After Lin Han came out of the Spirit Time House before, he planned to go to Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain to find Sun Wukong, and take Sun Wukong to Shenlong Valley to experience together.

But halfway to kill a princess of the Abrastasda country, he had to go with Lin Han. Lin Han took the necklace of people’s promise tokens again, if he didn’t take that princess away, wouldn’t that be a hooligan.

This was given to her by her father, and it had a special meaning for her. Although Lin Han is cold to the enemy, he is not the kind of person who is ruthless and unrighteous. But after thinking about it, it is still a bit of a headache to take this little princess with you on the road after that.

After Lin Han looked at the princess, he put his divine sense in his body and asked the system and said

“System! The space gem is given to you, what about the reward promised to me for space teleportation? ”

The system said slowly

“I have to absorb the Space Gem before I sleep for a while. When my dormancy period is over, I will have the power to give you the supreme spatial magic, spatial teleportation. ”

“Okay.” Lin Han said helplessly

Now that I have arrived at the entrance of the forest of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, it should not be far from Sun Wukong’s location. Lin Han opened his divine consciousness and looked for the breath of Sun Wukong in the great forest.

Lin Han stood in place, and after about half an hour, he suddenly opened his eyes and said.

“Found you, it turns out that you are in the middle of the forest. I didn’t expect your progress to be quite fast. ”

Lin Han suddenly said to the princess.

“By the way, I still don’t know what your name is? Can you tell me what your name is? ”

“My name is Ran Yun, how about you? What is your name? ”

“Oh, my name is Lin Han.”

Lin Han and Ran Yun smiled at each other, and Lin Han said to Ran Yun.

“I have a friend, he has experienced in this Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, I am going to find him now, do you want to go with me? His name is Monkey King. ”

“Okay, I’ll go find him with you.”

Lin Han nodded at Ran Yun, and the two went one after the other. Entered the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain. After walking for about two hours, Ran Yun couldn’t stand the embarrassment when the two people didn’t speak, and took the lead in breaking the silence.

“Where are you from, why are you so strong? How do you practice? Is it good to teach me? ”

Lin Han, who asked three questions in a row, was still a little at a loss. I don’t know which to start answering. Lin Han thought about it and said slowly.

“I’m not actually from this world, I’m from another world. You have to keep this secret from me. As for my strength, I naturally cultivated for a long time. This very strong strength today. ”

“As for instructing you to cultivate, of course, there is no problem, if I find exercises, weapons or other things that are suitable for your cultivation, I will naturally give them all to you. Of course, if you have questions about cultivation, you can also ask me. ”

“Oh oh, okay Brother Lin Han!”

At this moment, Ran Yun’s eyes were full of small stars, obviously not listening carefully to the content of Lin Han’s speech. I don’t know how Ran Yun liked Lin Han, it may be that his strong strength conquered Ran Yun.

Or Ran Yun in order to repay Lin Han for saving his life, of course, these are all based on Lin Han’s handsome appearance.

“Closer, closer, I already feel the breath of the Monkey King.”

Lin Han muttered to himself. However, this was obviously also heard by Ran Yun. Lin Han was not in the mood to think about this now, so he quickly took Ran Yun’s hands and began to fly rapidly in the direction where Sun Wukong was.

Originally, Sun Wukong’s half a year in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain was unhappy. When you are free, you can fight and kill wild beasts, you can also grill meat and eat, and there is a comfortable sleeping bag to sleep in every night.

Although you can’t talk to people to relieve boredom, it is also a kind of vacation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain with such a good environment. It can be said that killing two birds with one stone, not only the strength can be improved, but also the mood is good.

On this day, Sun Wukong had just killed and played with a rhinoceros, deboned and roasted meat, and the life could be described as beautiful. After eating the barbecue, lie down on the grass. With a dog’s tail grass in his mouth, he cocked his legs, closed his eyes, and comfortably sunbathed.

Suddenly, Sun Wukong became alert. He felt a powerful aura approaching him. It seems that the target of that powerful aura is Sun Wukong.

Goku quickly raised his head and forgot. Isn’t the person who came Lin Han? I haven’t seen him in a year, and I don’t know how he found here. Sun Wukong quickly asked

“Lin Han, I haven’t seen you for a long time, why are you here. Did you come to me specifically? ”

Lin Han said with a smile

“Of course, Monkey King. This time, I am looking for you to take you to Shenlong Valley, this is a good opportunity, and it is good for your strength improvement. Maybe you can get some unique opportunities, and with me to protect you, there is no problem with safety! ”

Sun Wukong nodded with a smile and agreed, but asked with a puzzled face

“Lin Han, then who is this young lady next to you? How had I never met her? Who is she? ”

Lin Han suddenly felt a little embarrassed to say, but after thinking about it, he said

“This is a princess of the Abrasta Kingdom that I rescued at the gate of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain when I came to Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and for some unique reasons, she is currently walking with us.”

Regarding what is the unique reason, Lin Han is also a little embarrassed to say. Sorry means that on the one hand, on the other hand, it is also because Sun Wukong is still a child, and Sun Wukong will not understand if he says more.

Sun Wukong summoned a huge version of the Doudou Cloud. It can seat up to five people. So carrying Lin Han Ranyun and Sun Wukong is completely no problem.

The group of three sat on the somersault cloud, Ran Yun touched the somersault cloud, and said excitedly.

“What is it? It’s amazing! Sun Wukong, how can you use clouds to rush, is this fast to run? ”

“Of course, this is my somersault cloud. It was taught to me by the turtle immortals. ”

Sun Wukong said proudly

The three of them chattered and chattered with Sun Wukong along the way, completely ignoring Lin Han. Lin Han was left aside, quite helpless.

Sun Wukong and Ran Yun now recognize their brothers and sisters, Sun Wukong honestly calls Ran Yun Sister Ran, Ran Yun has some bad, and calls Sun Wukong Sun Little Brother.

Lin Han was rare to be quiet for a while. The dragon egg that began to be studied by the system was speckled and speckled, but it was not an ordinary black spot, but a flash of golden light from time to time.

It is very mysterious, making people want to open the eggshell to see the creatures inside. However, Lin Han endured it, he didn’t want the dragon egg to die casually in his hands.

In this way, the group of three finally arrived at Shenlong Valley. The outside of Shenlong Valley is extraordinary, making people look in awe at first glance. But it’s not just a simple luxury.

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