On the shore of Beehive Island,

Whitebeard and his companions were using their Observation Haki to sense the depths of the sea. Thousands of other pirates had heard that the newly joined Uchiha Madara was going to kill Rocks, so they were also standing on the shore curiously, waiting for the result.

"It's been seven or eight hours, isn't there a winner yet?"

Flame Flower asked curiously, and it was clear that no one could answer his question.

"It seems that Captain Rocks is quite capable. He has managed to hold on for so long!"Whitebeard was filled with emotion.

"Newgate, do you really think Uchiha Madara will win?"Wang Zhi said with a pessimistic look.

Wang Zhi fell into the water and was unconscious. He didn't know the situation.

"Kulala, most likely!" Whitebeard said with a smile

"Hey, what do you think? Should we disband or elect a new captain? Captain John looked at everyone.

"It’s too early to draw conclusions now!"

"Let's see first. !"

Shiki smoked a cigar and expressed his opinion with a worried look.

The Navy had already known about the major incident on Beehive Island.

There was even a phone in the crowd that was always on the line.

The meeting room of the Navy Headquarters was quiet, and everyone was waiting for the result.

No one spoke, and if they wanted to talk, they went to the next room.

Cyborg waved his hand and left a Navy man to record the conversation in the Den Den Mushi.

When he came to another room, Cyborg frowned tightly.

"It seems that we still underestimated this pirate named Uchiha Madara. It has been many hours and it is not over yet!"Zhan Guo couldn't help but sigh.

Steel Bone Kong glanced at Zhan Guo:"How many times have you said this!"

"If Uchiha Madara survived, the bounty would have to be increased to at least 3 billion, and that's still an understatement!"

He expressed his opinion.

Steel Bone Sora said solemnly:"If Rocks hadn't died, and Uchiha Madara hadn't died, their team would have been even more terrifying!"

"There is already a white beard, Charlotte Linlin is not too difficult to deal with. If this is the case, I dare not think about it....Alas~"

He said, sighing helplessly.

"Marshal, there is news!"

Just then, a navy officer came running in and reported

"What happened?" Gang Gukong asked hurriedly.

"I don't know yet, I just heard Whitebeard's voice saying that he has returned, but I don't know who it is yet!"

After hearing this, the few people looked at each other, walked quickly to the next room, and listened quietly.

""Kulala~ It's amazing that they killed Rocks!"

As soon as these words came out, several people in the room were shocked.

Shiki's voice was also heard:"The captain's death was too miserable. If it was on the shore, it would be hard to say who would win or lose!"

As soon as Shiki's words came out, the navy got a useful information, that is, the other party could not beat Rocks on the shore.

Everyone was relieved. If he was really stronger than Rocks, they didn't know what to do.

"What a terrifying ability! A Devil Fruit user can actually run on the sea!"Stussy's voice came, which made the navy even more uneasy.

Several people looked at each other. What did they hear? Running on the sea? A Devil Fruit user?

They originally thought that Uchiha Madara was not as threatening as Rocks, but they were nervous again, fearing that they would hear some bad information.

On the shore of Beehive Island.

Uchiha Madara ran over from the sea opposite Whitebeard and his men, carrying a naked corpse on his back. This was Rocks's corpse.

"With a"whoosh!",

Uchiha Madara arrived on the shore in an instant.

"Hey, take off your coat!"

Uchiha Madara shouted at the pirate opposite.

The pirate was frightened by Uchiha Madara's look, and hurriedly took off his coat and handed it to Uchiha Madara with both hands respectfully:"Lord Madara!" Uchiha Madara glanced at him, took it, quickly wrapped Rocks' body, then made a seal with one hand and slapped the ground.

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do.

The next moment, Wang Zhi and others widened their eyes.

They saw a sarcophagus quickly rising from the ground on the shore, and Uchiha Madara put Rocks in it.

Then Uchiha Madara slapped the ground again, and the sarcophagus containing Rocks sank into the ground. A stone tablet emerged in front of the sarcophagus, on which was engraved - Captain of the Rocks Pirates.

"You can even control stones?"

Whitebeard asked curiously.

"Aren't these simple moves just for hands?"Uchiha Madara asked back with a puzzled look.


"I really can't stand the way you look. You're really annoying, you know that?" Charlotte Lingling complained.

"The fact that you didn't do anything shows that you are smarter than when we first met. It seems that the previous fight has made you grow a lot!"

Uchiha Ibenzhenjing's words made Charlotte Linling even more eager to do something. He simply deserved a beating.

"Now that Captain Rocks is dead, according to the previous rules, whoever is stronger will be the boss!"

"Although you won the battle against Captain Rocks, it was not a fair victory. I will not accept you unless you promise to help me find a powerful devil fruit!"

Shiki smoked a cigar and expressed his thoughts and plans.

Uchiha Madara looked at the others. He also planned to temporarily subdue them as his subordinates. When the time came to go to the Valley of Gods to snatch the fruit, there would be someone to share the firepower and avoid following Rocks' old path.

"I don't care, I don't care who will be the captain, as long as you can protect my country!" Flame Flower expressed her opinion second.

Flame Flower came from the Amazon's Nine Snake Island, the country of women. She joined Rocks to rely on Rocks' strength to protect their country.

Captain John said with greed on his face:"My dream is to have a lot of treasures and treasures. As long as you promise to give me more, I don't mind!"

"I have no opinion!"

"I don't have one either!"

Wang Zhi and Yin Fu expressed their opinions one after another.

"Whitebeard's choice is my choice!" Stussy said, looking at Whitebeard.

"I have the same idea as Stussy, I will be wherever Lingling is!" said Long Bread

"Whitebeard, what do you think?"

Charlotte Lingling asked curiously

"Kulala~ I don’t have any other plans for the moment. If he wants to be the captain, then let him be the captain!"

"And I am more optimistic about him, he is different from Rocks!"

Whitebeard said with a smile

"Since Whitebeard has said so, then let you be the king. I am the woman who wants to become the king of the sea. If you have the ability to make our dream come true, I don’t mind!"

Charlotte Linlin expressed her opinion.

Uchiha looked at everyone and replied in a low voice:"Okay!"

Seeing that Uchiha Madara agreed, Flame Flower asked directly:"Then Captain, should our pirate group continue to use the name of Rocks or something else?"

Everyone also looked at Uchiha Madara

"The pirate group has changed its name. From today on, it will be called the Akatsuki Pirate Group!"

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