For such a straightforward guy with no bad intentions, Lin Han was not disgusted, but found such a guy interesting.

And the big face of the Dragon Emperor showed a strange expression, thinking in his heart.

“Brother Balot, don’t be embarrassed anymore, it will be a shame if you are killed by Mr. Lin Han in seconds.”

At the same time, the Dragon Emperor also secretly looked at Lin Han’s expression to confirm that Lin Han was not angry because of this, and then he was relieved.

Lin Han’s figure flashed on Balot’s back, and a palm slapped Balot’s back, and then Balot felt a cold back, and endless cold spread out, and soon Balot’s entire dragon turned into an ice sculpture.

After Lin Han thawed the ice sculpture, he smiled at Balotte and said.

“How, do you still want to fight?”

After Barrott snorted, he said to Lin Han.

“No need Mr. Lin Han, your strength is comparable to His Majesty the Dragon King, and you can indeed help the Dragon Clan.”

“Okay, now you can take us into the island.” Lin Han said with a smile.

“No problem, Mr. Lin Han, you come with me.”

Barrott said immediately.


After the group stepped into Dragon Island, they flew straight to the Dragon Palace, and encountered a black dragon halfway, and the Dragon Emperor flew over happily as soon as he saw the black dragon.

“Mother, I’m back.”

“Dekader, you’re back, I believe Barlot has already told you about transferring the baby dragon, but I may not go with you, I will guard Dragon Island with your grandfather.”

The Dragon Emperor’s mother said.

“Aunt Daisa, maybe we don’t have to transfer, this kid Dekade brought a master over, and when the time comes, let Mr. Lin Han cooperate with His Majesty the Dragon King and work together to kill the Demon King, so that the crisis of our dragon clan will naturally be lifted.”

Barrott said to the Dragon Emperor’s mother.

“Since you, the first warrior of the dragon clan, so highly respect this Mr. Lin Han, and put Mr. Lin Han on the same level as the Dragon King, then this Mr. Lin Han must have some real skills.”

“But this battle is not a joke, several uncles whose strength is second only to the Dragon King have died in the hands of those demon generals, just relying on one master, can not change anything, or make two preparations.”

The Dragon Emperor’s mother said.

“Aren’t I going to discuss with His Majesty the Dragon King, besides, if Dragon Island is really over, I’m afraid those young dragons won’t live long, and the power of human beings is too terrible.”

Barrott retorted that he actually didn’t want the Dragon Emperor to take away those young dragons at the beginning, but the decision made by several elders, he, the first master of the younger generation, was still ready to honestly execute, who called him more honest.

But now that Lin Han appeared, he saw new hope, and he finally had the courage to speak his mind.

“Yo, you kid still knows how to think for himself now, it seems that you have also grown up, then you yourself tell Uncle Dragon King.”

The mother of the Dragon Emperor said,

“Okay, I’ll take Mr. Lin Han and Dekade to see the Dragon King, and I’ll bring Dekade to see you later.”

Barrott said with a smile.

“Your kid seems to have an unusual identity in the dragon clan.”

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Lin Han said to the Dragon Emperor with a smile, and from the words of the Dragon Emperor’s mother, it could be seen that the Dragon Emperor’s mother was at least a direct relative of the Black Dragon Patriarch.

The words of the Black Dragon Clan are second only to the Golden Dragon Clan and the Green Dragon Clan among the Dragon Clan, but the Green Dragon Patriarch has fallen.

Moreover, when Lin Han was outside the island, he found that there were not many clansmen left in the Qinglong clan, only two general-level masters and more than a dozen young dragons, which could be said to have been completely weakened.

Therefore, it can be said that the Black Dragon Clan already belongs to the second strong family of the First Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Emperor is equivalent to the heir of the Black Dragon Princess, no wonder it eats in the Dragon Clan, otherwise even if the blood of the Dragon Clan is small, discrimination against mixed blood must exist.

For example, the monster that the Dragon Emperor killed before was obviously the guy who was squeezed out.

“My grandfather is the current Black Dragon Patriarch, and I was also looked down upon by my companions when I was a child, but I was more able to fight when I was a child, so no one dared to say anything about me later.”

The Dragon Emperor said with a smile.

“Okay, if I hadn’t seen Aunt Daisa’s face and often helped you beat those little ghosts, you would have been beaten all over the ground by them.”

Barrott couldn’t help but retort.

“But didn’t I also help you beat the former dragon clan tyrant later, if I hadn’t helped you, you would have been beaten on the bed by the former first warrior.” The Dragon Emperor said unwillingly.

The group said as they walked, talking about the Dragon Emperor and Balot’s childhood, and soon came to the door of a huge palace.

Barrott said to Lin Han.

“Okay, Mr. Lin Han, we have arrived, I will enter the palace with you and convince him, otherwise, with the old stubborn of His Majesty the Dragon King, I am afraid that he will not accept the help of outsiders.”

“Okay, then trouble the Barrott brothers.”

Lin Han said with a smile.

“I won’t go with you, I don’t want my grandfather’s old stubborn to scold me.”

The Dragon Emperor said to Lin Han, and after speaking, he stood outside the Dragon Clan Royal Palace and no longer followed the palace.

“Well, you go and accompany your mother, and look at Ouranos a little by the way, lest it tear down Dragon Island.”

Lin Han said to the Dragon Emperor.

“Mr. Lin Han, you said that big guy of yours will tear down Dragon Island?” Barrott suddenly panicked.

“You mean Ouranos, its strength is no less than mine, but the speed of demolition, I may not be able to compare with it.”

Lin Han said that Ouranos is the crystallization of the science and technology of the ancient kingdom, dozens of times more powerful than the sea king and the underworld, even if there is no energy supply from the central tower, it is still easy to do the maximum output.

“What!? I’ll have to tell the stinky boys later, don’t mess with that big guy. ”

Barrott suddenly exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, as long as Ouranos doesn’t feel too much hostility, he won’t strike casually.”

Lin Han said with a smile that Ouranos is just a simple mechanical intelligence, although it seems to be no different from intelligent creatures on the surface, but after all, there is no joy and sorrow of intelligent creatures, simple provocation, Ouranos will not do it.

However, if any fool directly attacked Ouranos, then Ouranos would let that person taste the power of the highest creation of ancient technology.

“Forget it, Mr. Lin Han, let’s quickly finish discussing the matter, and then I’ll go and say hello to those little ghosts and let them not die.”

Balot’s heart became even more worried, but he had already promised to persuade the Dragon King, so he didn’t want to leave Lin Han here alone, just praying secretly in his heart that nothing big would happen.

Barrott took Lin Han and walked towards the inside of the palace, and soon saw three dragon-headed giants inside the palace, these three dragon-headed giants, two golden dragons and one black dragon, and the golden dragon sitting on the throne in the center was the dragon king.

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