“Hundred Beasts Kaido…”

Lin Han showed an interested look.

Doflamingo and Kaido have always been cooperative, but Kaido’s strength is obviously much stronger than Doflamingo, so Mingo has always been afraid of Kaido.

“You first give me all the Devil Fruit on hand. Lin Han ordered, his tone unquestionable.

For the sake of his own little life, Doflamingo had to do so, and at this time he also held a sulk in his heart, usually facing Kaido, he always had to be respectful, lest he annoy this monster.

Who knows, now a mysterious person suddenly appeared, his strength is terrifying, and he still has to obey his orders.

“Being weak is both original sin. ”

Doflamingo always believed in this sentence, but he could not have imagined that he was now a weak party.

The Don Quixote family’s inventory consists of only three Superhuman fruits and one Natural Fruit.

Usually as soon as he finds the animal line fruit, Kaido will take it, this guy seems to have some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, only likes the animal line of the devil fruit, and even disdains the natural line fruit.

Doflamingo made a bitter face and handed the four devil fruits to Lin Han.

“Now, I already have three superhuman fruits, two natural fruits, and if I find two animal fruits, I can open the Heavens Lottery. Lin Han thought secretly.

The devil fruit is gone, and Doflamingo is distressed, especially the natural fruit, which is worth a lot, and now it belongs to Lin Han.

Suddenly, he thought of a way to kill with a knife.

“Even if this guy is strong, he should not be stronger than Kaido, I might as well let him go to Kaido’s trouble, and then borrow Kaido’s hand to get rid of this guy.” ”

Almost in the blink of an eye, Doflamingo thought of this scheme.

His appearance was quiet, seemingly casual: “Kaido has five animal-line fruits on his body, including one animal-line ancient species, and now he should still be in the waters of the North Sea, and he has not gone far. ”

“This cunning bastard wants to borrow Kaido’s hand to deal with me?” Lin Han instantly understood Doflamingo’s tricks.

However, Lin Han did not intend to debunk it, and he was also ready to take this opportunity to see Kaido’s strength.

When Lin Han crossed the sea, Kaido was only ten years old.

Decades have passed, and Kaido has become the strongest creature in the sea, land and air that everyone fears, one of the four emperors of the new world, with a terrifying immortal body, which cannot die no matter what.

Such a character, Lin Han certainly did not want to miss it.

Immediately, Lin Han calculated and asked, “Can you contact Kaido and find out his specific location?”

“Yes, Kaido and I have always been in contact with the phone worm. Doflamingo said.

“Okay, you can contact Kaido now, and after determining the specific location, I will go directly and snatch the five animal fruits in his hand, saving me from finding it myself.” Lin Han ordered.

“No problem. ”

Seeing that the scheme had succeeded, Doflamingo thought to himself in his heart: “You arrogant fellow, you really dare to provoke Kaido!

Immediately, Doflamingo found a phone bug and contacted Kaido.

Soon, a rough and heroic voice sounded from the phone worm, slightly hoarse, like a beast: “Doflamingo, I’m about to rush to the new world, what is the matter with you?”

It was Kaido’s voice.

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“I found two more animal fruits and sent them to you?” said Doflamingo tentatively.

“You actually took the initiative this time?” Kaido’s voice was a little surprised, and then said: “Okay, I’ll give you an approximate location, you come and find me.” ”

Subsequently, Kaido gave an approximate direction.

Doflamingo hung up the phone worm.

“I’ll go over now. Lin Han was about to leave, but suddenly glanced at Doflamingo, and his eyes were meaningful: “However, you must follow me.” ”

Doflamingo was stunned, and quickly said, “Of course.” ”

For some reason, Doflamingo, who was originally full of confidence in Kaido, felt a wave of uneasiness in his heart at this moment.


A day later.

Beihai, an unnamed village.

This poor village has been completely destroyed, all its inhabitants have been slaughtered and killed, and blood has flowed like rivers.

The culprit of all this is Kaido!

Kaido accidentally passed by the village, and he didn’t know who provoked him, Kaido went crazy and destroyed the entire village in an instant, killing all the villagers.

Where can these ordinary people withstand the wrath of Kaido the Hundred Beasts?

This strongest creature in the sea, land and air has always had a moody temper, loves suicide at the same time, and likes to destroy everywhere.

Unlike Whitebeard and Red-haired Shanks, Kaido and Aunt are both very evil pirates, who have no basic moral code and do whatever they want.

However, these two people also have extremely terrifying strength, and no one can stop them.

Even the Navy Headquarters has nothing to do with the Four Emperors of the New World.

Kaido sits among the ruins of the village, carrying a huge pitch-black mace in his right hand and a wine gourd in his left hand, frantically pouring rum into his mouth.

Kaido has always been a heavy drinker, and when drunk, he may even lose consciousness.

Outside the village, a tall blind swordsman slowly walked over.

He has a national character face, blind in both eyes, a staff knife in his hand, a clog on his feet, and several deep scars on his face.

Although the blind swordsman could not see with his eyes, his sight and hearing were very domineering, and he had already sensed the miserable situation in the village.

“Unforgivable!” the blind swordsman’s voice was filled with anger: “It is an unforgivable sin to wantonly slaughter unarmed people!”

“Well, who’s coming…”

Kaido rubbed his hazy drunken eyes and looked at the blind swordsman outside the village.


PS: Four more finished!

All day, the flowers and evaluation votes have hardly risen, and the author Jun is really very uncomfortable.

Readers and friends, flowers and evaluation votes do not need money, I hope you can vote for this book, your casual vote, but it is very important to this book!

Author Jun bye thanks!

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