Meanwhile, inside the Spirit Time House.

Lin Han was doing some exercises that were very common in the outside world, but if outsiders who had entered the Spirit Time Room at this time saw Lin Han’s movements, they would definitely drop their jaws.

The Spirit Time House has ten times the gravity of the earth, with a high temperature of fifty degrees during the day and a low temperature of minus forty degrees at night, plus thin air, a huge space and no other creatures.

Therefore, ordinary people don’t say normal exercise, it is difficult to make some ordinary movements, and people with weak wills and inattention will also have hallucinations, at least they are still strong in the human category, and there will be no casual situation like Lin Han at all.

However, the benefits brought by this place are also obvious, and ten times the gravity of light can bring people different exercise effects from the outside world, not to mention the difference in air and temperature.

“If you stay here for ten years, I’m afraid you won’t talk about the seventh sense, and the eighth sense will also be perfected, but it’s a pity that the original time house can only stay for two years.” ”

Lin Han, who sensed that his strength was increasing, had a big idea in his heart.

“And the new version of the Spirit Time House is definitely not something that this old god can create, and the Nemesis child named Dandy has to wait until Sharu plays before he can become a god, and it’s still very early.” ”

“Forget it, let’s talk about it when you can come to this world later.” ”

The first version of the Spirit Time House was too restrictive, this was a fact that could not be changed, and it was necessary to wait until the new Heavenly God improved the Spirit Time House, when Lin Han had already left, so Lin Han could only find a way to come back later.

After being almost completely familiar with the gravity of the Spirit Time House, Lin Han could finally let go of his hands and feet and use some powerful attacks.

After plowing the land of the Spirit Time House, and the physical exertion was almost the same, Lin Han found a place to store food and sat down.

“This spiritual time house is very suitable for martial artists who go straight to the flesh. ”

Although this spiritual time house is good, it has no effect on those mysterious things, at least Lin Han’s ice power, the growth rate, is similar to the same time as the outside world, and there is no additional growth.

However, the Spirit Time House is also a reckless power for the small universe, and the growth rate is similar to drag racing, and even faster than the qi of the Dragon Ball world.

Just when Lin Han was in the Spirit Time House and his strength was growing by leaps and bounds, the Vic Great Demon King had already arrived on the Karin Tower.

After the Vic Great Demon King injured Archirobe and Karin Immortal and snatched a star Dragon Ball, because he was afraid of bumping into Lin Han, he did not dare to mend the knife to Archirobe and Karin Immortal, but directly got on his spaceship and went to find a secluded place to make a wish.

Although the memory of the Vic Great Demon King is more powerful than that of the Celestial God, he still knows that the Dragon Ball is something that others can make a wish first.

Karin Immortal felt two fairy beans from his arms, ate one himself, and after healing his injuries, came to Yachilobe’s side and stuffed it into Yachilobe’s mouth.

“Archy Lobe, you eat a fairy bean first. ”

“Cat Immortal, the Great Demon King Vic has already obtained my Dragon Balls, will he have already collected the Dragon Balls? Akilobe said.

Although Yachilobe is always stupid, timid and gluttonous, he still has a good brain at critical moments.

“You also go to the Heavenly God Temple, find a way to inform the Heavenly God, let him temporarily extract the power of the Divine Dragon, so that the Vic Great Demon King can’t make a wish.” Karin thought for a while and said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do it. Akirobe immediately agreed with a smile, and then climbed towards the top of Karinta without hesitation.

However, when Archiroro came to the top of the Karinta and saw the slender golden hoop rod, his heart shivered.

“That, cat immortal, can I not climb this, if this falls, I’m afraid I won’t even have a whole corpse.” ”

Akilobe turned to Karin Immortal and said.

“Don’t worry, if you fall, I will definitely catch you.” Karin said with a smile.

“Well, you must catch me then, or I will come to you as a ghost.” ”

Hearing Karin Immortal’s words, although Archy Lobe was still a little uneasy, he finally agreed.

Yachilobe jumped directly up, jumped on the golden hoop rod, and slowly climbed up.

In this way, Archylobe walked a different path from the original, if Archirobe can really climb the Heavenly Temple, at least Archylobe will not fall behind early in the Vegeta chapter, at least he can fight a few more times.

The next morning, the Great Demon finally found a valley that he thought was very hidden and did not even have an animal.

This is also the Vic Great Demon King is approaching the last moment, but be careful, obviously found a few places that are actually very safe before, but because some small animals appeared, the Vic Great Demon King still gave up.

However, just when the Vic Great Demon King took out the dragon balls one by one and planned to make a wish, an accident happened.

A golden shockwave directly hit the four-star dragon ball and the six-star dragon ball, knocking both dragon balls away.

“What kind of man? dare to sabotage my good deeds. The Vic Great Demon King suddenly said furiously.

Just when he was about to successfully make a wish, he was destroyed by someone, and anyone would be very crazy, let alone a guy like the Great Demon King of Bike, who was already very hot-tempered.

At this time, the turtle immortal came out from a certain place in the valley with Tianjin Fan and others, and the turtle immortal said to Tianjin Fan and others.

“Tianjin rice, Yamucha, Klin, you three join me to stop the Great Demon King Vaki, dumpling, you take the dragon balls away and find a place to make a wish.” ”

The turtle immortal said with a serious expression.

“Vic Great Devil, even if we can’t defeat you at the moment, at least we can hold you back with our lives for a year. ”

“Hahaha, one of the two imps who followed Wu Taidou back then, I finally found you, just waiting for me to kill you, and it’s not too late to make a wish. ”

The Vic Great Demon King laughed loudly, obviously, the Vic Great Demon King did not put the turtle immortal and the others in his eyes.

This is indeed the case, even if the old Vic at this time is a little weaker than the strength in the original work, it does not take much effort to deal with the turtle immortals and others.

Except for the Turtle Immortal’s Demon Seal Wave, which may be able to seal the Vic Great Demon King, the others can only hold the Vic Great Demon King for a while at most.

However, the turtle immortals are already old, and nine times out of ten, the demon seal wave will be crooked.

The Vic Great Demon King smiled viciously and swung a golden shockwave at the turtle immortal.

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