
"Kuzan, you...."

Marcus Mazsan:"Kapu..."

""Akainu, do you want to rebel?"

Satan Saint asked loudly.

At this time, Garp, Akainu, and Aokiji were standing in front of Coby.

Akainu and Garp wanted to block for Coby, but Aokiji got there first.

"Coby is my disciple, how could I let him die in front of me!!"

Kapu said loudly.

This also meant that he was determined to protect Coby.

"Vice Admiral Garp~"

Hearing this, Coby was so moved that tears came out

"The Five Elders! This war is not something that ordinary marines can participate in. Keep them away!"

Aokiji saw too many marines die and couldn't bear to see the remaining marines sacrificed here.

"This time I stand on Aokiji's side!" Akainu said sullenly.

"You are the navy, obeying orders is the duty of a soldier! Do you want to rebel?"

Satan Sheng questioned the three people of Qingji.

"If we rebel, we will not fight Uchiha Madara here, but join him!"

After Aokiji finished speaking, he looked at the Five Elders and said,"If you don't agree, then this war will be left to you four!"

"Every life should be respected, and not die here meaninglessly!" Aokiji added.

The Five Elders felt that their status was challenged, and were about to say something angrily, but the red-haired man next to them interrupted,"Well, I think they are right. This war cannot be won by numbers. If ordinary navy joins, the admirals will have to think about fighting and protecting at the same time!"

"Please give me a favor and let these navy leave!"

The red-haired man said sincerely.

After hearing what the red-haired man said, Saint Nasujuro nodded and said,"Since you said so, let them leave first!" Saint Macas

Maz:"We give you this favor!"

Saint Satan saw that the other two said so, and shouted on the spot:"All navy, retreat immediately!"

After hearing this, the remaining tens of thousands of navy left here with the bodies of the navy and those who were seriously injured but not dead.

Uchiha Madara in the distance did not launch a pursuit. He just tried the trick that killed Neji in the original drama, and he had no intention of catching them all in one fell swoop.

What he didn't expect was that the navy Akainu actually chose to protect Coby this time.

Above the Ten-Tails, Uchiha Madara looked in the direction of Marijoa and said to himself:"Let's proceed to the third stage next!"

The strong men present had powerful observation Haki, and even if Uchiha Madara spoke in a low voice, they heard it.

The generals became alert.

The wooden clone on the top of the Ten-Tails made a mark, and the next moment, the Ten-Tails roared to the sky.

"hold head high~~~~"

The sharp cry made Kizaru grimaced.

The cry of the Ten-Tails pierced through the eardrums, and Kaido and others present covered their ears at the same time.

The Ten-Tails yelled for dozens of seconds, then stopped. Then the Ten-Tails opened its mouth wide, with a tendency to tear. At this moment, a meatball-like thing came out of the Ten-Tails' mouth, with white mucus on it.

"It seems to have changed again!"

Kizaru said solemnly.

The flesh ball in the mouth of the Ten-Tails slowly opened like a petal, revealing a big mouth like a hole in the middle.

A red and black energy gradually took shape in the mouth of the Ten-Tails, and then it became bigger and bigger.

The energy compressed by the Tailed Beast Ball made Red Hair and others feel frightened.

"We must stop him!!!"

Satan Saint shouted to the generals with cold sweat on his forehead.

Akainu's face turned pale. He didn't know what to do with this terrible energy, let alone dodge it.

Aokiji put his hands on the ground and shouted. Layers of ice walls appeared. He wanted to use this method to prevent the opponent's energy from hitting him. Kaido has turned into a dragon and is swallowing the air. He wants to blow away the opponent's energy in one breath when this attack comes.

Red Hair and Hawkeye have already taken a one-sword stance. They are ready to use the tornado move to sweep away the energy bomb.

Looking at the generals and others who are ready below, Uchiha Madara finds it very ridiculous. This move is not for them. The

Tailed Beast Ball is still growing. At the moment when it is about to reach a hundred meters, the Ten Tails swallows the surrounding air as fast as Kaido, and a large amount of gas rushes into the Ten Tails' mouth.

The next second


The huge Tailed Beast Ball shot out like a cannonball.


Kaido said in shock. He stopped gathering his energy.

"Aren't they attacking us?"

Aokiji said in surprise, with his hands on the ground.

"That direction...."

Saint Satan stared at the energy ball that disappeared from their perception very quickly with his eyes wide open, in disbelief.

Saint Macas Maz:"Oops!"

Saint Nasujuro:"Damn it!"

Saint Satan, who reacted, was extremely angry and said,"Damn it!"

The faces of several people were extremely ugly. They didn't expect that Uchiha Madara's move was actually aimed at Marijoa.

"It's over!!!" Marcus Mazishen was terrified.

""Hurry, call Lord Im!!!" Saint Satan shouted hurriedly.

Saint Nasujuro took out Den Den Mushi with a cold sweat on his face and started to dial.

At the same time, in the flowers behind Mary Geoise and Pangu City,

Im was sniffing the flowers in the bushes, and she seemed to be deaf to the explosion outside.

At this moment, a member of the Knights of God came in and reported respectfully:"Lord Im! The dragon is about to break through Pangu City. Our people are..."

Before he finished speaking, Yim interrupted him and said,"Continue to do what you should do. Notify the Five Elders and ask them to come back!"

After giving the order, Yim continued to fiddle with her flowers and plants.

"You are still so patient!"

Suddenly, a low roar came from the passage, and after a whirlwind, the dragon appeared in front of Im.

"It's you! Monkey·D·Dragon, you traitor!"The Knights of God saw the newcomer and said angrily.

"Don't say that, after all, we were once companions, right?"

Long said with a grin.

"You bastard, you pretended to join the Knights of God in order to deal with us. Was that your purpose?" said a member of the Knights of God angrily.

"This kind of thing should not appear in your hands. The world is about to change because of my existence!"

Long opened his arms and said loudly.

Im waved to the members of the Knights of God, signaling them to leave.

The members of the Knights of God retreated respectfully and disappeared in front of the two men in a few seconds.

As soon as the members of the Knights of God left, Im said lightly:"While Uchiha Madara attracted other members of the Knights of God, you let your men slaughter the Celestial Dragons here. Your purpose is to lure me away from here to deal with you, so that my men can come here, right?"

Long nodded and admitted it generously.

"But you miscalculated. Those ordinary celestial dragons are dead, so it doesn’t make much difference to me!"

"Your plan to lure me away from here and destroy the weapons here has failed, Long!"

Long looked at Yim and said,"Although the goal has not been achieved, I still want to give it a try!"

"Come to think of it, we haven't seen each other for many years!"Yim seemed to be sighing, and didn't take the fact that Long wanted to fight him seriously.

"Yes! Ever since Luffy was born!"

Long replied

"Even if your fruit awakens, you are still no match for me. You should know that I will not let you go this time. Do you plan to gamble your life?"

Im asked again.

""Try it! This is the best chance! As long as you destroy that weapon, you will become a toothless tiger. Even if you die here, it will be worth it!"

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