Although he failed to recruit Solon, Last was not at all frustrated. Especially after spending such a while alone with Solon, Rast was infected by the other party’s firm optimism, and the whole person felt inexplicably relaxed.

“Hey, Last, how did you come back so quickly?” Standing on the boat, Karil looked at Rust who was strolling alone, and was very surprised.

“Ah, Karil, are the ship’s supplies ready?” Rust waved at Kalil and asked aloud.

“Er, it’s all ready!” Khalil paused, then replied.

“Oh yes? That’s great! Then it’s time to set sail again! Rust laughed and jumped on board.


“Oh, Captain, back so soon? Did that Roronoa Solon promise? Parker asked as he pushed open the door to the medical room and rubbed his eyes, which had become sour from the continuous experiment focused on the reaction agent.

“Yes, Last, what’s going on?” Karil pulled up the anchor, put it on the boat, and then came over and asked curiously.

“Failed! Hahaha, that guy, completely rejected my invitation! Rust smiled and shook his head.

“Refused?!!” Karil was very surprised, he was actually rejected, was that guy locked up in the naval base and his brain became dull, such a good escape meeting, he actually refused!

“Hahaha, but it looks like you don’t care at all, Captain! Neither angry nor self-pitying! Parker looked at Rust with interest, wondering why the captain was still looking happy.

“yes, Last, that’s not like you?” Karil also looked at Rust strangely.

“Hahaha, what does it matter! Plus or not join, it’s all voluntary! However,” Rust couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Solon, who still had a firm look on his conviction even though he was bound to his body, “If you can invite it, that guy will really be a good partner!” ”

“No matter what you say, people won’t say yes! After all, it is a pirate hunter who wanders around the sea all day to hunt pirates, I am afraid that he hates pirates in his heart! Decline the invitation, and rightfully so! Khalil shook his head and analyzed.

“What a pity, Captain!” Parker sighed and said again, “So, do we still want to stay here?” In the end, the purpose of our coming here is just to recruit Roronoa Solon, and since the solicitation failed, there is no need to stay here! ”

“Uncle Parker is right, the goal has been achieved, although not as expected.” Kalil repeated the same thing, “It’s better to get out of here as soon as possible, right?” When I was just buying, I heard that the commander of the naval base here, Colonel ‘Axeman’ Monka, had personally captured and executed the captain of the famous ‘Black Cat Pirates’ in the East China Sea and the ‘Hundred’ Chloe, who had a bounty of 16 million Bailey! Strength is not general! ”

“Is it? Unexpectedly, even the sea thief Chloe, who offered the second highest reward in the East China Sea, was defeated! Hearing the news from Caril’s mouth, Parker was surprised. Unexpectedly, the sea pirate who was so famous in the East China Sea at that time, the captain of the ‘Black Cat Pirate Ship’ Chloe, had already been killed! Remembering his previous ‘Berserk Wolf’ Captain Wolf, even if he was not defeated by Last, he was completely incomparable with the other party’s fame!

“—how is it possible!” Seeing that both Carriel and Parker were surprised, and remembering Monka, who would be defeated by Luffy three or two, Rust said disdainfully, “That man called ‘Hundred’ won’t be caught so easily!” ”

“-Huh?!” Both Karil and Parker were shocked by Rast’s words. According to Last, the ‘hundreds’ Chloe were not caught at all, so who was the guy executed by the Navy at that time? Assuming that Chloe really escaped, then he had been in the East China Sea for so long, but he hadn’t heard anything about the other party at all!

“Impossible, right? At that time, the Navy announced in the newspaper that the ‘hundred’ Chloe had been executed, this kind of thing, the Navy should not be mistaken, right? Parker found it hard to believe that Chloe could escape, and even played the East Sea Navy to applause.

“Yes, if you can really fool the navy like this, and after such a long time has not been discovered, then this man is really not losing the title of ‘hundreds’!” It was also hard for Khalil to believe that anyone could do it to this extent.

“Yes, so this man is really amazing in terms of intrigue!” Last nodded with emotion, really admiring the other party’s intelligence.

“In other words, the ‘Chloe’ caught by the Navy at that time is not real at all!” From Last’s words, Karil was once again convinced, “Then Chloe must be hiding somewhere in the East China Sea now, and it took so much effort to get rid of the wanted by the navy, he must be plotting something!” ”

“Captain, is all this true of what you said?” Although Rust repeatedly said that Chloe had not been captured by the Navy, Parker could not fully believe it.

“Ah, it’s true! I guess I heard about it by chance,” Rust clapped his hands, and in order not to let Karil and Parker get to the bottom of it, he could only say, “Chloe guy is on an island now, and there is a village called Sirob on the island, and this is it!” ”

“Sirobu Village? It’s so close! Karil did not delve into why Rust knew so clearly, and when he heard the village of Sirob, which was very close to the town of Sherz, he immediately said.

Parker just looked at Rust a little strangely, and did not care too much about the source of the news, but asked strangely, “Captain, judging from the tone of your admiration for Chloe’s scheme just now, should it be 、、、、、、?”

“-Nani? Rust, you’re not going to invite that man on board, are you? With Parker’s reminder, Khalil also came to his senses. No wonder Rust would say so much about a sea thief who has long been ‘outdated’, and he has such an idea.

“Haha, yes, that’s what I planned!” Last, however, very simply admitted his purpose.

“But, Captain, to be honest, I don’t really like your invitation?” Parker is not surprised, since he wants to recruit a crew, he must choose those guys who are famous, powerful, or otherwise powerful. And the ‘hundred’ Chloe fully meets the conditions. However, Parker is not optimistic about this recruitment operation.

“Will it?” Rust looked at Parker suspiciously.

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