Burning River Big Spitfire!

The oversized magma iron fist flew out of the air and slammed into Lin Han!

Where the magma fist passed, the moisture in the air instantly evaporated, becoming extremely hot, emitting billowing smoke.

In the original One Piece book, the red dog and the green pheasant fought for ten days and ten nights in order to compete for the position of marshal, and the red dog finally relied on this trick to defeat the green pheasant.

Magma fruit, from the attribute to restrain frozen fruit.

However, Lin Han has developed the frozen fruit to the extreme, which is far from being comparable to the pheasant.

In Lin Han’s view, the disadvantages in attributes are not important, it still depends on the strength of development.

Water and fire, this is the most basic common sense, but with a bowl of water, it is impossible to extinguish the fire in the forest.

In the same way, when the ice element is extremely powerful, it is impossible for magma to be restrained.

“Frozen Hour!”

Lin Han’s palm quickly released Sen Han’s piercing cold air, instantly hitting the huge magma iron fist that flew through the air.

The two forces of extreme cold and heat collided suddenly, suddenly inspiring a large amount of white smoke, obscuring the vision.

This time, the magma did not melt the ice, but under this extremely cold air, the magma fist quickly condensed!

The crimson magma fist turned silvery white, a thick layer of frost formed on the surface of the magma, and the temperature of the magma dropped sharply, no longer having terrible destructive power.

Losing the heat, the Magma Fist could no longer keep flying, and suddenly fell to the ground, falling into countless fragments.

The red dog’s burning river spit fire was easily cracked by Lin Han.

“Red Dog, today I will use the Frozen Fruit ability to completely defeat you.” Lin Han said indifferently.

Ice cube pheasant beak!

The cold qi gushed out, condensed into a large number of white ice birds, whistled and broke through the air, and rushed towards the red dog.

The power of one ice bird may not be much, but what about hundreds or thousands?

In the face of this overwhelming and dense attack, the red dog was a little busy, and the magma fists burst out one after another, melting most of the ice birds.

However, there were still some ice birds that hit the body of the red dog, leaving frost after frost on his elementalized magma body.

“I only used a small skill, you can take care of yourself, how can you deal with my next attack?”

Lin Han mocked.

In the next instant, Lin Han’s figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Silently, Lin Han appeared in front of Chi Inu, his right fist and his entire forearm were covered with a layer of light blue ice crystals, as if wearing a cold ice fist cover, and a punch blasted out, hitting Chi Gou’s abdomen fiercely!

Ice Destroying Evil Magic, Ice Demon Zero Breaking Fist!

This is the most basic attack method of ice extinction magic.

The red dog’s elemental magma body couldn’t resist Lin Han’s Ice Demon Zero Breaking Fist at all, and his abdomen was suddenly pierced!


The red dog’s body was bowed into a large shrimp, and suddenly sprayed a mouthful of blood, and the blood was mixed with ice ballast.

Lin Han closed his fist.

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The broken abdomen of the red dog was no longer the crimson of magma, but formed a layer of light blue cold ice, and the intestines and stomachs in the abdomen were frozen by this cold air.


The red dog knelt on one knee, covered his abdomen with his hands, and his always cold face was full of pain.

“It can’t go on like this.”

The yellow ape’s whole body emitted dazzling golden light, turned into countless golden points of light, disappeared in an instant, moved at the speed of light, and appeared behind Lin Han.

The tip of the yellow ape’s finger aimed at Lin Han and fired a laser.


The situation of the red dog is very critical, and although the yellow ape has always been lazy, he can no longer stand by coldly at this time.

Two admirals, join forces to deal with Lin Han!

The yellow ape is a Shining Fruit ability, and his attacks are all light-speed, making it completely impossible to dodge.

However, at the moment when the yellow ape was just about to launch the laser, Lin Han seemed to have expected it for a long time, and his body had already made a dodge action in advance.

Laugh at!

The laser shot out, but Lin Han had already dodged in advance, so he easily avoided the blow.

The laser attack missed and shot into the sea, which immediately triggered a strong explosion, and a golden ball of explosion light appeared, detonating a large amount of seawater, and the fish and shrimp in the water instantly evaporated.

“Do you know the future when you see the domineering?” The yellow ape said slowly: “What a terrible opponent.” ”

Just now, Lin Han relied on the domineering spirit of cultivation to the limit, briefly foresaw the future, and avoided the laser attack of the yellow ape in advance.

In this way, any move of the yellow ape, Lin Han predicted in advance, and no matter how fast the attack was, it was useless.

And the yellow ape, because he relied too much on the ability of the Shining Fruit, was a little slack in the practice of physical skills and domineering, and he did not cultivate to the extent that he could predict the future.

This is his biggest weakness.

However, the yellow ape also has a way to cope.

“Since the laser doesn’t work, let’s try this trick.”

The yellow ape turned into a beam of light, instantly flew above the high firmament, stood in front of his hands, and endless golden energy converged in the two palms.

The next moment.

Countless dense golden light bullets, like a rainstorm, were rapidly launched from the hands of the yellow ape and poured down from the sky!

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!”

The strongest skill of the yellow ape, a super wide range of attacks, and with the density of golden light bullets, even if it is predicted in advance, there is simply not enough space to dodge.

Seeing this, Lin Han was about to drown in the sea of golden light bullets.

“Such a pediatric attack is simply not threatening.”

Lin Han shook his head, calmly, and the icy cold qi condensed, instantly condensing into a huge ice crystal shield, which was above his head.

The surface of the ice crystal shield shines like a diamond.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Countless golden light bullets, all bombarded on the ice crystal shield, but could not break through the defense of the ice crystal shield at all, and after the light bullet and the shield collided violently, they collapsed all at once.

The defensive power of the ice crystal shield is extremely amazing, not long ago, Lin Han made a disturbance in the Holy Land Mary Joya, and the four five old stars joined forces to strike a blow, but they were all blocked by the ice crystal shield!

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