The strength of the five general-level Draco masters, and even the strength of two of them, had surpassed the general.

Plus Sengoku, Karp, Yellow Ape and Pheasant.

Such nine people, against Lin Han alone!

The situation today is even more critical than the shocking war of decades ago.

“Lin Han, the reinforcements from the World Government have arrived, don’t try to kill Aldrich Saint again, otherwise there will be no end here!” shouted anxiously.

“Do you want to rely on your numerical superiority to besiege me?” Lin Han said indifferently, “Unfortunately, I am not what I used to be now.” ”

Lin Han had already opened two heavenly lotteries, mastered the Ice Extinguishing Evil Magic, and the Ice Emperor Demon God Manifestation and Demon Essence.

His overall strength has improved a lot compared to decades ago.

The ability to freeze fruits has been enhanced again.

Moreover, Lin Han fought fiercely with the ten strongest guards for three days and three nights, and was finally killed by them because of his lack of physical strength.

Now Lin Han is still very physically strong.

The purple ice bow in his hand, the cold ice arrow on the bowstring, was already ready to strike.

Suddenly, Lin Han loosened the bowstring!

The ice arrow turned into a purple rainbow, carrying an unparalleled destructive aura, and shot fiercely towards Aldrich Saint!

“You’re looking for your own death!”

In the distance, there was the sound of Draco’s violent drinking.

Aldrich Saint was already powerless to resist, and his entire upper body was pierced by ice arrows at once!

His bones, muscles, blood, and even his internal organs were completely destroyed by the freezing power contained in the ice arrow!

Died of anger.

The first sword master among the Draco people died just like that.

Lin Han’s figure flashed, and immediately appeared next to Aldrich Saint’s body, and picked up the Moon Cutting Knife that had fallen on the ground.

This extremely sharp supreme fast knife has an extremely thin blade and can hardly feel the weight.

“Your sword, I laughed. Lin Han said.

The twelve skills of the supreme fast knife, each of which is extremely precious, seeing such a treasure lose its owner, Lin Han certainly will not miss it.

Although Lin Han does not use a sword himself, he can give it to Han Cook or sell it to the revolutionary army in exchange for the devil fruit.

This time I came to the Grant Islands, and the harvest was not small.

Not only did he kill Ralph, the sniper in the strongest guard, but also killed the first swordsman of Draco, which was equivalent to removing two powerful enemies in the future for himself.

Moreover, he also obtained the natural magma fruit, and the supreme fast knife slashed the moon.

It’s worth the trip.

With such a delay, five Draco masters had already arrived, and Karp, Sengoku and others also shattered the ice meteorite’s attack.

Nine super masters surrounded Lin Han.

Among these nine people, the green pheasant, who has the weakest comprehensive strength, is also a dignified admiral.

Lin Han was besieged by such nine people, and the situation was dangerous, even surpassing the battle with the ten strongest guards back then.

However, Lin Han was not afraid at all.

“If you can get out of such a siege, then the Ice God has truly surpassed his former self, and his strength has stepped into an incredible situation. ”

Whitebeard looked at the sky and muttered.

Hundred Beast Kaido also temporarily forgot to attack Whitebeard, and also looked up at the sky, his expression shocked.

At this time, the head-to-head between the two four emperors, who was also the initiator of the Grant Islands incident, was completely unimportant.

As soon as Lin Han appeared, he completely covered up the limelight of the two people.

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The focus of all the eyes of the audience was on Lin Han alone.

Unfortunately, the interval between times is too short, and my Makotmo hasn’t cooled down yet. ”

Lin Han had some regret in his heart.

He was in the Great Prison Advance City, wanting to test the hidden skills of the Demon God Manifestation and Demon Essence, and when he fought with Yu no Hiru, he activated the Mako Bowl to freeze time and space.

As a result, of course, Yu no Hiru was killed in seconds.

Unfortunately, a day has not passed yet, and the Mocote cannot be used again.

“Anyway, Ralph and Aldrich Saint have been killed, and now is not the time for a final decisive battle with these people. Lin Han thought to himself.

He was ready to leave.

The awakening power of the frozen fruit is still continuing, and the temperature throughout the island is getting lower and lower, the snow is flying, and the cold wind is raging.

The surface of the trees on the island is covered with a layer of frost, and the earth is completely frozen, like ice.

The environment here is more than ten times colder and worse than the fifth underground floor of the Great Prison Advance City, the extremely cold hell.

Kapu, Sengoku, Yellow Ape, Green Pheasant, and five Draco masters surrounded Lin Han, ready to attack at any time.


An extremely cold and murderous cold aura suddenly radiated out from Lin Han’s body and quickly spread in all directions!

With such a cold, even diamonds will be frozen.

Frozen World!

Lin Han directly cast the Frozen Fruit’s special move, and the nine masters around him were all within the attack range.

The trick of freezing the world, in this icy and snowy environment, the power has been significantly improved.

After the awakening of the natural fruit, change the environmental climate, and all the moves will become more powerful.

In an instant, the extremely cold field had formed, and the speed of the cold spread too fast, almost reaching the speed of light.

The nine masters, except for the yellow ape who moved at the speed of light, everyone else was caught off guard and shrouded in the extremely cold realm.

They didn’t expect Lin Han to amplify his moves as soon as he came up, and he was in a hurry to resist this terrifying cold aura that could freeze diamonds to pieces.

The yellow ape turned into countless golden photons, moved at the speed of light, and suddenly left the attack range of the extremely cold realm.

Lin Han didn’t bother to care about him.

This is the strength of the Shining Fruit ability, as long as he does not die, no one can catch up with him.

“Guys, I’ll take a step first, we’ll see you later.” ”

Lin Han’s figure flashed a few times and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Sure enough, even such a lineup could not help him. The yellow ape returned to his usual lazy demeanor, but his tone was full of fear: “It’s really the most terrifying man under the sky.” ”

After Lin Han left, the power of the Frozen Fruit Awakening also disappeared, no longer affecting the island.

The icy climate gradually returned to normal.

On the ground, Whitebeard has long disappeared.

This guy was very alert, as soon as Lin Han cast a special killing move to freeze the world, Whitebeard had a hunch that Lin Han would definitely be able to get out, and at that time, he also took the opportunity to leave.

Otherwise, Whitebeard will definitely be caught.

He was not Lin Han, and in the face of such nine people, he had no power to resist at all.

On the empty island, only the Hundred Beast Kaido was left.

“This time, I am afraid that the entire naval headquarters will not be able to withstand the anger of the top officials of the world government.” ”

Sengoku’s mood was extremely heavy.


The third more.

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