The ten mysterious masters who besieged Lin Han back then belonged to the top secrets of the World Government, and only a very limited number of people knew about it in the entire naval headquarters.

Sengoku, Karp, Zefa, Tsuru.

Even the current three admirals, Red Dog, Yellow Ape, and Blue Pheasant, do not know this secret.

Karp froze and said no more.

Burning Mountain was embarrassed, this kind of highest-level secret, he was absolutely not qualified to know, and he was immediately a little uneasy.

“You don’t have to care. Sengoku waved his hand and said, “Is there any other news besides the Ice God?”

“Hades Rayleigh, also appeared in the Chambord Islands. Burning Mountain continued to report: “However, this time he did not make a move, but it is clear that he and Bing… The ice god is a friend. ”

“Renly, this old fox!” said Karp hatefully.

Reilly has always been resourceful and very cunning, and Karp has driven Roger into a corner several times, and if it weren’t for Renly’s troublemaking, Karp would probably have captured Roger himself.

For Reilly, Karp has always hated the root of his teeth.

“If the Ice God and Hades King Renly join forces, I am afraid that the pattern of this world will be greatly turbulent. Staff Officer Tsuru said worriedly.

“This incident has exceeded the capabilities of the Navy headquarters, and it must be reported truthfully to the five old stars. Warring States said in a deep voice: “The deeds of the Ice God have been blocked for decades, but this time, I am afraid that they can no longer be blocked.” ”

Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru, these three navies of the older generation, looked at each other, and they all saw concern in each other’s eyes.

This world is about to turn upside down….


Late at night.

At the peak of the Red Earth Continent, above the clouds, stands a huge and majestic city tower, which is extremely gorgeous.

Here, is the headquarters of the world government, the place where the world nobles Draco live, the holy land of Mary Joya!

Throughout the world, the Holy Land of Mary Joa is the absolute center, the supreme authority, and home to the Draco, heavily guarded and forbidden to break in.

However, at this moment, three uninvited guests are about to descend on Mary Joa.

In the sky.

Three white birds were flying up from the bottom of the Red Earth Continent, their speed was so fast that they were about to fly to the top.

On the back of each bird, there is a figure sitting.

It was Lin Han, Reilly, and Tiger.

This white flying bird, delicately shaped, is about three meters long, and the whole body is composed of cold ice.

Ice Bird, a frozen fruit move developed by Lin Han.

This ice bird has almost no attack power, but it is very convenient to carry people, and will not get tired or fearful.

In the original One Piece, Tiger climbed to the top of the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands, but this time with Lin Han, he saved this trouble.

Soon, three ice birds landed in front of the iron gate of the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Lin Han waved his hand casually, and the three cold ice birds turned into mist again and dissipated in the air.

“It’s amazing…” muttered Tiger, Lin Han’s magical means, he was already stunned.

It was late at night, Mary Joa was silent, and the Draco were sleeping.

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The guards at the door, however, did not dare to relax in the slightest, wearing armor and holding swords, always paying attention to the situation nearby.

However, Lin Han and the three were far away from them, and these guards did not find them.

“What a huge and gorgeous palace. Tiger gazed at the holy place Mary Joa in the distance and said to himself: “Draco really enjoys it, living in this kind of place, really thinking that he is the creator.” ”

“It’s just a whitewash. ”

Reilly said lightly: “The Draco people are cruel and unkind, which has long caused the dissatisfaction of civilians all over the world, and recently, the power of the revolutionary army has become more and more powerful, and it has formed a force that cannot be ignored.” Ironically, the leader of the revolutionary army turned out to be the son of a naval hero. ”

The leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon, is Karp’s biological son.

Lin Han stared at the silhouette of Mary Joa, and thought in his heart: “Tonight, I want to leave a painful memory for all Draco. ”

“Let’s go. ”

Lin Han walked towards the gate of the Holy Land.

Reilly and Tiger, close behind.

The three got closer and closer, and the guard at the door finally noticed that something was wrong and prepared to attack.

“You guys are too nervous, calm down. ”

Lin Han’s tone was indifferent, and he opened his mouth to exhale a cold breath.

This cold air unexpectedly formed a strong cold wind, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, the moisture in the air quickly froze, and the temperature instantly dropped below freezing.

The guards at the gate of the Holy Land had not had time to react, but they were swept by this freezing wind.

Click! Click!

The crisp sound of freezing is endless.

Under the sweep of the freezing wind, all the guards were frozen, temporarily incapacitated, and even the vocal cords were frozen and could not make a sound.

The armor on their bodies and the weapons in their hands all formed a thick layer of frost and became fragile.

Lin Han just blew a breath, and silently, he solved all the guards.

Tiger looked stupid again and even forgot to shout “666”.

Lin Han and the three entered the Holy Land of Mary Joa, the highest power center in the world, without hindrance.

Lin Han closed his eyes and saw that the domineering aura was like a water streak, spreading out in an instant.

His sight and smell are domineering, and his coverage is positive and wide, and the entire Chambord Islands can be covered.

Soon, Lin Han opened his eyes.

“The structure of Mary Joa’s architecture, I have felt it clearly. Lin Han said: “This place is roughly divided into four major areas, the Draco residential area, the World Conference Hall, the entertainment venue, and the slave prison. Entertainment venues, including the Slave Arena, where slaves of all races perform during the day. ”

“Abominable Draco, they don’t treat slaves as human beings at all, and abuse them wantonly. ”

Tiger’s eyes radiated raging anger.

“Let’s go two ways, I’ll go to Draco’s quarters and make a fuss, Renly and Tiger, you two go to the slave prison in the southeast corner and free all the slaves.” ”

Lin Han ordered.

“No problem. ”

Both Reilly and Tiger nodded.

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