At this moment, Sengoku has jumped from the warship and confronted Whitebeard.

Sengoku is an animal phantom beast species, and everyone has the form of a large Buddha that can transform into a huge golden Buddha.

“Warring States, the last time we fought seems to have been five or six years ago.” Whitebeard showed a look of remembrance.

“Specifically, five years and eight months.” Warring States said in a deep voice: “Whitebeard, your current reputation is getting bigger and bigger, the name of the strongest man in the world, but is it comfortable?” ”

“You and I know very well that since that person was resurrected, the title of the strongest in the world no longer belongs to me.”

Whitebeard said loudly.

The Warring States were silent for a while, and then said, “No matter what, I will arrest you today.” ”

As early as before the beginning of the era of sea thieves, Sengoku and Whitebeard have fought many times, and the two have different positions, both mortal rivals and old friends who have known each other for many years.

It’s similar to Karp’s relationship with Roger.

Today, Kaido challenges Whitebeard, and after the world government gets the news, it orders the naval headquarters to come and capture Whitebeard, and although Sengoku is a marshal, he must also obey orders.

“After knowing each other for so many years, Whitebeard, there must be a conclusion between you and me after all.”

After speaking, the body of the Warring States suddenly swelled and enlarged!

His skin turned the color of gold, and the hair on his head became granular, like the top of Buddha’s head.

A thick golden light emanated from the body of the Warring States, illuminating a large area.

In the blink of an eye, the Warring States had turned into the Golden Buddha form! He is close to ten meters tall, much larger than Whitebeard, and about the same size as Kaido in the human state.

Every inch of the skin of the Warring States is as if cast in gold, shining with dazzling brilliance.

“Take me, Whitebeard!”

The huge golden palm of the Warring States shot out, and the infinite golden energy gathered in the palm, and then it was released at once!

Shock wave!

A huge shockwave slammed into Whitebeard.

“Hey, why are you so dazzling!” Whitebeard grumbled, and then punched out!

The Shock Fruit ability is activated.

Duh! Duh! The air in front of him seemed to be shattered, emitting a crisp sound, and countless cracks spread.

The terrifying and violent shock force formed a translucent shock wave and swept out!

The golden shock wave emitted by the Sengoku palm and the shock wave of the white beard met abruptly!

The two super forces, as if evenly matched, are fighting and consuming each other.

The entire space seems to have formed two worlds, on one side is the golden shock wave of the Warring States, on the other is the shock wave of the white beard, in a short time, no one can defeat the other.

On the deck of the warship, Draco Aldrich Saint said impatiently: “This old guy of the Warring States, do you have to single out Whitebeard one-on-one?” Stupid act, Ralph, you go and help him. ”

“Obey, Your Excellency Draco.”

Ralph, one of the strongest guards, suddenly soared into the air, stepped on the air under his feet, and his body flashed several times in succession, and in an instant he approached the position where Whitebeard and the Warring States were fighting.

Ralph took out a pistol, a seemingly ordinary pistol, but containing a mystery.

The bullet of this pistol is made of sea lou stone!

Ralph raised his pistol, did not aim at all, and with a seemingly very random finger, pulled the trigger.


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The bullet came out instantly.

Whitebeard was fighting head-on with the Sengoku, and suddenly, a warning sign rose in his heart.

By the time he reacted, the bullet had already hit his arm, and the bullet made of sea lou stone easily pierced Whitebeard’s arm, leaving a blood hole.

Blood suddenly spilled out.

Whitebeard’s movements slowed down, and the power of the shock wave weakened, and the shock wave of the Warring States immediately took the upper hand.

“Such a strong sight and domineering, such a strong gun skill!” Whitebeard was surprised.

This guy who shot and sneaked up on him, his attainment in seeing and hearing the domineering color actually surpassed that of Whitebeard!

That’s why Whitebeard didn’t foresee Ralph’s sneak attack.

Moreover, the bullet shot by Ralph is extremely tricky at an extremely tricky angle, giving people the feeling that there is no way to dodge, no matter where you hide, you will eventually be hit by the bullet.

Such a sniper is undoubtedly the most terrifying.

“Whitebeard, it’s not a fair fight.” Warring States did not dare to relax in the slightest, and said, “In order to successfully arrest you, I am going to violate the principle of one-on-one single-handedness.” ”

“Goo la la la … Warring States you old fox, why say this? ”

Although his arm was injured, Whitebeard didn’t care, and suddenly urged the shock fruit ability in his body, and the power of the shock wave increased abruptly, forcing the shock wave of the Warring States to retreat again.

“It’s a tough guy.”

Ralph frowned, blew away the blue smoke from the muzzle, and prepared to shoot Whitebeard again.

Suddenly, his expression was grim, and the breath of the whole person suddenly tensed, as if he was approaching a great enemy.

“He showed up!”

A pang of bad things welled up in Ralph’s heart.

“You cunning sniper, do you still know me?”

An indifferent voice came from the air.

Lin Han’s figure fell from the sky.

“You’re actually here!” When Ralph saw Lin Han, he felt that cool air began to come out all over his body.

Of course, he knew Lin Han, and the great war decades ago was still vivid in retrospect.

The ice god Lin Han is the only enemy in this world that makes Ralph feel fearful.

After Lin Han was resurrected, he made a big fuss about the Holy Land of Mary Joa and killed Baal and Asmodeton among the strongest guards, and Ralph also learned the news.

Of the ten strongest guards of that year, six people had already died in Lin Han’s hands.

Ralph doesn’t want to be the seventh.

What Ralph relies on the most, in addition to the brilliant gun skills, is the domineering nature of cultivation to the extreme.

Originally, Ralph felt that his domineering appearance was the number one in the world, until he met Lin Han.

“I can’t die here!”

After seeing Lin Han, Ralph could no longer care about Whitebeard, and only this one thought remained in his heart.

“Sengoku, Karp, Yellow Ape, Pheasant, all of you pay attention!”

Suddenly, the voice of Draco Aldrich Saint came from the warship: “Give up attacking Whitebeard and Kaido, cooperate with Ralph to strike together, and kill the Ice God!” ”


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