Since then, the Creation God Religion was officially established.

Everyone also has a new identity. In addition to being a believer of Ula, they are also a member of the God Religion and have the obligation and responsibility to develop the God Religion.

The young people, who are at a vibrant and energetic age, embrace the passion to pursue their dreams, plus the sacred mission that Lake has conceived for them, and everyone is full of spirit and vitality every day.

Whether it is the sword training of the Guardian Knights or the research of the deeds of God by the trainee missionaries, they are all in full swing.

Of course, the miracles they studied also came from Lake's mouth.

He is now a priest of God. He borrowed from the scriptures of a certain religion in his previous life and added fuel to the fire. It is not at all inconsistent.

Because, these are all oracles, from the teachings of God.

After all, the God of Creation Ula is so omnipotent.

Since those gods can do the so-called great flood to destroy the world, refining stones to repair the sky, and making people out of mud, etc., there is no reason why the God of Creation cannot do it.

Therefore, no matter what he said, there was no flaw.

The most important thing was that the believers believed it without a doubt, and they listened with an intoxicated look on their faces, thinking that God was too great.

At this time, the entire Creation God Religion was full of vigor and vitality.

Looking at these young people who were so focused and hard-working, proud to be part of the God Religion, and devoting themselves to the spread of God's faith, Lake felt very relieved.

He guessed that this might be the power of true faith.

Such a smooth start also made Lake very happy. Even if the road ahead might have some twists and turns, it at least showed that the general direction was correct. Sometimes he even began to imagine the magic of the Hongmeng Origin Pearl after it was repaired.

In addition to the two groups of people who trained swordsmanship and studied doctrines, Lake also made clear arrangements for those ordinary young people at this stage. Since they enjoyed the benefits of the God Religion, they had to accept the corresponding obligations.

These were all part of his long-planned faith dissemination strategy. The previous swordsmanship training and cooking training were all laying the foundation for this.

What he wants to do is to build a chain of catering brands in the whole world.

After all, food is the first necessity of the people, and this is the industry that can reach ordinary people the most.

Therefore, these people will be part of this plan.

The world is so big, and his heart is so big, so naturally he needs more people to help him realize it.

Of course, building a chain of catering is not simple, which involves many things such as supply chain, human resources reserve and technology research and development. He has never done it and does not know it.

But, fortunately, the cooking coach is a senior member of the Food Association. After Lake paid a considerable consulting fee, he also began to help with advice.

After a week of discussion, practice and evaluation, coupled with Lake's knowledge of the information explosion era in his previous life, they finally determined a catering chain enterprise mainly based on barbecue, wine, fried rice and bread.

In view of the popularity of barbecue with wine in his previous life, Lake inferred that since people in this world are more unrestrained, this wild way of eating must be more eye-catching.

However, it is not enough for a restaurant to simply set the dishes. Especially for chain restaurants, the taste must be good enough to be infinitely replicated, and to achieve scale, productization and standardization.

Among them, quality control is crucial, after all, food is the lifeline of catering.

Then, he assigned tasks to all the teenagers who were over 16 years old, a total of 60 people.

Let 10 of them develop fried rice, and the rest study the selection and matching of barbecue ingredients and side dishes.

Lake also emphasized that the dishes do not need to be exquisite, but must be delicious and affordable for ordinary people.

Finally, they spent two months to finally develop a feasibility plan and determine the standardized catering route with seafood fried rice and egg and meat fried rice as the staple food and delicious barbecue as the feature.

The main dishes include large beef skewers, squid, crab, big prawns, kalam fish and whitebait, as well as auxiliary vegetables such as potatoes and peppers. Considering that many people in this world do not have the habit of eating vegetables, there are only a few types of vegetables.

After having a plan, Lake did not rush to act, but asked the teenagers to consolidate the practice and develop a standardized process. He also selected the most suitable 15 people and asked them to focus on process control and lean management.

He appointed Carlos, who looked more mature, as the head chef to manage these 15 people and impart these knowledge to subsequent believers. He told them in a serious tone that this was a big deal involving the development of the religion and that they must pay attention to it.

Being entrusted with an important task was a great honor for these young people.

After all, when have they ever been valued so much?

They nodded wildly, their eyes filled with the feeling of dying for their friends.

This greatly satisfied them.Their vanity made them feel as if they had found the value of life.

A month later, the chef team led by Carlos finally mastered all the processes and established training and assessment standards.

Lake was very satisfied with this.

During this period, Old John was also not idle. After learning about Lake's chain restaurant plan, he seemed to have a second spring and was also full of energy.

Although he had lived a peaceful and stable life in the past two years, people always have to consider the future, don't they?

Therefore, Old John was actually very worried about Lake in his heart, worried that if he continued like this, he would not be able to live in the future. After all, money would always run out.

Although Lake also said that he had a plan in mind, he had not taken action for two years. How tortured it was for Old John.

Until this moment, his worries were completely dissipated, and he was also very satisfied with Lake's plan.

Lake also entrusted him with an important task, so Old John had been discussing business with the Chamber of Commerce during this period.

Mainly involving the supply chain of meat, seafood, and wine, they not only need a stable supply, but also strive for preferential prices.

After all, what they want to do is to operate on a large scale. If the volume is large, even a penny less in price will be a considerable amount.

Only with more money can Lake carry out his plan better. This is the experience he has come through.

After all, Old John has been working hard in this sea area for many years. Although he has always been the steward of the Lake family, he has also accumulated a lot of connections.

In addition, who would dislike the business cooperation and making money together?

So, he successfully reached a procurement agreement with several large local chambers of commerce.

In addition, the two parties also agreed that after the purchase volume is large, the price will be discounted, and every time the volume reaches the threshold, the price will be renegotiated.

So far, all the preparations required for Lake's plan have been completed, and the only thing left is to select a location and open a store.

However, what he didn't expect was that he also got double happiness.

When he looked at the battle power stele again, the strength engraved on it turned out to be a naval colonel, which really made him overjoyed.

However, this seemed to be what he expected.

After all, in addition to taking time every day to understand the progress of the teenagers, he spent the rest of his time practicing in the Fantasy God Realm.

He never forgot that the so-called gods were all fictionalized by him, and the Creation God Religion was founded with his help. If he wanted to continue to grow, he had to rely on his strength.

Only when he was stronger could the banner of the God Religion be established in more places.

Otherwise, without the support of strength, the God Religion could not withstand the slightest setback and could collapse at any time.

As for the fact that he was able to be promoted from lieutenant colonel to colonel so quickly this time, in addition to his hard training, there was also the rapid accumulation of faith power.

The formal establishment of the Creation God Religion and the appointment of the teenagers made this group of teenagers feel the mission they shouldered and realized that this was a major event with far-reaching impact.

Therefore, the development of the God Religion and their self-realization were combined, and they naturally had endless energy. After all, doing their own things was not always like this.

Most of those true believers suddenly transformed into faithful believers, and the contribution of faith power was greatly improved.

Suddenly, there were 70 more faithful believers, and the faith power they could provide every day increased from 70 points to 700 points now.

Therefore, the faith power he could accumulate every day has increased from 250 points to 900 points, an increase of more than three times.

Even though he is stronger now, he still needs nearly 200 points of faith power for daily extreme training, and the same is true for the consumption of synchronous strength. It took him only more than two months to accumulate nearly 40,000 points of faith power.

After having the power of faith, the original sword had long been thrown aside by him, and replaced by a 1,000-jin sword, which is exactly the same size as the previous sword, but it consumed a full 40,000 points of faith power.

This also made him realize that the faith power consumed by the materialization seems to be related to the weight of the material, and the greater the weight, the more faith power is consumed.

After materializing the new sword, it only took him a month to adapt to the weight of the sword.

Now, he would take a new sword and practice wielding it for 10 hours every day.

He also always remembered a word, the breath of all things, which was a scene that he remembered deeply when he watched One Piece.

He couldn't understand the meaning of this word before, but as he became more and more proficient in sword practice and his state of mind became more and more in line with the sword's meaning, he had a different understanding of this word.

He can now feel the sharpness of the sword, as if the sword is no longer a dead object in his hand.

He knows,This is the transformation of skills. With more practice and enough experience points, the skills will naturally upgrade. If the previous realm was perfect, now it is superb.

Now, no matter what posture he adopts, he can swing a gorgeous sword.

He even deliberately materialized a steel pillar for experiment.

Facing the iron pillar, he seemed to be able to see the dynamic changes of steel, as if the molecules were active and jumping like breaking waves.

He knew that this was not seen by the eyes, but by the senses.

He also knew that this was the so-called breathing of all things, and the swordsman was able to cut off the rhythm of this breathing and thus had the ability to cut steel.

And now, he has done it.

Unknowingly, he also became a swordsman.

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