After dealing with the troubles of Balabala BBQ Bar, Lake returned to Harlan City. His life seemed to have returned to its previous rhythm, as if everything was so calm and natural, without causing any waves.

In the eyes of outsiders, he was like an ascetic monk, meditating and praying all day, and believing in God devoutly.

However, the real him was actually practicing in the Fantasy World.

It's just that no one knows this secret.

Of course, he will never let anyone know, after all, it is also reasonable to say that it was a gift from God.

Now, no one thinks there is anything wrong with his behavior, and some people even start to imitate him.

Because they firmly believe that the reason why Lake has such strong strength without practicing is that he has obtained the power of God's gift because of his pious faith like steel.

In particular, his deeds of showing great power in the Hague Gang were spread among these orphans, and the testimony of the Guardian Knights and Maka, a group of yellow-haired people who participated in it, added to the credibility of the story.

This rumor not only deepened the believers' respect for Lake, but also deepened their faith in God.

Therefore, the believers ushered in a wave of transformation of faith.

The entire Guardian Knights team has now become fanatics, because the powerful power displayed by Lake is beyond their reach in a short time no matter how hard they train.

It is even possible that they will never reach it in their lifetime.

After all, as Markri said, qualifications may have long determined the upper limit of an individual, and the height that everyone can reach is actually predetermined.

Of course, under Lake's special instructions, Markri did not know Lake's strength at this time.

Therefore, these Guardian Knights unanimously believed that there was no other reason to explain it except that it was a gift from God.

Therefore, believing in God and getting God's power became the expectation in the hearts of the knights, so, naturally, all of them transformed into fanatics.

The young men in the villa, whether they were assigned to run the Balabala Barbecue Bar or still living in the villa camp, their faith was more firm at this time.

Because they believe that their faith is guaranteed and God is truly protecting them.

Although no other people have transformed into fanatics, Lake still knows that there are several people who are wandering on the edge of fanatics, such as Bill in North Wind Port.

The teenagers in the nearby villages are also like this at this time. Although they are not orphans who are helpless and will not be unable to survive without Lake, they have long been accustomed to this group and their faith has long been integrated into their daily lives.

Especially after seeing those orphans who were originally more miserable than them and are now living well, they are more convinced that believing in God is correct.

In fact, they have long been labeled as devout believers of the Creation God Church.

As for the newly joined group of orphans, a total of more than 500 people, they seem to think that they have finally found an organization and quickly became one with the original teenagers.

In particular, when they learned that the managers of the Balabala Barbecue Bar were also orphans who walked out of the camp, they were really envious.

After learning that they could get the same opportunity as long as they believed in God devoutly, they began to quickly play the role of God's believers.

When they learned that lying would be easily discovered by Lake, and Lake had a strong prestige here, most people began to accept God's faith devoutly from the bottom of their hearts.

A few people did not believe that anyone could really identify whether their faith was true or not, and they still wanted to fish in troubled waters and get away with it, but after Lake accurately saw through it, they were all very ashamed.

However, Lake did not give up on them, but chose to forgive them. After all, the change of faith cannot be expected to be done in one step.

Of course, it is better to do it in one step.

Therefore, these young people without faith have also integrated into the daily life of believing in God, performing the rituals of believing in God every day, and gradually becoming God's believers.

After all, Lake can accurately judge the authenticity of faith every time, and in their cognition, only God can accurately find out the false believers among the true believers.

Seeing that everyone has become God's believers and the rapid accumulation of the power of faith, he is very pleased.

He believes that this is the so-called collective consciousness. In collective life, individuals seem to be easily infected by it.

Due to the transformation of the believers' faith and the addition of new believers, the speed of his accumulation of faith power has improved qualitatively compared to before.

Counting the faith added by all the fanatics of the newly added Guardian Knights, there are more than 2,500 points of faith, plus the newly joined orphans, who provide nearly 500 points every day, plus the previous faithdisciples.

Now, he basically has 4,000 points of faith power accounted for every day, which is more than four times the data before he went to Beifeng Port.

And it has only been a week.

Lake also understood that the appropriate display of force, the display of power that ordinary people cannot understand, is like a miracle, which will invisibly make the image of God more majestic, and thus make the believers' faith more firm.

You know, God's power can be given to Lake today, and it may be given to himself tomorrow, so everyone has expectations.

Lake also understood that the number of believers is indeed important and is a necessary condition for awakening the Hongmeng Origin Pearl. But the quality is more important, especially at this stage, when the number of believers is not large. Deepening the level of believers' faith is the best way to quickly accumulate faith power.

Moreover, now is also the time when it is easiest for believers to transform their faith, because there are few believers, they can receive more care from Lake, and they can also enjoy more benefits brought by the Creation God Religion. The gifts from God are more abundant and the perception is more obvious.

Therefore, faith is easier to transform.

Moreover, the power of faith provided by 100 true believers is only equivalent to that of one fanatic believer, so the importance of quality is self-evident. And it is not easy to turn a large number of true believers into sincere believers.

If it weren't for the fact that these young men had lived together for two years, Lake probably wouldn't have been so easy.

In addition, the transformation of these two believers really made him taste the sweetness.

Of course, this is only when there are few believers now. He thought that if he could increase the number while ensuring the quality, it would be the best.

However, with his current strength, he felt that he still needed to proceed step by step, give priority to playing the cards in his hand, and move forward steadily.

Now, the speed of accumulating the power of faith has increased. Needless to say, it is definitely the wisest choice to give priority to further converting qualifications into strength.

As for the so-called Mabu family, he plans to let it go for now. After all, can the monk run away and the temple run away?

Besides, isn't it easier to solve it after the strength is stronger?

So, another three months of peace came.

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