The battle was won, and the battle was over.

But everything still needs to be done after finding Moria. It is not difficult for Luffy to defeat him now. What really gives Luffy a headache is the tyrant bear who will appear next. His fruit ability is what gives Luffy a headache. It can bounce off all attacks. Luffy doesn't know if he can beat the bear now. In the anime, the World Government sent the bear to destroy his group in order to preserve the face of the Seven Warlords. In the end, Zoro took all his pain in exchange for his life.

But as the saying goes, "There must be a way when the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge." At this moment, a sudden scream came from a distant place. This sharp and piercing cry instantly attracted Luffy's attention, and he couldn't help but prick up his ears and listen carefully.

"Hmm? Why does this voice sound so familiar?" Luffy thought to himself. With his keen hearing and high alertness to the surrounding environment, he immediately judged that the voice came from someone he was very familiar with. So, he flew into the air without hesitation and rushed towards the source of the sound like a meteor.

On this mysterious island, the four-member team was anxiously looking for Luffy. As they walked, they gritted their teeth and recalled the strange zombie they had just met. Originally, this strange zombie promised to take them back to their original place, but now it was thrown into this gloomy cemetery.

The four-member team became more and more anxious. They walked hurriedly in the cemetery. There was silence all around, only their footsteps echoed, as if laughing at their experience. Their hearts were filled with anger and dissatisfaction, and they were extremely angry at the zombies' deception.

Just as the four were looking for a way out, the surrounding graves moved. Then, in the horrified eyes of the four, zombies broke out of the ground one by one, and surrounded them with stiff steps. The timid Nami and Usopp screamed, and this scene happened to be seen by Luffy who came.

Luffy condensed flames in his left hand. Just as he was about to attack, the frightened Nami directly launched a big move. Suddenly, countless thunders shot out from Nami's hand, and the zombies that were struck fell down with black smoke. Since Nami closed her eyes throughout the whole process, her moves did not distinguish between friend and foe. If Luffy had not dodged quickly, he would probably have been hit twice.

"Okay, okay, good boy, it's okay, it's okay, the zombies have been eliminated." Luffy quickly hugged Nami who was still discharging electricity and comforted her softly. Feeling the familiar embrace, Nami stopped attacking, but a nameless fire arose spontaneously, She grabbed Luffy's ears and scolded him for not acting alone. Luffy comforted her and asked Uta and Vivi for help, but they both snorted arrogantly and ignored Luffy.

Luffy, who knew he was wrong, accepted Nami's lesson and promised under the pressure of the three women that he would not leave them and act alone in the future. Luffy rubbed his red ears and sighed that Nami's exclusive domineering was not covered.

"So, Luffy, you have been looking for a way for so long on the island?" Usopp said with a crazy look, while the three women looked like I knew it. Luffy said confidently that it was of course, and he had never been here. Usopp was powerless to complain. Luffy was not rejected by the sea, but by the land.

After destroying countless zombies, everyone walked out of the cemetery tiredly, and a quaint mansion appeared in front of them. It stood there alone, surrounded by silence. The walls of the mansion looked a little mottled, as if carrying the vicissitudes of time. The ancient door was closed, revealing a mysterious atmosphere. The tiles on the roof have lost their former glory, looking shabby and solemn. The glass on the window was covered with dust and cobwebs, and it seemed that no one had taken care of it for a long time. The stone steps in front of the door were covered with moss, as if telling a story of the past. The whole mansion revealed an atmosphere of isolation from the world, making people curious about the secrets it hides.

"Luffy, why don't we go and see if there is anyone in this mansion," Nami said, rubbing her sore calf. Luffy nodded and secretly raised his vigilance. If I remember correctly, there seems to be a weirdo who has a transparent fruit and wants to marry Nami.

As soon as everyone walked to the door of the mansion, the door opened automatically. Usopp timidly hid behind everyone and entered. Just after several people completely entered the house, the door slammed shut. Several people watched all this boringly. Through the domineering of observation, Luffy had already discovered that this Ah who was looking at the three women with a lustful look

Absalom, he was the one who closed the door.

Absalom was still there secretly rejoicing, today was really his lucky day, he met three beauties at once, now he just needed to take them away when they were not prepared, Absalom, who fantasized about a beautiful and happy life in the future, couldn't help laughing, not knowing that he was almost discovered

"Luffy, I can't stand it anymore, I really want to beat up this damn pervert", Uta gritted her teeth and muttered, Luffy touched her head and asked her to be patient, Luffy naturally didn't like this guy, what Luffy really wanted was his fruit ability, it was a pity that he didn't have any fruit on hand, so this guy couldn't die yet

Several people pretended not to see Absalom and continued to walk in, Absalom quietly followed them, making some noise from time to time to scare them, Luffy and the others also cooperated and pretended to be scared, Absalom was even more proud, and believed that Luffy was just a show-off

Until several people came to a In a living room, Luffy picked up an apple and said calmly, "Mr. Invisible Man, did you come out on your own initiative or did I invite you to come out?"

Absalom's forehead broke out in cold sweat after hearing this. He didn't believe that Luffy had discovered him. He slowly moved behind Luffy and prepared to attack him, but was frightened by a wind blade and revealed his true form. When he saw the playful expressions on the faces of several people, Absalom realized that he was fooled

Angry Absalom was ready to fight to the death, but was swallowed by the black hole thrown by Vivi. A second before he lost consciousness, Absalom began to regret attacking Luffy and others, but it was too late. After dealing with Absalom, Vivi waved her jade hand, and a dark purple smoke floated out of the black hole and sank into the apple in Luffy's hand.

Luffy casually threw the transparent fruit into the system backpack, just like throwing away something he no longer needed. There was a look of disdain in his eyes, as if this precious fruit had lost its value to him. He did not check the transparent fruit in his backpack again, nor did he pay any further attention or thought to it. It was as if throwing it in was just a casual action and then forgetting it.

He turned around and continued his adventure, and the transparent fruit in his backpack was thrown behind him, becoming an ignored existence. Perhaps one day in the future, when he needs this fruit again, he will remember its existence, but at this moment, it is just an insignificant episode for Luffy.

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