“After getting that thing, the island will have no value in existence, and it will be destroyed in the sea of magma.” ”

Chi Inu said coldly.

“After all these years, Sakaski, you really haven’t changed at all. Zefa shook his head.

The red dog’s style of acting is extremely cold, in order to achieve the goal, he can sacrifice everything, and would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

Although Zefa hates pirates, he is still very tolerant of ordinary people.

“I’m afraid this island will be destroyed in a short time. The general Yellow Ape, dressed in a yellow-striped suit, stepped down from the warship and said in a very unbeaten tone: “It’s worthy of Sakaski’s style, it’s really terrible.” ”

“Borusalino, when will you change this lazy disposition?”

Zefa, as the chief instructor of the Navy headquarters, has taught many excellent students over the years, but in terms of current achievements, the most powerful are undoubtedly red dogs, yellow apes and green pheasants.

However, the red dog is too ruthless, Zefa is a little worried, and the yellow ape guy, Zefa has not liked him since he was a student.

At present, Zefa’s most admired student is still Qingji Kuzan.

Unfortunately, the green pheasant’s injuries have not fully recovered and did not participate in this operation.

“Anyway, that thing is too important, the five old stars have already issued a death order, and they must get their hands!” Zefa said in a deep voice: “If this mission fails again, we will all be severely punished.” ”

Recently, because of Lin Han’s resurrection, there were many troubles in the naval headquarters, the Draco were killed in the Chambordi Islands, the green pheasants were injured, and even the holy land of Mary Joa was raided, but the naval headquarters could not do anything.

Marshal of the Navy Warring States, already under too much pressure.

“Since I am in charge of this matter, there is no possibility of failure. Akainu said coldly.

“I hope so. Zefa said.


On the endless sea.

A small pirate ship is moving fast on the calm sea.

On the deck of the pirate ship, there stood a pair of handsome men and beautiful women, the men were handsome and had an extraordinary temperament, wearing a black suit and spotlessly clean.

The beautiful girl was wearing a light red cheongsam, which completely revealed her exquisite figure.

It was Lin Han and Han Cook.

This small pirate ship was snatched by Lin Han.

“Master, where are we going?” Hancock was puzzled.

It’s been a month since he last defeated Kaido the Hundred Beast in the village.

During this time, Lin Han and Hancock practiced on a small island, and Lin Han was completely familiar with the ice extinguishing magic and could cast it as he wanted.

Han Cook, on the other hand, under the guidance of Lin Han, continues to strengthen the cultivation of physical skills and domineering, her naval six styles have been small, her physical skills have been greatly enhanced, and she has also had a certain fire.

Lin Han is not mistaken, Hancock’s potential is very amazing, the learning ability is very strong, and there is no small improvement almost every day.

Moreover, in order to help Lin Han as soon as possible and not become a drag on him, Hancock can be said to have done his best.

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With the careful guidance of Lin Han, the strongest in the world, coupled with his own talent and efforts, Hancock’s strength is leaping forward.

Watching this beautiful apprentice become stronger day by day, Lin Han also had a sense of accomplishment.

Lin Han is confident that within a year, he will be able to surpass Doflamingo’s strength in Hancock!

Now Hancock, with the ability of Sweet Fruit, can already compete with vice admirals.

Of course, not a lieutenant general like Karp.

“I received news from Doflamingo that the Admiral Red Dog and the Yellow Ape, as well as a large number of sailors, had assembled in a place called Belloc Island. Lin Han explained: “According to Brother Min, an archaeologist has discovered the secret of the ancient weapon king, which is currently on Belloc Island. ”

Doflamingo can not only collect Devil Fruit for Lin Han, but also provide some up-to-date intelligence.

The information of the Don Quixote family has always been very timely.

“Ancient Weapon Heavenly King…” Hancock showed a thoughtful look: “I have heard it before, it seems to be the most mysterious ancient weapon, even the world government wants to get it.” ”

“I have a hunch that the appearance of this heavenly king will affect the future pattern of the world. Lin Han said: “Two generals have been sent, it seems that the naval headquarters is bound to win this mission.” In addition, the four emperors of the new world should also have received the news. ”

“In this way, isn’t Belloc Island a gathering of the world’s top combat power…” Hancock was surprised.

“Some hidden masters of the world government may also appear. ”

A hint of excitement appeared in Lin Han’s eyes: “In short, I am very interested in this incident. ”

Hancock stopped talking and secretly clenched his fists.

“This time, I also want to show my cultivation results, and I must not let Master down!”


On the sea, a huge and majestic pirate ship, like a sea behemoth, gradually approached Belloc Island.


One of the three major disasters of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Drought Jack’s ship.

This time, the news of the Hundred Beasts Pirates also learned.

A month ago, Kaido, a hundred beasts who had always been invincible in the world, suffered extremely serious injuries and almost died.

When Kaido dragged his broken body and appeared in front of the three major disasters, everyone was dumbfounded.

Who the hell could hurt Captain Kaido like this?

Even with a white beard, it is impossible.

Kaido finally saved a small life, and after he returned to the territory, he fell into a deep sleep.

In his slumber, Kaido’s injuries gradually recovered.

After sleeping deeply for more than half a month, Kaido woke up and his injuries were basically healed.

Kaido’s immortal body, terrifying self-healing ability, has exerted the greatest effect.

Kaido, who woke up, has since changed a hobby.

He didn’t even kill himself anymore.

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