In the luxurious bedroom, a four-poster bed took up most of the space, and the bedding was laid out luxuriously.


A sudden exclamation broke the silence of the room.

The boy sat up suddenly from the bed, his eyes wide open, his chest heaving violently, his heart pounding, his breathing rapid, and his forehead covered with sweat.

His body was still trembling, his fingers tightly grasping the quilt, and a strong sense of fear still lingered in his heart, as if he had just experienced a life-and-death catastrophe.

Gradually, his breathing began to stabilize, and he realized that he had woken up, but the fear in his heart had not completely dissipated.

After his mind calmed down a little, the boy began to check his surroundings.

Luxurious furniture, exquisite furnishings, and Gothic-style gorgeous decorations came into view, which were completely different from everything he was familiar with.

In an unfamiliar environment, the boy frowned and tried to evoke his memories before waking up.

"Where on earth is this?"

"How did I end up here?"

"Don't you have any impression at all?"

The boy slapped his head helplessly, because he couldn't remember this memory.

The last picture in his mind was a fiercely burning fireball that hit him head-on. The scene of despair and fear still made him feel scared when he thought about it now.

After that, the memory stopped abruptly, leaving only a blank.

After a long pause, the boy came back to his senses.

He also realized what he should do at this moment.

He lifted the quilt with force and checked his body, but found no scars. Then he turned over and got out of bed, stepped on the floor barefoot, and felt the touch from the floor, which was very real.

After confirming that there was no abnormality in his body, the boy finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, the boy frowned again, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Could that fireball be a holographic projection?" The boy said to himself.

"It seems that only this explanation is reasonable, otherwise how could I be unscathed."

"But that feeling is too real! Has the holographic projection technology developed to such a realistic level?"

Recalling the moment when the fireball was about to hit him, the scorching heat it carried seemed to melt the surrounding air, burning him so painfully.

"Forget it, let's go out and see where this is."

Although his guess was still a little unbelievable, the fact was that he was fine.

The boy shook his head and didn't intend to dwell on this matter too much.

Since he was still alive and had no missing limbs, why bother about it?

This was exactly the boy's character.

The most important thing at this time was obviously to figure out his situation.

"Wait," the boy stared at his hand, and then carefully checked his body, his face suddenly became panic, "This, this is not my body!"

At the same time, the strong emotional fluctuations seemed to touch a valve, and there seemed to be a signal wandering in his mind, playing another person's fleeting life.

This signal, completely ignoring his will, was forced into his mind, as if to tear his consciousness apart. Severe pain exploded in his mind, as if his head was clamped by an invisible giant clamp.

The boy held his head, stumbled to his knees, holding his head tightly with both hands, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

But he always clenched his teeth tightly and didn't let himself shout out.

Because he had realized that he had traveled through time.

In the darkness, it was unknown how long it took for the swelling pain in his head to completely disappear.

"So, this is the world of One Piece. Adventure, fighting, passion, and great power are all in one body. It's really exciting!"

The boy also stood up slowly, and there seemed to be an unconcealable excitement on his face, muttering in a low voice.

He had long had enough of that dull, anxious, hopeless life, and it would be good to start over. Moreover, it was in his favorite world of One Piece, and he seemed to be carrying something extraordinary.

It turns out that the fireball was a divine object that was born when the universe was born, the Hongmeng Origin Pearl.

It was damaged for some unknown reason, and when it fell into the void, it happened to hit him by chance, and he was instantly chosen and came to this world with it.

As for why he was brought to this world?

It was the Hongmeng Origin Pearl, which wanted to use the origin of this world to repair itself.

As for choosing him and borrowing this body to revive, it was completely a coincidence.

You must know that there is a fixed number of cause and effect between the worlds. Suddenly, there is an anomaly that did not exist originally, which must be cleared by the heavenly way here.

In countless novels, the story line unfolds as soon as the protagonist travels through time, followed by a life full of disasters and a plot of relatives and friends offering sacrifices to the sky. Isn't it all because of this.

ChaosThe Origin Pearl was already a bit broken, and it had to conceal the movement of crossing. How could it have the spare energy to slowly select a suitable carrier? If it could, it would definitely choose to swallow Im directly.

At the very least, it would choose the privileged class of this world, the Celestial Dragons, how could it choose the son of an ordinary merchant?

Okay, I've talked too much, and the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed casually.

Let's get back to the point.

It turned out that the whole family of this body was hijacked by pirates. After being surrounded by the navy, the pirates killed the original owner's parents to vent their anger.

Originally, the original owner could not escape the disaster, but of course he did not escape this disaster in the end.

Witnessing his parents falling in front of him one after another, the brutal pirate pointed the butcher knife at him. The fear of death instantly overwhelmed him, and his consciousness was directly annihilated. In short, he was scared to death.

The pirates were eager to escape, and seeing that the person was dead, they threw him aside, which preserved the integrity of this body and allowed him to successfully revive.

After being rescued, because the body needed time to completely merge with the soul, and the Hongmeng Origin Pearl was also transforming this body, his soul remained in a dormant state.

Until just now, the Hongmeng Origin Pearl almost exhausted the remaining origin and transformed this body to the maximum extent, allowing his soul to exit the dormant state, and he slowly woke up.

After the Hongmeng Origin Pearl passed the last message to him, it fell into a deep sleep, waiting for the opportunity to come.

He knew that only when the faith of most people in this world was condensed, the Hongmeng Origin Pearl would wake up. At that time, he could truly create a god in the void, master the authority of rules, and finally repair himself with the power of the origin of the heavenly way.

By then, he could also get infinite benefits.

Considering that he had to complete such a difficult task, but he was just an ordinary person, the Hongmeng Origin Pearl provided two powerful abilities.

One is related to the collection of faith.

Faith is illusory, how can mortals observe it? Moreover, human hearts are unpredictable, how can the naked eye distinguish between true and false?

Therefore, the Hongmeng Origin Pearl gave him the ability to distinguish true and false believers, and enabled him to sense the sincere wishes of true believers from a distance.

But the premise is that he can create a belief that people can trust and hope for, otherwise all this will be meaningless.

Only after he successfully shapes the belief and someone believes in it, can the Hongmeng Origin Pearl absorb the belief from the believers and condense it into the power of belief.

The use of the power of belief is related to another ability.

After all, the personal force value in this world is also a bit exaggerated. Without strength, ordinary people can't guarantee when they will be wiped out by the aftermath of the fight between the strong.

And the Hongmeng Origin Pearl brought him here for a purpose. Naturally, the higher his force value, the larger the space he can operate, and it is easier to achieve the purpose of collecting faith.

Therefore, another ability provided by the Hongmeng Origin Pearl is related to cultivation. A space that is most suitable for cultivation is called the Fantasy God Realm.

There is no real space there. Only consciousness can enter, just like a holographic game.

After the consciousness enters, the Fantasy World will generate a body that is exactly the same as the original body, and there is no difference in perception. It is like a holographic game, choosing a 100% real feeling.

In the Fantasy World, you can control the flow of time at will and create a practice scene freely. As long as you can imagine it, you can generate it out of thin air.

Of course, all this is not without restrictions, and it requires the consumption of faith power.

The greater the difference in the flow of time, the more detailed and abstract the scene layout, the larger and more detailed the generated things, the more faith power you need to consume.

Of course, if the Fantasy World only has this function, it can't be called an excellent practice field.

The most important thing is that in the Fantasy World, the body will always be in the best condition, not tired, not hungry, not injured, just like a real game character.

All energy consumption is maintained by the power of faith.

Therefore, as long as the spirit can always remain energetic and can endure the loneliness and loneliness of a person, people can stay here to practice.

Finally, as long as the power of faith is consumed, all the results of practice can be completely synchronized to the original body.

Moreover, since strength in the Fantasy God Realm is accumulated through hard work day after day, there is no unreasonable and enviable way to improve the realm to level 999 with one punch.

Therefore, in the long-term practice process, the consciousness has actually adapted to the strength of the body.

Therefore, after the strength is synchronized, the main body will not have any problems such as unable to control the strength and the body is not coordinated, which is no different from the strength obtained by practice in the real world.

Of course, not all practice results require the synchronization of the power of faith, he can also choose not toSynchronous, after all, sometimes cultivation is for that little insight.

In short, the Fantasy World is a nearly perfect place for cultivation. As long as the power of faith is sufficient and one can be determined to continue to cultivate, the strength will definitely increase.

After figuring out these functions, the boy's eyes lit up. After all, who can't be a liver!

In addition, the body transformed by the Hongmeng Origin Pearl using the origin, the qualifications must not be bad. If he is not a strong man, who is he looking down on?

Of course, it's not just him. I believe that with such conditions, no one will choose to lie down and continue to play badly?

Unconsciously, the boy's nerves that had been numb at some point were awakened again, and the long-forgotten fighting spirit was also re-stimulated.

After all, he understands this story of crossing with a golden finger, he really understands it!

In his previous life, he didn't know how many times he envied the brainless and invincible life of the protagonists of the little white texts. He was angry and hateful when he saw it. He was angry that the protagonist was too mentally retarded and the plot was too stupid, and he hated that he couldn't replace it.

Envy, really envy, that invincible life, he also wants to experience it!

Look, he really caught up with what he had been thinking about.

So, this time, he didn't want to have so many regrets like in his previous life.

Since people often have feelings, if life can start over again, there will be no regrets in the world.

Since he has a chance to start over again, he has encountered a one-in-a-billion opportunity that countless people envy.

In this case, what reason does he have to let himself continue to regret in this world?

The young man looked determined at this time. He decided that this time, he would go crazy and fight to see what kind of material he is.

The most important thing is that this time, he doesn't want to continue to be a cow and horse.

"From now on, I am Winks Lake!"

The young man clenched his fists, and his eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

"Pirate King, here I come!"

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