The moment the two attacks collided, there was no so-called explosion, only a sound of penetration.

Im, who was attacking downwards, looked at the spear that penetrated the domineering aura and attacked her in disbelief. She immediately gave up her fist and dodged to the side.

Uchiha Madara's spear pierced Im's cheek and missed.

Seeing this, Uchiha Madara pressed down and changed from stabbing to chopping.

Im, who had been using the predictive Haki, swung her tail, trying to wrap around Uchiha Madara's spear.

At the moment her tail wrapped around her long hair, Im felt a pain coming from her tail.

Her tail was broken the moment it touched the black spear?

Seeing the spear pressing towards her face, Im dodged to the side as much as possible and exploded backward in the sky.


Yim exhaled, and the smelly venom shot out and shot towards the spear.

She wanted to use this move to temporarily block the opponent's pursuit.


The venom bullet hit the black spear and broke into pieces like tofu.

"How is it possible!"

Yim was shocked. She had nowhere to hide and raised her right hand, with a domineering look around her, trying to block it, but she knew it was useless.


A sound like hitting plastic was heard.

With only half of her body left, Yimu's one eye showed panic. She saw the other half of her body falling from the sky.


The sound of the ground falling was heard. With only half of his body left, Im looked down at his body that was split in half. There was no blood and no sign of recovery.

"Impossible! I am immortal and can recover from any serious injury. Why can't I recover!!!"

Yim was lying on the ground, shouting in panic.

"I thought you could please me with your skills, but I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable!"

"My weapon has the ability of Yin and Yang. Unless you have the power of the Six Paths, no matter what object it is, it will turn into nothingness once it touches it!"

"Since you were once the strongest person in this world, I will give you a decent death!"

Uchiha Madara said, and a seeking truth jade shot towards Im's head.


Yim shouted in despair, trying to block it with her only remaining arm.

The dark Qiudao Jade hit Yim's arm without any pause, penetrated her arm, and shot towards her brain.


The sound of a watermelon bursting was heard, and Im's head exploded.

With Im's death, the field was silent, and the navy clenched their hands, waiting for Uchiha Madara's judgment.

The faces of the vice admirals were full of despair, because they had attacked Uchiha Madara before.

Akainu looked back at the navy and walked out resolutely.

Uchiha Madara looked at each other in confusion.

"Uchiha Madara!"

Akainu shouted first, then glanced at Im's body on the ground and said,"We were originally planning to join forces with her, but she seems to want to kill us!"

"Now that she's dead, I'll be your opponent!"

Akainu said, gathering his Armament Haki in his fist.

"Admiral Akainu!"

The navy shouted in worry

""Kurara~ That's amazing!"

Whitebeard, who was far away, saw that Akainu was still fighting with Uchiha Madara and exclaimed

"Dad, if he surrenders, Uchiha Madara should be able to let him go, why does he continue?" Ace asked Whitebeard in confusion.

"Precisely because he knew this, he would not surrender, because he was Akainu, a man who hated pirates and would rather die in battle than live in disgrace!"

"That's what I admire about him!"

Whitebeard explained calmly.

"Uchiha Madara! Our navy surrenders!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru shouted, and then shouted to Akainu:"Akainu! Don't be impulsive!"

"No need to say anything more, please respect my choice!"

Akainu shouted.

The red-haired man next to Hawkeye looked at Luffy in the distance and shouted:"Luffy! Live well!"


Luffy looked at Shanks in confusion, not understanding what he meant by this. The red-haired man smiled at Luffy, then turned his head to look at Uchiha Madara in the distance, and walked towards where Akainu was. Hawkeye beside him also followed forward, and the red-haired man stretched out his hand to stop him, and then the red-haired man shouted to Uchiha Madara:"Mihawk helped me deal with you because of our friends. With your strength, you should not be able to fight him, right?"

"What? You want me to let him go?"

Uchiha Madara asked in a deep voice

"With your strength, you will probably be lonely in the future. Why not leave an opponent? Mihawk has an understanding of swordsmanship. As long as he is given more time, he should be able to fight you!"

The red-haired man said lightly.

"Good suggestion!"Uchiha Madara nodded, approving the red-haired man's suggestion.

Hawkeye held the black knife Night and felt powerless for the first time, because Shanks chose death.

"I will worship you every year! This is all I can do!"

Hawkeye, who is not good at speaking, said this to the red-haired man.

"Haha, remember to pour more wine in front of my grave!"

The red-haired man laughed and said, but the moment he turned around, his smile disappeared. He looked at Whitebeard and shouted,"Newgate, I have one last favor to ask of you! Take Luffy away from here now!" The red-haired man didn't want Luffy to see him die at the hands of Uchiha Madara, so that Luffy would help him get revenge. Uchiha Madara was so powerful that he couldn't be defeated by hard work. The red-haired man just wanted Luffy to live well.

Whitebeard met the red-haired man's pleading eyes, then glanced at Luffy, as if he understood something, then turned his head and shouted to the captains,"Sons! Let's go!"

After Whitebeard finished shouting, he greeted Uchiha Madara and said,"Captain Uchiha Madara, we're leaving first!"


Uchiha Madara replied in a low voice.

"Aokiji kid! Please break the ice!���"

Whitebeard shouted to Aokiji.

Aokiji on the battlefield saw that Uchiha Madara agreed. As the defeated side, for the safety of the ordinary navy, he had to agree.

Aokiji pressed his hands on the ground, and the ice in the area where Whitebeard was located turned into sea water, and the Moby Dick started to move.

"Why should we leave! Shanks seems to be in danger, I don't want to leave!"

Luffy kept struggling, Ace held Luffy tightly.

Seeing that Luffy was disobedient, Ace didn't know what to say. Whitebeard on the side said:"Kid! Shanks will not die, he just doesn't want to say the words of surrender in front of you, for fear of embarrassment!"

Whitebeard told a white lie.


Luffy stopped struggling and looked at Whitebeard, confirming

"It's true, Luffy! Think about it, he is one of the Four Emperors after all. If you, a junior, saw him surrender, it would be very embarrassing!"

"Shanks is very proud!"

Ace echoed Whitebeard's words.

Luffy felt that what Ace said seemed to be right and nodded.

Half an hour later.

The surviving navy stood together, Aokiji and Vice Admiral Tsuru and the vice admirals stood at the forefront of the navy.

Aokiji looked at the red-haired corpse on the ground in silence.

At this time, the camera had already been turned off, and the third brother and the pirate in charge of filming stood behind Uchiha Madara.

"Why! Why don't you kill me!"

Akainu was pressed to the ground by Spider Demon and Garp, and he yelled.

Uchiha Madara looked at him quietly and said,"I think you are quite suitable to be the Admiral of the Navy!"

"Do you want to be it?"

When Uchiha Madara said this, Akainu was stunned.

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