The fast knife in Aldrich Saint’s hand is one of the twelve supreme fast swords, cutting the moon!

Unlike Hawkeye Mihawk’s Black Knife Night, Satsuki is very small, with a very thin blade and almost no weight in the hand.

But the sharpness of the Moon Slashing Knife, even among the supreme fast knives, is one of the best.

Cut the moon, even the moon can be cut off.

Aldrich Saint slashed out, the blade cut through the air, actually tearing the air apart, followed by an extremely sharp sword radiance, shot out in an instant!

This sword radiance, sharp and imposing, seems to be able to cut off even the strongest diamonds.

Moreover, this sword slash of Aldrich Saint was extremely fast, and he almost didn’t even have a breath to get close to Lin Han.

Lin Han’s fist was hardened with armed color, and a punch was blasted out!

The ink-black fist collided with the sword mang, breaking the surface with a point, and instantly shattered this extremely powerful sword mang.

Ralph seized this opportunity, and his body flashed several times in succession, far avoiding Lin Han.

“I can’t imagine that among the Draco, there are also masters of this level.” Lin Han said slowly, his tone a little surprised.

Just now, the sword radiance of the Draco Aldrich Saint was extremely powerful, even with Kaido’s terrifying defensive power, a deep wound would be cut out of his body.

With this sword alone, Lin Han could judge that Aldrich Saint’s strength had surpassed that of the admiral!

In Lin Han’s impression, the Draco people are all some scum, fat and cruel, but their strength is very weak, and they can only stand at a distance and shoot.

And the Aldrich Saint who appeared this time completely subverted Lin Han’s view of the Draco.

“Do you think that we Draco can become world nobles just by relying on noble blood?” Aldrich said coldly: “The world is foolish, the so-called masters among you pirates, in my opinion, are just some frogs at the bottom of the well.” ”

“Whether it’s a frog at the bottom of the well or not, you’ll soon find out.” Lin Han said indifferently.

“Ice God Lin Han, I have to admit that you are the only person who is qualified to cause headaches for the world government.” Aldrich Saint’s body suddenly floated and quickly flew into the air.

His method of flying is obviously not the moon step in the six styles of the navy, it must be another wonderful move.

“It seems that the five of them can’t arrest you, so I have to personally take action, completely defeat you, and imprison you in a dark prison, where you will suffer pain day and night.”

Aldrich Saint’s gaze looked at Lin Han through the bubble hood on his head.

“Big prison?”

Lin Leng smiled and said, “It’s a pity, the so-called Copper Wall and Iron Wall of Advance City has become a thing of the past, just a few hours ago, I just came out of Advance City, and I took a friend with me by the way.” ”

“You broke into the Imper prison?” Sengoku was surprised: “What about the prison director Magellan, and the guard Yu no Hiru?” ”

“It won’t be long before you receive the news of the loss of the prison.”

Lin Han floated quietly in the air, standing with his hands in his hands, his gaze swept over the Warring States, Kapu, Yellow Ape, Green Pheasant, Ralph, and finally Aldrich Saint, and slowly said: “So, my next opponent is the six of you?” ”

“If you can let the first swordsman among the Draco personally strike, you are enough to be famous in history.”

Aldrich Saint raised the Moon Slashing Knife in his hand and drew a strange trajectory.

“This time, the old man wants to fight you hand-to-hand!” Karp suddenly shouted: “Borusalino, Kuzan, you two imps stop making trouble!” ”

Just now, it was precisely because of the large-scale attacks of the yellow ape and the green pheasant that Karp could not fight Lin Han closely, and could only throw cannonballs with his palm, but was easily blocked by the extremely cold field created by the frozen world.

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Only hand-to-hand combat can bring out Karp’s true strength.

“What a grumpy old man.” The yellow ape said lazily.

In a split second.

At almost the same time, Karp and Aldrich Saint disappeared at once, and immediately appeared in front of Lin Han!

One was the strongest navy in history, and the other was the first swordsman of the Draco, and he attacked Lin Han with one left and one right.

The fierce sword light and the fierce wind that the iron fist swung out, surrounded Lin Han in an instant.

Facing the siege of two masters whose strength surpassed that of the admirals, Lin Han’s face was as usual, his left fist was hardened with armed color, while his right hand quickly released the cold cold qi and condensed into an ice blade.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Han’s ink-black left fist slammed into the rushing Karp, and the fists of the two people collided fiercely!

Bang! A muffled sound came.

The space trembled violently, and a circle of invisible energy ripples spread out rapidly.

At the same time, the ice blade in Lin Han’s right hand was also covered with a layer of armed color domineering, which suddenly blocked Aldrich Saint’s Moon Slashing Quick Knife!

The swords collided, and a large number of sparks were immediately aroused.

This kind of battle belongs to pure hard fighting, without any gorgeous moves, the fight is physical skills and domineering!

Lin Han fought one against two, and his body still didn’t move.

Karp and Aldrich Saint were secretly exerting their strength, but no matter what, Lin Han’s body was like a calm mountain, not moving at all.

Bang! Gunshots rang out.

Ralph seized the opportunity, aimed his gun at Lin Han, pulled the trigger, and fired five bullets in succession.

Each Hailou stone bullet was fired at an extremely tricky angle, unable to dodge at all, and sealed all the space around Lin Han.

“This time, with Karp and Draco dragging you, you simply don’t have the leisure to block my bullets!”

Ralph gave an eerie smile.

“Think you’ll beat me this way?” Lin Han shook his head, simply naïve.

In an instant, Lin Han’s mouth spat out an incomparably cold qi, and the cold qi quickly expanded, turning into a strong freezing wind, sweeping away the flying bullets.

Under the attack of this freezing force, the Hailou stone bullet could not hold on, the flight speed slowed down significantly, and finally did not hit Lin Han, because the frost on the surface became thicker and thicker, and it fell.

“Damn, this bastard is still so difficult!”

Several of Ralph’s sneak attacks were destroyed by Lin Han, and he couldn’t help but feel extremely unhappy in his heart.

Lin Han suddenly exerted his strength, forcing Karp and Aldrich Saint Capital to retreat at once, and then rushed to the higher sky.

“Let me show you the power of the Frozen Fruit Awakening!”


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