Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. This is already half a year of Sun Wukong’s training in the Demon Sealing Hall. During this half year. Sun Wukong practiced with the stake all day.

Sun Wukong ran around the Heavenly God Temple 100 times a day, after which his body ached continuously. Plus some ordinary physical training. Bobo is to stimulate the potential of Sun Wukong’s physical body.

In order to enhance Sun Wukong’s physical recovery ability, Bobo constantly releases skills on Sun Wukong. Every night when Sun Wukong dragged his scarred body back to rest,

Bobo will always bring the prepared fairy beans to Sun Wukong. After Sun Wukong ate fairy beans. At night the muscles of the body recover quietly. The place where the energy of the fairy bean leaves Sun Wukong’s muscles damaged during the day. Not only has it restored to the same people, but it has become stronger.

Sun Wukong has been nourished by the energy of fairy beans, and Sun Wukong’s strength, speed of action and nerve reaction ability have been greatly improved.

Bobo felt that Sun Wukong’s physical strength was strong enough. Begin training Monkey King’s combat skills. Start with the simplest Turtle Pie Qigong.

Bobo first let Sun Wukong step for half an hour. After that, let Sun Wukong slowly send out Turtle Qigong, and then look for flaws in Sun Wukong’s actions.

“The movement of raising your hand is a little higher, and the left hand is retracted a little back. First let the qi circumnavigate the body to form a protective barrier. Then concentrate the qi in the hands and condense it into energy. ”

Just listening to the bang, an energy wave that was more powerful than the attack that Sun Wukong had sent out before appeared. And this attack was not only larger, but also more than twice as fast.

A whoosh flew out of the sight of the two.

Monkey King shouted.

“Success! Success! Teacher Bobo, my Turtle Sect Qigong is already more powerful than before!”

Bobo said with a smile

“Now I will teach you an enhanced version of the Turtle Sect Qigong. There is no upper limit to this way of superimposing power, as long as your qi is enough, you can release the infinitely powerful turtle school qigong. ”

“Really? Mr. Bobo. Is there really such a way to practice Turtle Sect Qigong?”

Sun Wukong asked anxiously, while his eyes were eager to look at Mr. Bobo.

Mr. Bobo said a little proudly

“Of course, how could I lie to you, but I was ordered by the gods to complete your training plan. ”

“Well, Mr. Bobo will tell me how to do it. I can’t wait!”

“Before, when you sent out Turtle Pie Qigong, you wrapped the Qi in your body around your body and then condensed it into your hands and launched it. Then every time your Qi circles around your body, your Turtle Sect Qi Gong waves will become stronger!”

“Why? How did Mr. Bobo do this?”

“Because every time your Qi circles around your body, the more Qi that Qi absorbs from your body and the greater the energy. After your guidance, let the turtle faction qigong be successfully launched. The power will of course be multiplied. ”

Mr. Bobo smiled proudly and continued.

“With your current ability, you can make the Qi in your body circle your body twice and then launch out, and when you circle the qi in your body five times, I will start the next project. ”

After listening to it, Sun Wukong nodded firmly and said.

“I will definitely work hard, Mr. Bobo, and I will definitely fulfill your expectations of me as soon as possible. ”

“What a good boy. ”

Sun Wukong sat down cross-legged and began to use his divine sense to probe inside his body. He found that when his Qi was about to pass through his body, he passed through his own thick and thin meridians.

The thick meridians hold more qi. And the speed of delivery is faster. Conversely, the thin meridians hold less qi, and the speed of transmission will be slightly slowed down.

Under the observation of Sun Wukong. As long as the qi is regularly circulated in your own fine meridians. The meridians will become thicker. But the process is painful.

Forcibly using qi to expand his meridians, although painful, but the results are also very remarkable.

Sun Wukong felt that his cultivation was almost the same, so he went to the training ground to test it. The sky above the training ground was surrounded by clouds. Only the breeze blowing through makes people feel that they are still in the world, not the immortal world.

Now is not the time to look at the beautiful scenery in front of you. Sun Wukong’s eyes closed, his horse stepped forward, and he began the process of accumulating power in his body. One circle, two circles, three circles… Ah, no, or failed. It seems that now there can only be two laps.

Sun Wukong went to the place where Mr. Bobo rested to find Mr. Bobo. Knocked on the door. Respectfully asked, “Is Mr. Bobo there?”

“What’s wrong, Monkey King, have you completed the task I gave you?”

Mr. Bobo stared at Sun Wukong’s eyes and said one by one.

“I haven’t had a Bobo teacher yet, but I’ve encountered some difficulties in cultivation. How can I make my meridians thicker, so that I can make my Turtle Sect Qigong practice faster. ”

Mr. Bobo smiled and said

“Haven’t you drunk the Super God Water before. After drinking the super-god water, your body will no longer have any repulsive effect on the super-god water. As long as you sprinkle ultrasound water on your body, ultrasound water will penetrate into your body and moisturize those meridians. ”

Sun Wukong nodded and returned to his place of cultivation. Pick up a small vial of ultrasound water and tap it towards your arm.

After touching Sun Wukong’s arm, Chao Shenshui instantly melted into Sun Wukong’s arm as if it had never appeared.

Sun Wukong quickly used his divine sense to check his body. Where the super-divine water passes. The meridians in the body are nourished and instantly enlarged. It was far better than the effect of washing the meridians with qi before. ”

However, it is still a little difficult to achieve the goal at once. It still takes a few days of cultivation one after another.

And so another month passed.

Finally, Sun Wukong stood on the training ground again. Teacher Bobo looked at Sun Wukong and said.

“A month has passed, how is your cultivation, has it met the requirements I have for you?”

“Of course, Mr. Bobo, I’m ready. Can we get started?”

Mr. Bobo smiled and nodded.

After Sun Wukong saw that Mr. Bobo agreed. As soon as the horse stepped forward, the qi in his body surged wildly in his body. Qi is like a river in his body, rushing endlessly. Finally recharged for five laps.

Mr. Bobo’s eyes widened. The super enhanced version of Turtle Pie Qigong has finally become one.

I saw an energy ball five times larger than Sun Wukong launched out from Sun Wukong’s hand. Where the energy ball flew, it even caused a distortion in space.

The energy ball disappeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, but a minute later, a loud bang came from the distance in the sky.

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