Bang! Bang!

Auntie’s heavy footsteps sounded from a distance.

“What should I do now? Mom just saw the bounty order of this mysterious person, and they all fell into madness, and now they saw the real person, and I don’t know what will happen…” Katakuri was anxious.

On the other side, Smoogie and Hancock fought for dozens of rounds, and Smoogie could already feel that Hancock was not her opponent, but this beautiful girl’s moves were very exquisite, and they were extremely resilient, and it was difficult to defeat in a short time.

Smoogie decisively activated the fruit ability, and the large amount of juice in the table was pulled by an invisible force, like a torrent, quickly gathered into Smuji’s body.

As he continued to absorb the juice, Smooge’s body expanded drastically, and soon reached a height of fifteen meters.

The gigantic Smoogie, the speed has not decreased, but the strength has increased a lot.

“You little ant, I’m going to crush you!” Smoogie said viciously and stepped on Hancock!

The strong wind blew down from the top of the head, blowing away some of the decorations on the ground in an instant, Hancock did not dare to take this kick, cast the shaving in the navy six styles, and his body disappeared in an instant.


Smoogie stepped on the ground, and immediately stepped on the ground into a large pit, a large amount of rubble collapsed, and invisible waves of qi radiated out, overturning the nearby tables and chairs.

“Smooge, what are you doing?”

Aunt Charlotte Lingling saw this scene and immediately shouted in anger.

The tea party that she values the most must not be a little chaotic.

“Mom!” Smoogie was a little frightened, and said in a trembling voice: “There is an enemy invasion here!” ”

“Enemy?” Auntie said angrily: “Who dares to come to my cake island to make trouble, are you tired of living?” ”

Suddenly, Aunt saw a person’s figure.

Lin Han was standing opposite Auntie, standing with his hands in his hands, his expression indifferent.

Compared with Auntie’s huge fat body that was nearly ten meters tall, Lin Han’s figure was very inconspicuous, but when he saw Lin Han for the first time, Aunt’s face suddenly changed!

The anger on Auntie’s face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a strong fear!

“You… You…… You…” The aunt was so frightened that she stepped back again and again, smashed the dining table behind her to the ground, pointed a thick finger at Lin Han, and exclaimed: “You really came to life!” ”


Auntie’s huge body like a small mountain, a stumbling, actually a fart. The strand fell to the ground.

When I boarded, everyone was shocked!

Several kings of the underground dark forces looked at each other, and they all saw the incredible in each other’s eyes.

This mysterious person, although the reward amount is as high as three billion, but it will not scare the aunt like this, right?

Aunt is the four emperors of the new world, standing at the apex of this world!

Even in the face of the world’s strongest man Whitebeard, Auntie will definitely not have any fear.

But now, Auntie just glanced at this man, and fell to the ground in fright.

“What is the identity of this mysterious person?”

Many bigwigs at the tea party had this question in their hearts.

Lin Han did not speak, but walked towards the aunt step by step.

He himself did not expect that Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors, was actually afraid of becoming like this.

Lin Han didn’t know what kind of psychological shadow his big war had left on his aunt.

“Don’t come here!”

Under great fear, Auntie’s voice changed, a fierce and ugly face, twisted and deformed with fear.

She stood up at once and started running wildly!

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“Aaaaaa He really showed up! Don’t come over, don’t hurt Lingling…”

Auntie fell into a complete state of madness and began to run around the venue of the tea party, yelling and destroying everything in front of her.



The tall buildings were completely destroyed by Auntie’s fists and feet, and the whole cake island seemed to have been shaken.

The guests at the tea party were all frightened and overwhelmed.

“Lingling, who is he?”

A king of the underground world walked up to Auntie’s side and asked loudly.

“It’s over!” Katakuri’s heart was filled with despair.

“Don’t block the old lady!” The completely crazy aunt, delirious and unexpectedly grabbed the king of the underground world!

Under the terrifying power of Auntie, this poor guy was directly pinched, as if tomatoes were crushed.


Countless guests were amazed.

“Let’s run away!” Kataku said in a deep voice: “Mother is already crazy, and the six relatives don’t recognize it!” The mother in this state is the most terrifying creature in the world! ”

Many guests were stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted and scattered all at once!

No one will joke with their lives, in case they are hit by Auntie, the poor underground king is a lesson in the past.

“It’s you damn guy who made my mother like this!”

The gigantic Smoogie also seemed to have lost his mind, and stepped on Lin Han fiercely!

“Sister, don’t!”

Katakuri was in a hurry, his body suddenly flashed, and he approached Smuji, trying to stop her.

However, it was too late.

Swish! Lin Han’s body turned into an afterimage, disappeared in an instant, and Smuji’s kick suddenly fell into vain.

The next moment, Lin Han had already appeared on Smuji’s shoulder.

“Frozen Hour!”

Sen’s chilling cold air quickly shot out from the palm, and Smooge’s huge body was hit by the cold air, click! Click! The crisp sound of freezing sounded instantly, endlessly.

In an instant.

The fifteen-meter-tall Smoogie has turned into a huge ice sculpture! Her sad and indignant expression completely froze on her face.

A trace of white cold radiated from the surface of the ice sculpture.

“I fought with you!”

Witnessing his mother’s madness and his sister being frozen into an ice sculpture, the anger in Katakuri’s heart suddenly set his whole body on fire!

“Sticky fruit, awaken!”

Under the influence of the awakening power of the glutinous fruit, the ground, buildings, tables and chairs around Katakuri all turned into the shape of rice cakes.


Four more finished!

Today, the author does not ask for flowers, in fact, as long as everyone can keep reading this book and don’t abandon the book halfway, the author Jun will be satisfied.

I also hope that readers and friends, put forward your valuable opinions in the book review area, and the author will read every article carefully.

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