The next moment, Kizaru disappeared and appeared above Uchiha Madara. A large number of magatama gathered and shot towards Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara used his hungry ghost ability to attack the incoming light ball.

Kizaru's attacks all hit the white light shield. With a"bang", Kizaru flew backwards as if he was kicked by someone. Kizaru, who was not discouraged, appeared next to Uchiha Madara again. This time he appeared behind Uchiha Madara.

"With a"bang", Kizaru's head tilted, and he felt that he was hit hard on the cheek. Then Kizaru's stomach arched, as if he was kicked. Kizaru's face was ugly and he disappeared in the moment of flying backwards. Kizaru looked at the marshal who was restrained, and he became more and more anxious. It was because of his suggestion that this situation was caused. He wanted to save Zhan Guo.

"How...How is it possible!"

The red-haired man said with an unpleasant expression. He sensed it and found nothing in the space.

"I think it's the power of the Samsara Eye. Be careful!"

Jiu Lama attributed all this to the Samsara Eye.

"mix...asshole...Uchiha... Madara!"

The Sengoku who was pinned to the ground cursed with difficulty

""Quick! Save Sengoku!"

Garp shouted and rushed out again, followed by the others. Kizaru instantly appeared above Uchiha Madara again.

While Uchiha Madara continued to absorb Kizaru's attack, he said indifferently,"It's over!"

The moment his voice fell, with a"puff", Sengoku's eyes widened, and all the people who rushed over were stunned

"With a"bang", the stunned Kizaru was knocked out again.

Bright red blood flowed from the corner of Sengoku's mouth. Sengoku couldn't believe that he ended up like this.

Uchiha Madara pinched Sengoku's neck and slowly lifted him up.

Sengoku's legs limp into a ball, and he was lifted up by Uchiha like a noodle, and pointed his back at Garp and others.

Behind Sengoku's neck, a black iron rod was exposed on the back of Sengoku's neck, and blood was flowing on it.


Drops of blood fell on the ground, stinging Cap's nerves.

"How is it possible! He clearly activated his Armament Haki, how could his neck be pierced by such a small stick!!!" Kaido said in surprise

"Marshal, why don't you resist?"A lieutenant general asked loudly. He didn't want to believe that all this was true. The marshal was actually seriously injured.

"Zizizizizi~" A large amount of lightning continued to paralyze Zhan Guo's body, and these lightning were also the reason why Zhan Guo could not move.

"It's lightning! That lightning can paralyze people, it's not ordinary lightning!" Roger replied angrily.

"Are you desperate?"

Uchiha Ban asked blankly, holding up the Sengoku.

" this...This bastard!"

Zhan Guo's Armament Haki disappeared, he gritted his teeth and cursed with difficulty

"I was originally thinking about experiencing my strength after resurrection, but I accidentally went too far!" Uchiha Madara sighed lightly, glanced at Garp and others who dared not move, and added:"You serve the Celestial Dragons. In a sense, you are also my enemies. This is the only way to treat enemies!"

"But don't worry, they will come to accompany you soon, it's just a matter of leaving earlier or later!" Uchiha Madara said, and kicked Sengoku in the chest. The black stick broke away from Sengoku's body, and Sengoku's body flew backwards quickly.

"" Bang!"

A crashing sound was heard, and Garp caught the flying Sengoku. After he stood firm, Garp shouted worriedly:"Sengoku!"

Then, Garp used his not-so-skilled palm magic to press on Sengoku's neck.

Chakra light emerged, and Garp wanted to treat Sengoku. Kizaru on the side immediately came to Sengoku and used the palm magic with great remorse.

"without...It's useless!...Are you...return...Still not clear?"

Sengoku said with difficulty, looking at Garp, who was gritting his teeth and playing with red eyes, and Kizaru, who was extremely guilty.

"This treatment can't save him. His throat is already pierced. He won't live long!"Kyuubi said loudly.

But Garp seemed not to hear him and kept on treating him.

"His body is so strong that he didn't die immediately after his throat was pierced!"Yawei was shocked

"Now is not the time to talk about this. It seems that we have lost another fighter. Uchiha Madara will be even more difficult to deal with!"Kyuubi said solemnly.

"I've hurt you, Marshal!"

Yellow Monkey said with a look of pain on his face

"No....No blame...Do not blame Uchiha Madara!"

It was becoming increasingly difficult for Sengoku to speak, and this sentence was said with great difficulty.

When Uchiha Madara saw Sengoku who was about to die, there was no ripple in his heart. He did not let Sengoku die immediately, and he also wanted to let him live for ten or twenty minutes longer. He wanted to let Sengoku see how these navy officers died in his hands.

At the same time, Vice Admiral Tsuru, who had just returned from the Five Elder Stars, saw Sengoku in such a miserable state, and quickly ran over, shouting Sengoku's name:"Sengoku!!!""

"yes...yes...It's Xiaohe!"

Zhan Guo sat on the ice, turned his head slightly to look at the tearful crane, showed an ugly smile, and responded

""Damn Uchiha Madara!!!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru shouted angrily, then ran to squat in front of Sengoku, and said with great concern:"What's wrong with you, say something!

"You can't be in trouble, the navy still needs you, you bastard!" At the end, Vice Admiral He cursed with tears in his eyes.

"without...No use, throat hole...Holed through!"

Although the holes in his neck were blocked by Garp and Kizaru, and maintained by the Palm Fairy Technique, Sengoku's voice became more and more hoarse.

Vice Admiral Tsuru didn't want Sengoku to die like this, and was thinking of a solution in her mind.

The first thought in her mind was the captain of the Heart Pirates, but the other party was not here at all. Vice Admiral Tsuru's eyes fell on Marco, but was denied by Tsuru the next second. The other party could not heal such a serious injury.

Suddenly, Tsuru's eyes fell on Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Thinking of the other party's ability of the String-String Fruit, Vice Admiral Tsuru hurriedly shouted to Doflamingo:"Doflamingo, come and help quickly, sew up Sengoku's wound!"

Hearing Vice Admiral Tsuru's shouting, Doflamingo glanced at Uchiha Madara, who was looking at him because of these words. Doflamingo's forehead was sweating, and he said nervously:"Don't...No kidding! I don't know how to do that!"

"Also, this is a battle between you and Uchiha Madara, don't involve me!" Doflamingo hurriedly drew a line, fearing that he would be targeted by Uchiha Madara.

Doflamingo's refusal made Vice Admiral Tsuru emotional, and he shouted:"Doflamingo, Sengoku cannot die! You are one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, you must help!"

"As long as you use the power of the String-String Fruit to repair Sengoku's throat with thread, I have a way to keep Sengoku alive!"

"Come and help quickly!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru planned to use this method to maintain Sengoku's life first, then select the remains of a navy with a body size similar to Sengoku from the dead navy, take out a section of the throat, use Doflamingo's ability to perform surgery to suture it, and then use the palm fairy technique to recover, so that Sengoku can survive.

"I refuse!"

Doflamingo replied directly.

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