"Aim for me, don't let me down at this time."

On the warship, Karp, holding a monocular telescope, was admonishing the sniper next to him with some worry.

"Don't worry, Vice Admiral Karp, don't you know my accuracy?" The middle-aged sniper was obviously quite capable and spoke with confidence.

"It's better to be careful." Karp continued to stare at the sea in the distance.

"Okay, no problem, just rest assured." The sniper assured again.

Suddenly, a huge sea beast appeared on the sea, suddenly jumped out of the water, and rushed straight to the boy on the boat.

At this time, Karp, who saw everything, had his heart hanging in his throat, and was concentrating on watching the boy's actions, and his hands were ready to send signals to the sniper next to him at any time.

Seeing this, the boy suddenly swung a punch, and the long fist hit the sea beast's face fiercely, and even knocked his huge body away.

Afterwards, the sea surface returned to calm again, and the boy rowed the boat into the sea.

Garp saw all this, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the boy set sail safely, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Set sail quickly, target, Frost Kingdom."

With Garp's order, the warship quickly sailed away from the original place, and soon disappeared on the boundless sea.

The boy rowed the boat alone, moving forward aimlessly, completely unaware that someone had been watching him secretly.


A week passed in a flash, and the shadow caused by the pirates was gradually smoothed by time.

After all, the pirates did not leave any painful memories for the residents of Harlan City. Except for those families who lost their loved ones, most civilians had forgotten the disaster that had nothing to do with them at this time.

And today's Harlan City is particularly lively, because everyone knows that their king, Krofa VII, is about to become a believer of the Creation God Church, and will hold a grand initiation ceremony and be baptized.

Crowds flocked to the Church of the Creator God in Harlan City, looking forward to witnessing this grand ceremony.

This is exactly what Lake and King Klofa VII agreed to do. Lake also hopes to take this opportunity to spread the belief in God throughout the country.

Although churches are now spread across 36 towns across the country, the vast majority of people still do not believe in the existence of God.

Lake believes that the king's lead will play a huge role as a role model and will allow more people to follow suit, which is the so-called celebrity effect. After that, there will definitely be more people willing to understand God and then believe in God.

At 10 a.m., the ceremony officially began.

The church square was already crowded with devout believers, and there were even many people who could not enter the square because there were too many people. They could only watch from afar on the streets outside the square or on nearby buildings.

Under the attention of everyone, Lake slowly walked to the high platform in the center of the square.

Today, he was wearing a white suit and a white cloak, looking particularly handsome. He held a thick scripture in his hand, with the cover inlaid with shining emeralds, adding a bit of solemnity and sacredness.

His appearance immediately triggered deafening cheers, and the believers were extremely enthusiastic. Although the huge crowd made everyone seem small, they all expressed their respect and welcome to Lake in their own way.

Lake's eyes slowly swept across the entire square, and wherever he went, there was a more enthusiastic wave of cheers.

Seeing the believers' enthusiastic response, Lake was very satisfied.

I don't know when it started, he gradually got used to such scenes, and even enjoyed it. Maybe it was because he regarded all this as his own credit, so he appreciated his own achievements.

In the tall building in the distance, a group of people were also watching the square below. They were Vice Admiral Garp and Smoker and others.

"Smoker, do you think this kid is Winx Lake? The scene is quite big, but he is too young!" Garp asked in disbelief.

"Vice Admiral Garp, yes, it's him. I've seen it with my own eyes, he does have the strength of a great swordsman." Smoker said seriously.

Seeing this, Garp stopped asking.

After all, he knew Smoker, the troublemaker. Since his expression was so serious, he would definitely get the same answer no matter how many times he asked. So, he didn't plan to waste his breath.

However, he still didn't believe it and planned to find an opportunity to verify it himself later.

In the interval between Garp and Smoker's conversation, Lake had finished the opening remarks of the ceremony, which were some routine speeches.

Then, under Lake's hosting, the ceremony entered the most important part.

King Krofer VII slowly appeared on the stage,Supported by two young women in white priest robes, they slowly walked towards Lake.

These two devout female believers, one is the little princess Sarah, and the other is the first fanatic Elsa. Lake decided to let them become priests of the Frost Parish, one for the nobles and the other for the common people.

With the appearance of the king, the ceremony seemed to have entered the climax, igniting people's enthusiasm again, and cheering loudly. It seems that the king of his country still has a high prestige in the hearts of the people.

"Hura!" xN

Inside and outside the square, believers shouted the name of God loudly, as if at this moment, only God could have such a lofty honor.

Lake looked at everyone and slowly raised his hand to signal silence. Suddenly, the square was silent, as quiet as if no one existed.

"Today, our king, His Majesty Klofa VII, will be baptized and become a believer of Ula in front of everyone. From now on, he and his country will be protected by Ula."

"He and his country will prosper more under the protection of God, and he will become a greater monarch under the gaze of God. Let us look forward to the glory that belongs to him being realized soon!"

"Offer your most sincere blessings to your king and let him feel your enthusiasm!"

Suddenly, a long cheer resounded through the sky.

Then, the ceremony came to the last moment.

The believers presented a golden basin, and Lake gently dipped a few drops of water with his hand and gently shot it towards Klofa VII.

Then, a serious voice sounded from Lake's mouth.

"Are you willing to accept Ula, the god of creation, as your belief?"

"I do." The king's voice sounded.

"May God be with us!" After Lake finished speaking, he folded his hands in front of his chest with a pious look on his face.

"May God be with us!" Klofa VII did the same.

The believers in the square followed suit, repeating the words in unison.

This scene stunned Garp and others who were watching from a distance.

However, they naturally would not believe in these supernatural things. After all, the more powerful a person is, the more he believes in his own strength.

Moreover, as an old man, Garp naturally would not think that the rise of a force would be peaceful. Under the bright and beautiful surface, there must be an unknown dark side.

Otherwise, why would Lake become the biggest winner?

Is it really the unintentional actions of the pirates that made Lake the savior and gave him a transcendent status in this country?

Although he is a citizen of the kingdom, he is also a priest of the cult. Who is the greatest between him and the king?

Among the believers, perhaps he is considered the greatest.

Doesn't this mean that Lake has taken control of a country without any effort?

Garp obviously doesn't believe that all this is a coincidence.

But he obviously has no reason to trouble Lake now? After all, he was a navy, and this was a country's internal affairs. He couldn't take action unless something happened that harmed the allied countries or threatened the king.

Moreover, he didn't come here to suppress Lake, but to find out what kind of person Lake was, what kind of strength he had, and whether he would become a potential saboteur.

"Smoker, go investigate his background and complete it as soon as possible." Garp ordered.

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