As Uchiha Madara slapped the ground with his right hand, a huge monster suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the monster's roar resounded through the sky:


As the monster roared, a strong wind blew out of its mouth, blowing Roger and the red-haired man's hair into the air.

"What is that?"

Kizaru looked at the ferocious face of the monster in front of him, and became extremely cautious.

"I don't know, maybe it's another difficult existence to deal with!" Aokiji guessed


Roger suddenly noticed something strange about the Seven Warlords and looked over.

At this time, the bear's sunglasses had disappeared, leaving only two bloody holes in his eye sockets, and Black Zetsu was slowly crawling on the bear's body, fading away, and the other party was holding two eyeglasses in his hands.

""No, stop him! Don't let him give the eye to Uchiha Madara!"

Roger shouted hurriedly.

Without Roger's reminder, Kizaru appeared in front of Black Zetsu at an extremely fast speed.

"With a"whoosh" sound, Black Zetsu escaped into the ice layer.

"Freeze moment!"

Aokiji had already pressed his hands to the ground, wanting to reinforce the area where the opponent slipped away, leaving the opponent with no way to escape, but he underestimated Black Zetsu's ability to escape. Black Zetsu quickly shuttled through the ice and arrived at Uchiha Madara in a few seconds.

""Master Ban!"

Black Zetsu just poked his head out, called out his name, and immediately dived into the ice.

The red-haired man rushed over with a sword at an extremely fast speed. The blade was wrapped with the domineering aura. Uchiha Madara, who had his eyes closed, used his observation aura to detect it. A slash came at him, and Uchiha Madara leaned back, and the slash passed over his head.

At that moment, the red-haired man's blade seemed to be able to turn and went straight to Uchiha Madara's heart.

Uchiha Madara quickly raised his arm to block it.


The red-haired man's sharp blade penetrated Uchiha Madara's arm. Even Uchiha Madara's lightning armor and the protection of armed color could not stop the opponent's blade. The red-haired man's blade passed through Uchiha Madara's arm, and the tip of the sword was still five centimeters away from his chest.

Uchiha Madara grabbed the opponent's blade with his other hand, preventing the opponent's blade from entering.

A trace of blood flowed down his arm.

"Without that eye, you can't use those moves, right?"

The red-haired man kept this posture and asked indifferently. Sengoku, who was far away, was shocked to see Uchiha Madara injured, and shouted:"He is very easy to be hurt now, everyone come together and kill him!"

As Sengoku's voice fell, everyone rushed towards Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Ban blocked the red-haired sword with his hand and made a seal. Kizaru, who appeared above Uchiha Madara's head, saw the opponent making a seal and disappeared immediately. He was afraid that the opponent would have some strange moves to hurt him.

At the moment when Sengoku and others arrived, Uchiha Madara shouted:"Fire Style: Ash Burning!"

A ball of high-temperature ash instantly came out of Uchiha Madara's mouth, and Uchiha Madara immediately let go of the sword blade. With a puff, his arm was cut hard by the red-haired man. Uchiha Madara jumped back, and the ash exploded immediately after falling to the ground.


The people who rushed over quickly covered their eyes with their hands.

Uchiha Madara flipped 360 degrees in the air. As soon as he landed, Kizaru's shout came from the sky.

In the dense smoke below, Uchiha Madara's armed color domineering gathered all over his body.

"Yasakani no Magatama!"

""Swish, swish, swish, swish~"

Dense balls of light shot towards Uchiha Madara's location.

Just now, Uchiha Madara had flipped high and left the smoke. Kizaru naturally saw where he landed, so he immediately launched a pursuit.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang~"

Intensive explosions sounded in the smoke.

Kaido swung his mace, and a strong wind blew out, blowing away the smoke and dust covering the ground.

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing Uchiha Madara who was constantly retreating and being attacked by Kizaru.

""Bang bang bang bang~"

The explosions on Uchiha Madara's body continued. The first hole appeared, followed by the second, the third, and dense thumb-sized holes appeared on Uchiha Madara's body. Uchiha

Madara protected his face with one hand and his body slid on the ice.

After Kizaru fired hundreds of attacks, he stopped, stood in the sky and stared at the seriously injured Uchiha Madara below.

In the distance, Whitebeard saw that Uchiha Madara was seriously injured, and looked at the Uchiha class and asked in confusion:"Was it intentional or accidental?"

"He seems to be seriously injured, his arm is broken, why doesn't he dodge!"

Marco asked puzzled.

Obviously, no one answered his question.

"It seems like he is finished, his arm is gone!"

Hawkeye said with some regret

"Fufufufu~ Is the powerful Uchiha Madara going to fail again? Or is there another trick?"

Doflamingo opened his arms, stared at Uchiha Madara, and said loudly.

Uchiha Madara suffered a heavy blow, which immediately made the navy excited.

"Very good!"

"he got hurt!"

"Uchiha Madara is finished!"

The excited voices of the navy came one after another.

In the field, several people stood opposite Uchiha Madara, and Sengoku said coldly:"You have suffered a heavy blow, it's over!"

"If you remain immortal, perhaps we can't do anything to you, but now....Haha!"

Akainu said, sneering twice, his meaning was self-evident.

"I'm curious, why didn't you dodge?"

Roger asked puzzledly when he saw that the other party's arm was cut off by Shanks.

"It should be those eyes. Without eyes, he seems to be unable to do anything!" Aokiji analyzed.

""Surrender, Uchiha Madara!"

In the distance, the voices of the Five Elders came from the loudspeaker. They wanted to obtain the Impure World Reincarnation Technique, so they shouted.

Not only the Five Elders, but even Sengoku and Akainu wanted to use this trick. If the dead marines were resurrected using this trick, they could continue to fight pirates. Even Akainu, who hated pirates, did not launch an attack immediately. He wanted this trick.

Everyone's eyes were on Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara slowly lowered his head and took a look at the wound holes on his stomach. They were densely packed like a sieve. Then he raised his bumpy arm with blood flowing from it. Uchiha Madara licked a little blood with his tongue, and an excited look appeared on his face.

"The taste of blood...This pain!"

"This is my body!"

Uchiha Madara said in a low voice, then laughed out loud:"Hahahahahahahahahaha~~"

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