Compared to the high-level Draco who was only a matter of time before the dust settled and defeated, the Sun Pirate Group, which did not have any fierce battles, was much more intense in the battle situation of the revolutionary army and the guardians of the world government.

If Lin Han and the revolutionary dragon had not used their abilities at the beginning, they had a huge impact on the army of the world government, and at the same time Vegapunk also supported thousands of pacifists, I am afraid that the revolutionary army would have suffered heavy casualties this time.

But even so, the revolutionary army only had the upper hand and did not have the ability to destroy the other side in a short time.

After all, the Draco themselves also have scientists like Randolphus, and before Vegapunk, the world government itself had its own team of scientists, and Vegapunk had no chance to manipulate the weapons of these guards.

After beating the guards of the world government to the occasion, Vegapunk took control of a pacifist and said to Belo Betti.

“Commander of the Eastern Army, say hello to the chief for me, and at the same time tell him to be careful of Lord Im, that guy has lived for eight or nine hundred years, even if a pig has lived for more than eight hundred years, I am afraid that it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.”

“But that guy holds his own identity, if you don’t break into Pangu City, he won’t come out, so it’s best to besiege Lord Im together after destroying the Draco forces outside.”

“What!? The old monster who has lived for eight hundred years, no, I have to inform the chief, you are staying here. ”

Belo Betty immediately said with some eagerness.

“Betty, let me go, I’m faster, and everyone needs you to boost morale and command.”

At this time, the raven said in his small voice, but on this battlefield, his voice was directly muffled by the sound of battle.

“Raven, what are you talking about? I didn’t hear clearly. Belo Betty asked.

Lindbergh said to Belo Betty again after blowing up a group of World Government guards with his own cannon.

“Raven he said, let him go, you stay and command the army.”

“Well, you go quickly, it’s best to turn on the horn before going, otherwise you will go for nothing.”

Bellobetti nodded and said, while reminding the crow to turn on the horn, otherwise his voice would be difficult to hear at all.

The crow nodded, not knowing what to say when he opened his mouth, so he turned into a two-headed crow and flew towards the battlefield where the dragon and the others were.

“You forgot to horn again, Raven.” Belo Betty hurriedly shouted.

This crow has a small voice, and often forgets to open the horn, so it often takes a long time to communicate with the crow to communicate successfully.

At this time, Lin Han had already arrived at the gate of Pangu City.

Pangu City is very huge, and in terms of luxury, it is much higher than the palace of the ancient kingdom of Lavrud, and it was built by the world government eight hundred years ago with huge manpower and material resources.

At the same time, after eight hundred years of expansion and transformation, this Pangu city has become the largest palace in the entire pirate world.

In addition to being the residence of the kings of the world, Pangu City is also the venue for the World Conference, which is held every four years, and this place is the true core of the world government.

Lin Han walked through the corridor and came to the flower where the Void Throne was located.

A young man in a black coat was sitting on the Void Throne, and the front of the Void Throne was filled with countless sharp swords and famous swords.

That young man was the last king who survived with the help of ageless surgery eight or nine hundred years ago, Lord Im, and those swords on the ground were the famous swords and swords he collected.

“Here you are, it seems that Gregory’s imp didn’t stop you.”

Lord Yim said lightly, he was not much surprised by Lin Han’s arrival, but with his more than eight hundred years of experience, even if there was any surprise, it was estimated that it was buried in his heart.

“Have you been waiting in this place? Aren’t you afraid that we will silently evacuate after killing your descendants and the descendants of your allies? ”

Lin Han said indifferently.

“I know you won’t, and even if you kill all that waste, it’s nothing, my descendants have long left me, and the current eleven families don’t have my family.”

Lord Im said nonchalantly, and from his expression, he could see that those Draco outside, in his eyes, was probably no different from passers-by.

“It’s really desperate, those guys are so bad that they offer you as an ancestor, they are all dead, and you don’t even bother to look at it.” Lin Han said.

“I gave them supreme rights, endless wealth, they can’t even do this little thing, and let you and that Monchi · D. Dragon brought people in, it would be nice not to let them cut themselves directly, die at your hands, and cheapen them. ”

Lord Yim said coldly.

“Hey, you’re more damned than they are.” Lin Han said.

If ordinary Draco treats civilians as slaves, and Draco masters ignore civilians and can directly slaughter civilians when necessary, this Lord Im treats the whole world as his plaything.

“I won’t die, little ghost, it will definitely be you who dies today, and at the same time, I will let people hang the corpses of you and the revolutionary dragon on the port building of Mary Joa forever, so that all the pariah can see the end of rebelling against me.”

Lord Im said.

“Then fight, don’t play any tricks.”

Seeing this, Lin Han’s fighting spirit immediately soared and he was ready for battle.

“No hurry, before you challenge me, you can fight with my old friends first.”

As Lord Im’s words fell, the ground between the entire flowers shook, part of the floor sank, and after a while, eighteen golden-colored coffins rose from the ground in the form of nine in each row.

“This is the king of the original world government? How is there only eighteen? ”

Lin Han suddenly had a guess in his heart, but he was a little puzzled, there were only eighteen coffins here, plus the living Lord Im, there were only nineteen kings, and the last king was killed by other kings.

“Do you mean that guy, that guy is alive and well, but as the king of the world, mixed with some pariahs all day, I really want to kill him.”

Lord Yim quickly answered Lin Han’s doubts.

“Seeing that you hate that guy so much, I am relieved that that king must be different from you guys.”

Lin Han said with a smile.

“I’ll return what you just said to you, don’t play tricks, and then you will go through with my eighteen old friends one by one.”

Lord Yim said lightly, and as he finished speaking, the first golden coffin on the far left slowly opened.

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