“Ice Demon Zero Broken Bow!”

Lin Han summoned a purple ice bow and ice arrow, aimed at the ice tyrannosaurus, bent the bow and took the arrow, and shot at the ice tyrannosaurus’s hideous mouth.

I saw that the purple ice arrow broke through a passage from the center of the black ice arrow group, turned into a purple streamer, and flew towards the ice tyrannosaurus.

Although the ice tyrannosaurus would not see the domineering, it seemed to instinctively feel a trace of danger, and when the purple streamer was about to pierce its throat, it lowered its head slightly.

A purple ice arrow that was supposed to pierce its throat from its huge mouth pierced its right eye directly, piercing a large hole in its right eye.

“The instinct of the beast is really a troublesome thing, but this time it is not completely in vain.”

The strong people in this world are overly dependent on seeing and hearing domineering, and they are much worse at developing their instinctive crisis sense, so encountering the existence of seeing and hearing domineering is stronger than him, which is basically equivalent to passive beating.

Of course, the masters of the four emperor level and a few swordsmen and above still have the fighting instinct in this regard, after all, this thing will grow unconsciously.

However, compared to the giant beast in front of him, which acted almost entirely on instinct, the crisis sensing of those masters was much worse, otherwise this ice tyrannosaurus would not have dodged Lin Han’s fatal blow.

The blind ice tyrannosaurus went berserk and spewed out more black ice arrows at Lin Han, while it also opened its blood basin and bit at Lin Han.

However, all this was blocked by Lin Han’s ice crystal shield, and Lin Han directly took the opportunity to use the Ice Demon Zero Broken Bow again, and shot an arrow at the blood basin of the ice tyrannosaurus at close range.

After being hit by this blow, the ice tyrannosaurus roared in pain, and its body gradually began to freeze, and finally turned into a huge ice sculpture.

“After all, it is still a beast, otherwise with the fighting instinct, it can still cause me a little trouble.”

After Lin Han killed the Ice Tyrannosaurus, he walked towards the center of the Heavenly King’s Island.


“Is this the central area, the painting style is completely different from other places.”

At the beginning, Lin Han thought that the central area of the Island of the Heavenly King should be the habitat of a group of phantom beasts, after all, the outer periphery is equivalent to ordinary mutated beasts, and the inner periphery is equivalent to the mutated ancient beasts The central area of ancient divine beasts is also normal.

But in front of Lin Han’s eyes was a mechanized area, a sci-fi city made of unknown materials, and there were many silver-white mechanical behemoths patrolling the streets, which were about the size of ordinary behemoths in the outer areas.

“Mechanical beast, it seems that it can only break in.”

Lin Han knew that with the patrol range of these mechanical behemoths, no matter what, he would be discovered, after all, what he was good at was frontal combat after all, and he was really not very good at infiltration.

However, it had reached the last hurdle, and Lin Han was too lazy to waste time slowly moving forward.

“Ice path!”

One after another cold qi spread out from Lin Han’s body, quickly freezing everything in front of him, and also freezing some of the mechanical beasts.

“Drip! Discover the intruders! Found in…”

The remaining part of the mechanical behemoths, after discovering Lin Han, the alarm has not been completely issued, and it has also been completely frozen.

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After solving these mechanical beasts, Lin Han immediately rushed towards the huge tower in the center of this mechanical capital, which was thousands of meters high.

However, before he went far, he once again welcomed a group of fiery red and ice-blue mechanical beasts.

“Ice attribute and fire attribute? It seems that the ancient people had many ways to deal with the able. ”

Obviously, these mechanical behemoths were specially arranged for Lin Han’s ice power.

“Drip! Discover the target! Hazard level red! Annihilation in place is allowed! ”

An ice-blue mechanical behemoth that was more than ten meters larger than an ordinary mechanical behemoth said in an electronic synthesized voice, obviously this mechanical behemoth was the captain of this group of mechanical behemoths.

After receiving the order of the captain of the mechanical behemoth, all the mechanical behemoths opened their mouths, and red or blue beams of light erupted from their mouths and eyes.

As soon as these beams touch the ground, they freeze or vaporize the ground, and the frozen ground will soon be directly shattered.

“I didn’t expect that these little guys are much stronger than that tyrannosaurus in terms of freezing ability, and they are already infinitely close to absolute zero, so those fire systems are probably stronger than the fire system of the giant beast in the magma.”

Being able to directly freeze or vaporize the unknown metal ground shows that the ice and fire ability of these giant beasts is not much worse, if not to the extreme.

“Fortunately, the defense of these guys is obviously not as good as that tyrannosaurus, and even not much stronger than those guys on the periphery.”

“In this case, ice meteorite!”

Lin Han directly summoned a large area of ice meteorites, and those huge ice meteorites directly smashed towards the mechanical beasts.

“There is an unidentified meteorite group above, please pay attention to avoidance, please pay attention to avoidance.”

After those mechanical behemoths discovered the ice meteorite, they avoided it in an orderly manner, except for a few unlucky ghosts who were smashed by the ice meteorite, and all the others avoided the ice meteorite’s attack.

“Therefore, this kind of only rational thing is the most difficult to entangle, and the guy who designed the defense of this island did not combine the physique of those ‘heavenly kings’ with the sanity of these mechanical behemoths.”

In general, the wild behemoths outside have tenacious vitality, but low intelligence, and do not have much discipline, while these mechanical behemoths are simple killing weapons, but the skin is a little crisp.

Of course, the main thing is that these mechanical behemoths cannot repair themselves, so they appear a little more brittle than the behemoths outside.

Like the large mechanical behemoth that was surprised by Lin Han before and dropped with one move, it was because it had no self-repair ability that it would be destroyed by one blow.

Otherwise, Lin Han’s blow would only limit the actions of the mechanical behemoths at most, and they would not be completely destroyed, even if they were only ordinary models.

After all, Lin Han didn’t make a particularly powerful trick, he also wanted to restrict their actions, who knew that he would directly destroy them.

However, these special models, the fire system may be better solved, and the ice system, I am afraid that either have to be destroyed by physical attacks, or it has to be used to absolute zero, otherwise these ice mechanical behemoths cannot save such frozen light.

“Ice cubes, two spears!”

Lin Han summoned a huge ice spear, and covered the spearhead of the ice spear with a layer of armed color domineering, and then directly threw the ice spear towards the captain-type mechanical behemoth.

“The target uses ice attacks, analytical solutions, form transformation, and flame form.”

The captain of the ice-blue mechanical behemoth directly changed color and turned into a fiery red.

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