The arrival of Luffy and others was an unexpected encounter, and Lake obviously entertained them generously.

"Lake, you are so generous, thank you for your hospitality." Luffy touched his bloated belly and said with a smile.

"No big deal, you're welcome." Lake looked at Luffy, who was as round as a balloon, and couldn't help laughing.

"By the way, Luffy, where are you from? What do you want to see me for?" Lake obviously didn't forget the business. He didn't understand, wasn't Luffy going to the Grand Line? How did he come to the Frost Kingdom?

"Uh, this..."

Luffy scratched his head and suddenly found that he had forgotten why he came to Lake. He thought seriously with a serious face, obviously trying to recall.

This is also thanks to Lake who has read the comics and knows Luffy's expression. Obviously, he forgot something and couldn't remember it for a while, and was trying to recall it.

So, he was not in a hurry, holding back his smile, and looked at Luffy with interest.

"Priest Lake, will God really protect his believers?" Nami suddenly interrupted, but she was not as familiar and powerful as Luffy, so she was a little reserved and nervous.

Suddenly, Lake seemed to understand a little, thinking, that's it.

"Of course," he said solemnly, "No matter where you are, devout faith will be protected by God."

"Nami, what's wrong with you? Do you want to believe in God? That's really interesting, but I don't believe it." Luffy said with a smile, obviously completely forgetting that Lake represented the belief in God at this time.

However, Nami was obviously very worried about the fate of the village at this time, so she ignored Luffy and looked at Lake firmly.

"Priest Lake, is it true?" Nami hurriedly confirmed, "What if the location is far away?"

"No matter where it is, it's the same," Lake said with a serious face, "Could it be that some believers are not protected by God? But I don't sense it."

He pretended not to know, and also used this to reveal that he had the ability to sense the believers' beliefs. It was a bit mysterious, but in fact, he just wanted to take the opportunity to raise his status.

Luffy and others didn't understand Nami's question, but seeing her so serious, they knew that the matter might be very important. They all looked at Nami seriously, wanting to know what happened.

Nami looked at Lake and saw that he was also serious and wanted to listen. In addition, she thought of the person in front of her, although he was about the same age as them, but he had the world's top strength.

So, Nami had no worries and told her everything about her village.

This really made a fuss. After listening to Luffy and others, they were filled with anger and furious.

Such hateful and cruel pirates, bullying the weak and oppressing ordinary people, how could a hot-blooded young man like him with a strong sense of justice tolerate this, especially when it happened to the navigator he recognized.

"Nami, take me, I will help you beat them away!" Luffy said with a serious face. This was a rare serious expression for him, and also a rare reliable moment for him.

Zoro and Usopp did not speak, but they also showed a firm face.

Seeing this, Nami seemed to have a different view on this strange pirate gang, and seemed to have some good feelings.

However, how could Lake give such a good opportunity to Luffy? He was still thinking about how to spread the faith before. Isn't this a good thing that comes to his door?

Suddenly he found that this seemed to be an idea, and even thought about promoting this matter in the newspaper later, otherwise people in other countries would think that this was a special religion of the Frost Kingdom.

"Nami, I sympathize with your experience. God will protect you, and I believe you will be pious to God." Lake said seriously, "Alan, go prepare the boat now, we will set sail immediately."

"Yes, priest."

Alan took the order and left.


On the waterway to Kokoa West Village.

"Lake, I heard you are very powerful?" Luffy asked curiously.

"It's all God's gift." Lake's mouth corners slightly raised. After all, he still felt very good when praised, especially when Luffy said it.

"Really? That's so interesting, how about we have a competition?" Luffy said eagerly.

Lake listened and subconsciously refused. After all, what strength is he now, what strength is Luffy, and he is a priest of God, isn't it embarrassing to fight?

"Hahaha, Luffy, you are still very weak now, wait until you become stronger in your adventures in the future."

He suddenly thought, if Luffy can become stronger before heading to the Grand Line, can he distract the World Government from his attention?

So, he deliberately provokedLuffy.

Luffy is also a powder keg, a hot-blooded young man, how can he bear others looking down on him like this, and the fight hasn't started yet. Besides, he is a devil fruit user, and he has a sense of superiority.

"Lake, stop looking down on others, come on, let's fight." Luffy was obviously dissatisfied.

"Okay, Luffy, then let you feel it."

Hearing this, Luffy suddenly became energetic, but he always thought he was very strong.

Everyone also looked at the two of them, wanting to see what the gap was, but they didn't think Luffy could win.

Suddenly, Luffy retreated to distance himself, and then used the elasticity of his body to violently eject, swinging a heavy punch at Lake.

But Lake didn't move a step, but waved his hand lightly as if slapping a fly.

Luffy, who was still in mid-air, a few meters away from Lake, was instantly knocked out by a huge force and fell into the sea. Coupled with his landlubber characteristics, he made a few bubbles and disappeared.

Seeing this, Zoro immediately jumped down and fished Luffy out.

"Lake, what's going on? What's your move?" Luffy asked in confusion after he was fully revived.

He couldn't understand how he was knocked out. What was that thing? It hurt so much, and he was obviously a rubber man.

"Luffy, it is the potential of life given by God to the world. It is deep in the body and can only be stimulated by the truly strong. If you don't master this power, you can't survive in the Grand Line." Lake deliberately tempted.

"Really? What kind of power is this? Can I learn it?" Luffy immediately became interested and asked hurriedly. After all, this is about his adventure and the dream of the Pirate King.

The rest of the people were also curious, and Allen and the others were the same. After all, Lake didn't tell them.

"This power is called Haki by the world. I guess you should have tasted your grandfather's fist," Lake said with a smile, "Does it hurt a lot? You are obviously made of rubber."

"Yes, I have never figured out why." Luffy nodded repeatedly.

"Hahaha, that's Haki, just like this." As he said this, Lake flicked Luffy with his finger in the air, of course, using the Armament Haki.

"It hurts, it hurts so much." Luffy cried while holding his head. There was an inconspicuous small bump on his head, which was obviously the result of Lake's finger flick just now.

"Luffy, you still have a long way to go. Devil fruits are not uncommon in the Grand Line and the New World. Most of the strong have powerful fruit abilities. And Haki is the only effective means to fight against them..."

Lake's words completely opened the eyes of everyone on the ship, and they all sighed that the world was so magical, and it turned out that God left so many abilities to humans.

Looking at Luffy and the others with longing faces, Lake was like a devil who tempted mortals to sell their souls, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised without any expression.

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