The location where Lin Han was standing could not be seen by these criminals, so they could not judge his identity.

Most criminals cannot know Lin Han’s true identity, only those legendary pirates who are imprisoned in the deepest part of the infinite hell and are in the same period as the Lokes Pirate Group can recognize Lin Han.

In the eyes of these people, Roger and Whitebeard belong to the descendants.

The criminals in the infinite hell are also strong and weak.

The people imprisoned in the outer layer are basically some criminals with a reward of three or four hundred million Baileys, and their strength is enough to cross the sea, and even have a high prestige in the New World.

The more criminals are imprisoned in the inner layer, the stronger the strength, and the reward amount even exceeds one billion.

For example, the original Golden Lion Shiji was imprisoned in the deepest layer of the infinite hell, and he was the only criminal who successfully escaped from prison, and the price was the loss of two legs.

Lin Han walked inside step by step, looking at the criminals in the prison, looking for Kusy.

Before coming, Long had already shown Lin Han a photo of Chief of Staff Cousy.

“Hey, boy, who are you? The new deputy warden? ”

“A young junior who has not dried up the smell of milk can actually face in the infinite hell without changing color, it is not simple!”

The criminals in the outer prison are all talking about it.

It is impossible for them to know Lin Han’s true identity, and because of the reason for being detained, even the world-known news that Lin Han is a “mysterious person”, they do not know.

And the legendary pirates imprisoned in the depths of the prison have not yet seen Lin Han’s appearance.

Suddenly, a strong and domineering aura suddenly erupted, and the entire space shook violently, sweeping the sixth layer in an instant.

Overlord color domineering!

A criminal in the prison unleashed a domineering overlord.

This criminal saw Lin Han’s cold appearance, and he was unhappy in his heart, and wanted to give him a dismount.

“Haha, overlord color domineering! In this case, the old man also came to join in the fun! ”

“How can I be missing on this occasion?”

The words did not fall, and the overlord-colored domineering energy of the second and third strands was instantly released and spread rapidly.

For a while, in the entire sixth underground layer, the overlord-colored domineering energy collided violently with each other, and the space seemed to collapse, the earthquake shook, and the sea tower stone chains on many criminals rattled.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Han’s mouth: “Your domineering is simply weak.” ”

Quick as a wink.

Lin Han’s eyes flashed fiercely, and he also released the overlord-colored domineering!

At this moment, there was an uproar when he boarded!

Lin Han’s overlord color is domineering, above everyone’s domineering, as if a high god descended to the mortal world!

The overlord-colored domineering of the entire sixth layer was instantly ignited.

In the air, there was a faint black thunder colliding and exploding, raging everything, and even the space had a tendency to collapse.

The solid and abnormal ground, under the violent conflict of seven or eight overlord-colored domineering forces, appeared one after another spider web-like cracks, and quickly dispersed.

In the blink of an eye, the entire ground cracked and became uneven.



In the infinite hell, more than half of the criminals could not withstand the overlord-colored domineering conflict, and fell down, unconscious.

This terrifying overlord-colored domineering conflict is like a devastating storm that sweeps through everything.

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And Lin Han was in the center of the earth-shattering storm, his expression was indifferent, and his body was unmoving!

His overlord color is domineering, and he is many grades stronger than others.

Time seems to stand still.

After a while, the overlord-colored domineering conflict was no longer staged, many strong people withdrew their domineering, and the sixth layer finally returned to calm.

It’s just that the almost completely shattered ground, the deep cracks in the ceiling, and the countless criminals who fell unconscious on the ground are all reminding everyone that everything just now really happened, not a dream.

The first criminal who released the overlord-colored domineering and provoked Lin Han was already frightened at this time, shrunk in the corner, and his whole body was trembling. Trembling, tears flowed out.

“What a terrifying overlord color domineering!”

“Even if it was Roger back then, the strength of the overlord-colored domineering was far inferior!”

“There is only one person in the world who can have this kind of courage, and that is the Ice God! Could it be that the Ice God has arrived? ”

“It’s impossible, the ice god has long fallen, how can it appear in the big prison!”

“Back then, I fought with the Ice God, the Ice God spared my life, I personally felt the overlord domineering of the Ice God, I will never be wrong, it must be the Ice God coming!”

In the deepest part of the infinite hell, several old voices were heard.

These people are all true legendary sea thieves, some of them are the same era as Roger and Whitebeard, and some are even earlier, the same era as Rox.

They began to wonder if the ice god was coming.

Lin Han didn’t care about these old guys, and he finally found Kussi, chief of staff of the revolutionary army, in an independent prison.

The door of the prison was smashed by Lin Han’s punch.

Kuxi was a tall, thin middle-aged man, pale and covered in sea stone chains.

Seeing Lin Han walk in, Kusi said strangely, “What do you want to do?” ”

“I have been entrusted by the leader of the revolutionary army, Mr. Dorag, to rescue you.” Lin Han said.

“Brother Dorag!” Kusi was taken aback, and then asked, “Your Excellency is also a revolutionary army?” ”

Lin Han shook his head and said, “It’s just cooperation, don’t talk much now, I’ll open the chain for you first.” ”

“It’s useless.” Cousy said: “Without the key, it is impossible to open the sea tower stone chain. ”

Lin Han didn’t answer, holding the Hailou stone chain in his right hand, an extremely cold cold air came out of his palm, and soon, all the Hailou stone chains were frozen.

The Hailou stone chain was frozen, but Kuxi’s body had nothing at all, and Lin Han’s control over the ice element had reached a level of pure blue.

Immediately, Lin Han grabbed the frozen Hailou stone chain and pulled it hard!

Click! A crisp voice sounded.

The sea tower stone chain on Kushi’s body is broken by an inch!


Cousy suddenly froze.

You can actually use this method to destroy the sea lou stone chain!

“Let’s go.” Lin Han was the first to get out of the prison.

“Brother Dorag this time, I have invited a wonderful character.”

Kusi sighed in his heart and followed closely behind Lin Han.

“Your Excellency the mysterious man, please stay.”

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded.

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