Time flies, and another four days have passed.

Smoker led his subordinates and tried his best to uphold justice in his heart, as if putting the unity of knowledge and action into practice.

They visited various places and inquired about Lake's affairs, wanting to know how he became so powerful. He never believed that this was a gift from God.

In addition, they also hoped to find evidence of the connection between Lake and the Creek Pirates, because Lake was present when the Creek Pirates appeared twice.

However, their investigation did not make much progress.

Lake practiced in the Fantasy Realm most of the time. No one had seen him practice, so no one could tell clearly. Moreover, the people who traded with the Creek Pirates were black-robed people. What did Winx Lake have to do with it?

Therefore, Smoker was destined not to get too many valuable clues, and could only investigate the surface situation of the Mab family's collusion with the pirates and their eventual destruction.

As for revenge, Lake was not worried about other people's investigations. This is the blood of a man. Even if the high-ranking officers of the navy knew, they would not say anything. After all, this was an internal conflict of the Frost Kingdom, and they had no right to interfere.

However, Smoker was sure that there was something wrong with Lake.

Because the series of events that had happened in the past four years were too bizarre, and Lake was almost invincible in the East China Sea, and had huge ambitions, he could not believe that such a powerful person would not rely on strength to achieve his goals.

Since there were no valuable clues, Smoker was unwilling to report, but asked Dashiqi to summarize the results of the investigation in the past four days.

"Hahaha, Smoker boy, relax a little," Garp saw that he was in a low mood and comforted him, "At least the people of this country are living well now, aren't they?"

Smoker simply nodded and didn't say much. It seems that the two are really familiar with each other. Smoker didn't care about Garp's title of naval hero at all, and acted very casually.

"Vice Admiral Garp, Colonel Smoker has found out some situations." Dashiqi began to report.

However, she was obviously a little nervous at this time. After all, she was facing the naval hero Garp, and she was just a sergeant, not as unruly as Smoker.

"Hahaha, young people are efficient. Tell me about it." Karp praised.

"Winks Lake did retaliate against the Mab family and the Hague Gang in North Wind Harbor, and the means were cruel, burning people alive." Tashigi also felt that such barbaric practices were a bit cruel.

Of course, this was only because she didn't know the punishment of the city of push, and as a passionate young man, she had a strong belief in upholding justice, so she instinctively felt a little bit reluctant.

"It seems that this is his means of revenge." Karp sighed.

"Yes, it is true. We found out that the Mab family was the mastermind behind all this, including the tragedy of the Winks family four years ago, which was also planned by them."

"Well, it seems that this is understandable." Karp asked back.

"Strictly speaking, it is true, but the Mab family once instructed Creek to deal with Winx Lake, but it didn't seem to go well. When we arrived, the battle was over, and we don't know what happened specifically."

"Now that I think about it, Winx Lake should have suppressed Creek with his strength, but let go of the people who wanted to kill him. There must be some hidden secrets hidden in this."

"Especially this time, the Creek Pirates attacked the Frost Kingdom, and he was the biggest beneficiary. This inevitably makes people suspicious."

"Indeed, he let go of the pirates who wanted to kill him, and he was the biggest beneficiary of the pirates' actions," Garp pondered, "Is this a coincidence or a conspiracy?"

"Although we haven't found conclusive evidence, I think this is definitely a conspiracy." Smoker interrupted.

"Do you have a big prejudice against him?" Garp said with a smile.

"Vice Admiral Garp, stop joking," Smoker said coldly, "I just don't want to see anything like colluding with pirates to subvert the country. Otherwise, imitators will emerge everywhere and the world will fall into chaos."

"Well, this is of course not allowed." Garp agreed.

"So, we can't condone his behavior just because he is friendly to the civilians of this country and has temporarily gained the support of the people." Smoker emphasized.

Garp obviously doesn't want to discuss the so-called justice with these passionate young people. He seems to have seen through everything and is no longer as persistent as he was when he was young.

In the face of Smoker's persistence, he has no position. This is the choice of young people and their own path.

"Uh... Hahaha, what you said seems to make some sense," Garp scratched his head, smiled and nodded in response, "Then tell me what you think of Creek"Smoker signaled to Tashigi, who nodded knowingly.

"Since the intelligence system in the East China Sea is not perfect, we can only get some information from the black market. It is said that the Creek Pirates have been temporarily disbanded and split into many small forces, moving around."

"Why?" Garp was puzzled.

"It is not clear yet." Tashigi shook his head.

"Okay." Garp sighed helplessly.

"However, the king and Creek seemed to have reached some kind of deal at the time, and Winx Lake was also present. This is what made the Creek Pirates withdraw. Was it the deal?" Tashigi suspected.

"This is also possible. It is also possible that they knew that this incident was too big and could not be dealt with, so they chose to temporarily disband and hide separately." Garp added.

"There is indeed such a possibility." Tashigi nodded.

"But why did Creek attack the palace? Moreover, why was he so sure that Lake would not take action? And Creek seemed to have a clear purpose. Perhaps there was something in the palace that he particularly wanted.

"However, judging from Winx Lake, the biggest beneficiary of this incident, he clearly had enough strength to stop all this, but he waited until the king and the ministers were desperate before he took action to play the role of savior. Is this a coincidence?"

If Lake heard Dashiqi's analysis here, he would definitely applaud. As expected, he is professionally trained and has strong analytical skills.

Everyone was also guided by Dashiqi's inference, and seemed to believe that Creek had reached an agreement with Lake and deliberately launched an attack. Creek got something, and Lake gained the faith of this country.

After hearing this, Karp frowned. If things are really as Dashiqi said, then Lake's image in his heart will be greatly reduced, because he will do anything for the sake of profit.

In particular, this incident caused the death of many soldiers. If it is really a conspiracy, this kind of treating human life as worthless is obviously the posture of a tyrant, and there must be greater ambitions hidden behind it.

After all, the stronger the strength, the greater the ambition.

"Can you find Creek?" Garp asked.

"The East China Sea is vast, and finding a person is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is difficult to do it in a short time." Tashigi shook her head.

"Then we have no evidence to prove that Winx Lake colluded with pirates and used the posture of a savior to harvest the hearts of the people." Garp said.

It seems that he still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that their analysis is wrong, because he longs for the East China Sea to become a peaceful and tranquil paradise.

"Indeed, there is no conclusive evidence." Tashigi added.

"The weirdest thing is that we have no idea how his strength has improved. People believe that this is a gift from God. According to Markli, the swordsmanship coach who teaches those orphans, he has been praying devoutly."

"It's really puzzling. In this case, let's go meet this young man." Garp finally said with a sudden smile.

It seems that things have become interesting again. Is it going to be a direct king-to-king battle?

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