In an instant, a gorgeous and complex purple ice bow appeared in Lin Han’s hand.

Ice Demon Zero Broken Bow!

Among the ice destroying magic, there are two trump card magics, the Ice Demon Zero Tai Dao, and the Ice Demon Zero Broken Bow!

Among them, Lin Han relied on the Ice Demon Zero Tai Dao to instantly defeat the Four Emperors red-haired Shanks.

And now facing the red dog, Lin Hanshi exhibited the Ice Demon Zero Broken Bow.

The surging and surging ice magic energy gathered in Lin Han’s hands and condensed into a purple shining ice arrow.

An incomparably terrifying and devastating aura then radiated.

Ice Destroying Evil Magic, a lost magic used to destroy demons, is very different from the ability of frozen fruits.

Even a natural elemental body is not immune to this destructive magical force.

Lin Han raised the gorgeous and huge ice bow in his hand, bent the bow to take the arrow, and after pulling the bowstring, he let go abruptly!

The cold ice arrow flowing in purple light was like a laser, shooting out in an instant!

In the sky, a lilac light tail was left.

In the blink of an eye, the ice arrow caught up with the red dog flying out upside down, and the arrow containing strong ice magic energy penetrated the red dog’s body at once!

The entire breech of the red dog was penetrated, and a shocking hole appeared, empty, and no blood flowed out.

His blood, bones, and internal organs were all destroyed in an instant.

“General Sakaski!”

Countless navies exclaimed.

Zefa froze in place, stunned, and two lines of tears crossed the sunglasses and flowed.

“Sakaski… After all, you died under your own arrogance, perhaps, this is also your fated end…”

Zefa muttered.

“Is it dead…” The yellow ape also converged his usual lazy expression, his expression was extremely complicated, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

The broken body of the red dog fell rapidly from the air, boom! Fell heavily on the ground.

In fact, before he landed, he was already angry and dead.

Among the three admirals, the most ruthless and believing in absolute justice, Sakaski, the red dog, died!

The death of a senior admiral is an extremely great loss, both for the headquarters of the Navy and for the world government.

The natural magma fruit is automatically separated from the red dog’s body and returned to the sea.

When the Devil Fruit Capable person dies, the Devil Fruit re-enters the sea, waiting for the next creature to eat it and inherit the fruit’s ability.

Akainu is not the first magma fruit ability, nor will it be the last.

After killing the red dog, the ice bow in Lin Han’s hand also dissipated.

Hancock ran over and stood beside Lin Han.

“He performed well just now, he was able to find Smogg’s weakness in an instant and defeat him.” Lin Han praised: “It seems that it was a very wise decision for me to take you as an apprentice. ”

“Thank you Master for your encouragement.”

Praised by Lin Han, Hancock smiled slightly, silent on the surface, but in fact, his heart was already in ecstasy and cheering.

After getting along with Lin Han for a long time, Hancock is also imitating Lin Han, no matter what happens, he tries to remain indifferent.

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“Do any of you else want a fight?”

Lin Han looked at the navy on the opposite side and asked in a loud voice.

For a while, no one dared to answer!

All the navies lowered their heads, not daring to look at Lin Han, some of them were even timid, and their whole bodies were hairy. Shake.

Zefa’s arms were badly injured, almost wasted, and it was impossible to recover without a month or two of cultivation.

The yellow ape was also injured, although he still had the strength to fight, but he had already developed a fear of Lin Han and would not strike again.

The lessons of the red dog are vividly remembered.

“In that case, then I’ll go.” Lin Han stopped looking at these navies, carried the still unconscious Krier on his shoulder, led Hancock with one hand, and walked towards the port on the other side of Belloc Island.

All the navies stood in place, wide-eyed and overwhelmed.

The headquarters of the Navy, which has never been so dense, was killed by the enemy in front of a general, but there was nothing they could do, they could only watch the enemy leave, and they did not even dare to say a cruel word.

Zefa stared at Lin Han’s back and thought secretly: “I don’t know where the Ice God will go next, the current pattern of the world will eventually change because of the appearance of this person…”


Half a month later.

The events of Belloc have come to an end.

This time, the headquarters of the Navy suffered heavy losses, not only did not complete the task and get the key to open the treasure of the Heavenly King, but also lost the Admiral Akainu.

The top echelons of the world government were furious.

The five old stars appreciate the character and style of the red dog, and in their hearts, the red dog is the most ideal candidate for the next marshal of the navy.

But now, he was killed.

More importantly, Lin Han got the key to unlock the Heavenly King’s treasure.

The ancient weapon king is too important to even change the current pattern of the world.

If Lin Han really found the Heavenly King, the consequences would be extremely terrible.

Fortunately, the key to opening the Heavenly King’s Treasure, there is still a part in the Holy Land Mary Joya, Lin Han got the incomplete, only the two can be combined into one, can the Heavenly King Treasure be truly opened.

After this incident, Lin Han’s bounty order was changed again.

Mysterious man, extremely vicious, the most terrifying criminal in the world, with a reward of 3 billion Bailey, life or death!

From a reward of 1.5 billion, it suddenly increased to 3 billion!

This mysterious man, who cannot even reveal his name, has become the criminal with the highest reward in the world.

(The leader of the revolutionary army in this time period, Long, has not yet been offered a reward of 5 billion).

As a result, the true identity of the mysterious man has become the most hotly discussed topic among residents around the world.

New World, Sea of Nations, Cake Island.

“Brother Katakuri, what should I do now?”

One of the four stars of dessert, the juice minister Smooji, held Lin Han’s latest bounty order, anxious.

“This bounty order must not be seen by my mother!” Katakuri said resolutely.

As the head of the four dessert stars, Katakuri has always been extremely prestigious, and everything big and small on Cake Island must be decided by him.

“However, Kriji was captured by this guy, and I don’t know what his purpose is, if one day he really descends on Cake Island…”

Katakuri’s brows furrowed, feeling extremely tricky.

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