"not good!"

""Be careful!"

Roger and Garp shouted.

But their shouts were still a step too late.





Nine screams rang out, and the tailed beasts seemed to be attacked by invisible attacks and fell to the ground one after another.


The chains instantly wrapped around their necks.

"Stop him!"

Akainu yelled, and his lava fist slammed into the chain.


Akainu's Hell Dog was extremely fast, and the chains wrapped around the one-tailed beast, the two-tailed beast, and the three-tailed beast were smashed by her punch.

Aokiji, who was standing by, pressed to the ground, and two icy hands emerged from the ground. The icy hands grasped the chains on the necks of the eight-tailed beast and the nine-tailed beast, and pulled from the inside, and the chains broke inch by inch. Hawkeye raised the black knife, Night, and swung it. The long slash flew out vertically, slashing at the chains on the five-tailed beast, the six-tailed beast, and the seven-tailed beast.

"With a"click" sound, the broken chains were connected again.

Kaido jumped high, and the domineering color wrapped around the mace, and attacked from the air. His target was Uchiha Madara.

"With a"bang",

Kaido seemed to have hit something, and he leaned back in the sky, swinging his sword at the 'thing' that hit his cheek. The huge impact made Kaido realize that the invisible thing was knocked away by him.

At the same time, Roger and Red Hair ran quickly with swords in hand, and arrived in front of Uchiha Madara.

Red Hair used his observation Haki to the extreme, and briefly saw the scene of his throat being pinched. He was about to attack, but he leaned back in a hurry.

A shadow suddenly stretched out his right hand, and Red Hair immediately reached up to the sky. The shadow dodged sideways after the previous slash.

The red-haired man didn't know if he hit the target or not. It was also his first time fighting against such an invisible enemy.

Roger was not so lucky. With only 70% of his strength, his eyes bulged out and his back arched. He was hit in the stomach by a punch from Uchiha Madara's shadow.

Roger reacted and slashed with his sword. The shadow seemed to know Roger's countermeasure and kicked Roger's arm after the attack. Roger's arm, which was holding the sword to strike, was kicked back.

The next second, Roger felt someone pressing hard on his throat.


The ice surface exploded.

At this moment, Kizaru appeared behind Uchiha Madara again, and kicked Uchiha Madara's head with his long legs.


Kizaru felt his right foot being grabbed by someone and violently smashed on the ice.

Uchiha Madara turned around with the black stick in his hand and stabbed Kizaru on the ground behind him.

The startled Kizaru disappeared immediately and turned into a ray of light to appear on the side of Sengoku.

Kizaru looked down and saw that his abdomen was pierced by a black stick. His face was ugly. He still didn't dodge it just now. Uchiha Madara's speed was too fast.

Kizaru felt that his chakra was disordered at this time, which made him understand that this black stick was the existence of restricting chakra.

""Puff~" Kizaru pulled out the black stick. Kaido had already come to the ground and kept swinging. To outsiders, he seemed to be hitting the air, but what they didn't know was that he was entangled by a shadow. If he was not careful, he would be beaten.

Roger broke free from the shadow, and he and Red Hair attacked Uchiha Madara who was standing there from the left and right.

""God avoid!"

Roger and Red Hair shouted at the same time, and the two slashed at Uchiha Madara's front and back respectively. Roger followed the slash and attacked Uchiha Madara's head with his sword to prevent him from jumping away, while Red Hair attacked Uchiha Madara's body.

Even if Uchiha Madara dodged the one coming towards Roger, Red Hair was confident that he could attack Uchiha Madara

""Dang~" the red-haired man's slash pierced Uchiha Madara's side. It was a shadow blocking Uchiha Madara. Seeing this, Roger jumped up and immediately changed his moves. He chopped down and chopped at Uchiha Madara's head.


Another invisible barrier appeared in front of Roger's knife. This was the second shadow.


Roger was shocked


Uchiha Madara stretched out his right hand at an extremely fast speed and grabbed Roger's neck again. He used his hand to attack Roger's shadow and launched an attack on the red-haired man.


Uchiha Madara shouted in a low voice, and with a strong pull, the transparent soul was pulled out of Roger's body.

"Hurry! His soul is about to be pulled out, go help him, don't worry about us!"

Kyuubi hurriedly shouted to Akainu and Aokiji

‘quick...Go...Go help!'

Sengoku saw Uchiha Madara withdraw the white energy from Roger and shouted to Garp with difficulty.

Garp knew what to do without Sengoku's reminder. He quickly handed the body of Sengoku to the crane next to him and rushed to Uchiha Madara at a very fast speed.

""Big fire-breath~" The moment Akainu's shout fell, Uchiha Madara's low voice rang out:"Hungry Ghost Path!"

The ice spikes that emerged from the ice surface had just appeared, and it was Aokiji who launched an attack. The icy power under Uchiha Madara's feet and the magma flying from the side were swallowed up by the Hungry Ghost Path barrier.

Uchiha Madara's pulling speed did not stop, and most of Roger's body was pulled out by him.

Seeing that the elementalization failed, Garp shouted:"Hawkeye! Help!"

Hawkeye's move to chop the chain changed, and the slash of up to a hundred meters attacked Uchiha Madara vertically.

Garp's fist appeared on the side of the slash.

Uchiha Madara controlled the shadow to grab Roger's neck and shouted:"Shinra Tensei!"


A powerful rebound force erupted.

Karp was knocked back by the rebound force, and even Hawkeye's slash was rebounded.

Taking advantage of this time, Uchiha Madara pulled Roger's soul out with force, and then Uchiha Madara threw Roger's soul into the sky.

Roger's body turned into ashes. Uchiha Madara used wind escape and waved his hand lightly, and the ashes in the shape of Roger's body were blown away by the wind.

""What's going on?" Roger, in his spirit form, was shocked.

In the sky, after Roger's soul was finally stabilized, he felt his body rising uncontrollably into the sky.


Garp stood firm on the ice and shouted to Roger.

Feeling his current situation, Roger said with some regret:"Garp! I can't seem to help you. My soul is rising uncontrollably and should return to the underworld!"

"What a joke! You can actually pull out the soul!"

Kaido exclaimed while holding a mace

"I'm sorry, Shanks, I have to go!" Roger, in his soul form, said his final goodbye to Shanks.


Shanks called out to Roger after being shocked.

Roger's soul flew higher and higher. He looked at Whitebeard in the distance and said,"Don't die, Newgate!"

Then, he looked at Ace and said apologetically,"I'm sorry, Ace!"

But Ace just looked at him coldly and didn't respond.

Seeing this, Roger could only sigh helplessly. His soul flew higher and higher.

"Uchiha Madara! You won't succeed!"

After saying the last sentence, Roger ascended faster and faster, disappearing from everyone's perception.

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