

Uchiha Madara on the Buddha statue said lightly, loosened his hands and said:"Since you are so scared, I won’t use this trick!"

"Who is afraid? If you have the ability, use it!"

Akainu shouted unconvinced, the unnatural look on his face betrayed him.

"Hehe~" Uchiha Madara sneered and said to himself:"I heard you say that Susanoo can't hurt you, the Buddha can hurt you, but the defense is not enough...."

Uchiha Madara finished speaking, pretending to be in deep thought, and then asked curiously:"What do you think if the two are combined?"


Akainu looks unhappy

"answer...It should be...it shouldn't be possible!"

Kizaru was so frightened that his face turned pale and he couldn't speak clearly.

"Uchiha Madara, stop pretending, use it if you want to. You killed our brother, even if I die, I will do my best to kill you today!"

Beckman next to the red-haired man said directly. He also guessed the other party's intention and said it directly.

Uchiha Madara on the Buddha statue stared at Beckman and said coldly:"Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill your wish!"

The moment Uchiha Madara's voice fell, blue energy began to gather from the lower body of the Buddha and covered it.

Then, the lower body of the Buddha changed. The appearance of two legs made the Buddha statue's body rise again, and the huge Buddha statue stood up.

The next moment, blue energy gathered on the Buddha statue, covered with layers of scale armor, and a prism protected Uchiha Madara on the top of the Buddha's head.

Thousands of arms stretched out behind the standing Buddha statue, and each arm was wrapped with blue protection.

The Buddha statue over two kilometers tall stood between heaven and earth.

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