“Ten million? Sea thief? Last looked at Wolf with a strange look, and felt the urge to laugh, but it didn’t seem that the occasion was right, “The real is the poor frog at the bottom of the well, the world is only as big as the East China Sea in your eyes?” A guy like you who is so ignorant that he is still complacent in the fantasy ‘sea thief’ only makes me feel – very pitiful, you guy! ”

“What do you say?!!! – Evil! Absolutely unforgivable!!! Seeing Last’s mocking look, it was even more angry than being insulted, “Little ghost, you managed to provoke me!” I’m going to destroy you and tear you to pieces like bread!!! ”

As soon as the words fell, the original three-meter-tall Wolf, the whole person was still slowly getting taller, the original head position gradually changed, a wolf head replaced the head position, hands also became sharp claws, legs became strong hind limbs. In just a few seconds, Wolf directly turned into a humanoid wolf-headed monster!

“Appeared, Captain Demon’s ability!”

“Inuju Fruit-Wolf Wolf Form, Captain’s Terrifying Ability!”

“‘Berserk Wolf’, this is the meaning of the title of captain!”

Seeing the directly transformed Captain Wolf, the pirates surrounding Kru suddenly regained their strong confidence, and one by one they roared with excitement, “Captain Wolf, kill this nasty brat!” Avenge Cruzama! ”

“Out 、、、 appeared!” Karil and Parker looked at the werewolf monster who was more than four meters tall with a shocked face.

“Haha, how? ——Boy, was he so frightened by Lao Tzu’s strongest form that he couldn’t even speak? “Wolf, who turned into a ‘werewolf’, leaned over to look at the ‘short’ Rust, and a pair of cold wolf eyes could not hide his smugness.

“No——, not at all!” Rust looked the transformed Wolf up and down with interest, and this was the first time he had seen up close that the transformed form of the animal Devil Fruit Capable Person was far more three-dimensional, imagery and majestic than in the previous life comics.

“- less deception! You brat! Wolf roared loudly with his wolf mouth full of fangs, his sharp claws glowing with a cold glow, “This is a devil fruit called ‘Sea Secret Treasure’, worth 100 million Baileys!” Not many people in the entire East China Sea know, but it’s not something you bastard brat can easily access! ”

“-Huh? Is that so? Rust exclaimed in surprise, “But I’m also a Devil Fruit powerhouse!” If you don’t believe it – double the rush!!! ”

Saying that, Last suddenly disappeared from the place.

Wolf has been paying attention to Last’s movements, and saw that the other party suddenly disappeared from the place, and the speed was so fast that even his pair of wolf eyes could not be seen at all, and the whole body suddenly tensed, subconsciously defensive, but the body’s movements could not keep up with the speed of the other party at all.

“- Double Impact Punch !!!”


‘-Bang bang! ’

“Ah-cough-ah-” Wolf looked at Rust who suddenly appeared in front of him with an incredulous expression, his body withstood the opponent’s attack almost defenselessly, and flew out directly, slamming into the ship’s mast, breaking the entire lower part of the mast. Because of the pain of the attack in the abdomen, a large amount of blood was coughed up in his mouth.

“Captain Wolf————” Seeing that the captain was knocked down by a blow, the pirates immediately let out a cry of sorrow!

“-!!! so strong” Karil looked at Rust excitedly and couldn’t help but exclaim.

“What a great boy!” Parker looked at the injured Wolf in shock.

“Ahem——, boy, who the hell are you guy?” Wolf wiped the blood from his mouth, and finally began to face Last, this powerful kid, “A guy with such strength should not be unknown in the East China Sea!” ”

“My name is Ross Kyle Krust, and I will become the most handsome One Piece man in the future!” Rust reported the name and said proudly, “Give me a good memory of this name, Rosskell K Last, this name will soon resound in the sea!” ”

“Last? – I’ve never heard of it at all! Wolf rubbed his dull pain on his left abdomen, and looked at Rust with a fierce face, “However, what an arrogant little ghost!” One Piece or something, it’s really laughing to death! Forget it, a guy who is doomed to death, name, dreams or whatever, who cares! Mouth Teeth Road! ”

“- Bloody Wolf Claw!” With a shout, Wolf rushed towards Rust at an extremely fast speed, and his right paw slammed towards Rust.


In the face of the sharp wolf claw, Rust met with a punch that did not give in, and both of them directly began hand-to-hand combat.

“- Wolf Tooth Assault!” Wolf’s claw strike was blocked, and he immediately opened his blood basin and bit towards Rast’s neck.

“I don’t know if anyone told you,” facing a wolf mouth full of sharp teeth, Rust punched Wolf directly in the jaw, “- your mouth stinks!” ”



Wolf’s wide open mouth was directly crooked. Then, under the power of Rust’s fist, the body slammed diagonally into the side of the ship.

“Damn bastard!” Wolf slapped his claws on the side of the ship, and his sharp claws left five deep scratches on the bulwark. Then, again, rushed to the opponent.

“You bastard, don’t destroy the ship casually!” Seeing the scars on the ship, Rust shouted angrily, “This is my booty!” Bastard guys! I’ve decided to make this ship my own transitional pirate ship! ”

“Less talking to yourself there, damn little ghost!” Wolf roared as he stormed.



“Knock knock-”


“Double Impact Punch!”

“Wolf tooth assault!”

“Bastard boy, it’s really beaten!” Wolf gritted his teeth.

“That’s what I’m going to say, right, hardy animal line!” Rust looked at ease.

“Triple Impact Punch!”

“Claw strike triple strike!”

‘Bang bang-‘





After a series of successive attacks, Wolf’s right claw cut through Lassiter’s clothes, but his fist was hit to the chest, and the whole person was once again knocked down on the deck by Last’s punch.

“Huh-huh-huh-” Wolf covered his chest, gasped for air, looked at Rust, who still had a relaxed face, and couldn’t help but say hatefully, “Bastard, are you a monster this kid? ”

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