Lin Han nodded to Ran Yun and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, you and Sun Wukong will go first! I’m sure I can complete the three tests that Shenlong has tested me!” ”

After Lin Han finished speaking, a blue dragon came out behind the Dragon King and took Ran Yun and Sun Wukong, sending them directly to the Forging Blood Pool.

After explaining these two people, the Dragon King said to Lin Han:

“Now that we’ve settled those two friends of yours, let’s start the three tests for you now.”

Lin Han nodded and said:

“Okay, let’s go!”

The Dragon King raised his head to stare into Lin Han’s eyes and said slowly:

“The first test, you must first achieve the approval of the race dragons of every sub-branch of our race. It’s not easy, and you have to meet their every request for you. ”

Lin Han nodded after hearing this: “What about the two tests after that?” ”

The Dragon King went on to say:

“The second test you’ve already seen. It’s the thirty-six pillars you just had in the Shenlong Shop! You have to read everything that happens in the thirty-six pillars and what those thirty-six pillars mean to our dragon. ”

“And in those thirty-six pillars there is also the will of our ancient dragon, you have to get their recognition to do it.”

“As for the last test. That is to enter the dragon tomb of our divine dragon! It’s not that I’m embarrassing you. It’s that the breath of the divine dragon that you need to hatch the dragon egg is in the dragon tomb, and you need to find it yourself, and no one can help you. ”

After Lin Han listened, he nodded and said:

“I probably know the test you gave me. I’m walking in your dragon territory, and you’ll have to give me a token or something.” In case other unsuspecting dragons attack me. ”

The Dragon King said proudly to Lin Han:

“Where do we dragons need such troublesome things? I’ll just roar. ”

The Dragon King’s huge mouth suddenly opened, raised his head to the sky and roared, and spoke an obscure dragon language – Dragon Language. The dragon language is very short, but the content expressed is very rich. The Dragon King explained to Lin Han:

“I just told my dragon companion that there is a little Terran guy who is going to be tested in our dragon clan. Unless that Terran takes the initiative. Otherwise, our dragon clan will not attack you. ”

“And I told you the general content of your test like my fellow dragon people. So now you can confidently and boldly complete my test for you. ”

“You first have to find the fire attribute dragon, the ice attribute dragon, the nature attribute dragon, the dark attribute dragon, and the light attribute dragon, you can go.”

Lin Han nodded and walked out of the Divine Dragon Hall, asking the guard standing at the entrance of the Divine Dragon Hall for a map of the Divine Dragon Valley. After that, he walked straight to the habitat of the fire attribute dragon.

The fire attribute dragon was in the volcano of Shenlong Valley, and when Lin Han walked to the crater, he felt a heat wave rushing towards him. However, this is only the heat of the crater, and Lin Han can completely withstand it.

The fire attribute dragon guarding the crater had also received a message from the Dragon King before, so he just glanced at Lin Han strangely and let him in.

After Lin Han entered the volcano, he walked straight deeper into the volcano. The deeper you go into the volcano, the higher the temperature. Lin Han also released the power of ice in his body to resist this rushing heatwave.

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