The blinding ashes fell to the surface of the sea, and the fiery red beating in the clear blue seemed to herald the end of everything.

"Whew. "

Seeing that the flames not far away were still burning and had no intention of stopping, the aunt exhaled a long breath.

The Lord of the Night is still gone.


Whitebeard screamed in despair and flew towards Lunn, he knew Bigmom's strength but he couldn't believe that Lunn died like this!

"And you, Whitebeard, then I'll kill you all this time!"


Big Mom unleashed another blast of flames, and the flames shot straight at Whitebeard.

If it weren't for the fact that the Food Legion was all suppressed by the Night King, she wouldn't have done it herself, and these skills needed to be relied on by her soul.

At this time, Whitebeard only wanted to save Lun, and everything happened in an instant, and he didn't have time to dodge the attack launched by his aunt.


An invisible barrier suddenly appeared in front of Whitebeard, blocking all the flames from the outside.

Not only the aunt, but even the white beard is a little confused.

The atmosphere froze here for a second.

Whitebeard shouted with some uncertainty, "Lunne?"

A figure actually appeared in the blazing flames.

He walked out slowly, as if the flame had been made for him.

Whitebeard finally saw the owner of the figure clearly, and shouted excitedly.


Flew straight towards Len.

In contrast to Whitebeard, it was the aunt who thought that the Lord of the Night no longer existed, but who knew that he would survive the flames and be unscathed?

Whitebeard opened his mouth to ask something, but he didn't know what to ask.

Lunn gave Whitebeard a reassuring look, which turned to disgust.

"You recuperate on the side first, and you said in advance not to hold me back. "

"Okay. "

It's not nonsense, although Whitebeard has palpitations, but he calmed down, and casually found a piece of driftwood to sit on the ground.

Lunn actually had palpitations, too.

At the moment when the flames hit him just now, the armor formed by the armed color domineering of the Tiger Roaring Dragon was instantly shaken open.

This would not be the case with an ordinary fire attack, but the flames are only a fuse in it, and the main thing is a scream that hits the soul.

Lunn came face to face with these souls, and could feel the fear and grievances of those souls in the flames, who were killed by Bigmom, and even their souls were not spared.

This is the Four Emperors?

Lunn was still not afraid at that time, he was just completely disappointed, and the so-called justice was only built on other people.

All that is needed is merciless marauders to open a course for them.

So how many people in the Navy and the Army can stand up to justice?

"Huh. "

No matter how hard the flames around Lunn beat, the inner flames have all been extinguished, and the core of this flame is the terrifying soul shock.

This is the impact of mental power in the cloak of energy attack!

He can only shake the weak at heart, but Ronn is the opposite.

So when the flames broke through Lunn's armor, they were counterattacked.

The sound of the barbecue was a pleasure for Lunn, which is why Lunn had been slow to dispel the flames.

Although the aunt's face is hateful, this soul power is quite nourishing.

After absorbing the power, Lunn was menacing, an aura that could be seen with the naked eye.

The sea water under Lunn's feet was no longer surging back and forth on the plane, and even the water was spiritual, feeling the momentum of Lunen's slaughter, sinking downwards and fleeing in all directions, eager to get away from him.

As the Four Emperors, Bigmom Ran can also clearly perceive the changes in Lunen.

He can actually absorb power, isn't this an ability that only Tianlong people have?

What Big Mom doesn't know is that Lunn, the King of the Night, obtained a mirror that can absorb energy during the battle with Imu, which also became one of the factors that Lunn was able to absorb souls.

"Bigmom can use whatever trick you have, don't be stingy with your stored soul. "

Lunn said as he walked towards the aunt step by step, stepping on the air with each step, and when he looked closely, he found that the domineering ripples under Lunn's feet had disappeared.

Why didn't he stand in the air like this with his domineering?

The people present saw Lunn as if they had discovered a new world, after all, no matter how powerful a person was in this new world, he could not escape from domineering.

In fact, Lunn's domineering spirit has not disappeared, if it is said that Lunn flew into the air before to wrap his feet with domineering domineering, then now he has laid a layer of domineering ground under his feet!

How terrifying can the Night King's strength be?

"By the way, all the tricks you've been using or talking to me are to make me scared. "

Lunn seemed to be asking Auntie when he said this, but his tone was full of affirmation.

The aunt was noncommittal, she originally wanted the soul of the Night King, and it was only when people felt fear or death that it was time for her to harvest the soul.

That's why she had been asking Lunn questions before, trying to scare him with the Four Emperors or the World Government.

But Lunn wasn't scared at all.

"Do you know why I'm not afraid?"

As if he had already gained insight into the aunt's heart, Lunn asked again.

The aunt didn't speak, as if she didn't react until Lunn's murderous aura slowly approached her.

"Could it be that your mental power is too strong, but it can't be. "

Indeed, people with strong spiritual power will not be affected by soul attacks at all and will not have a sense of fear, but the aunt has never met such a person in this sea for many years.

Can this King of the Night really be so powerful?

Next, Lunn's words made the aunt feel a chill in her back.

"Because I'm not Imu!"

Before the words reached the ears of the aunt, Lunn disappeared in place, and only through the shadow imprinted on the surface of the sea could he barely catch Lunn's figure.


A breaking wind sounded behind the aunt, and the panic she felt after listening to Lunn's words was slapped on the head before it could be transmitted to her face.


"Ouch. "

The hat on the top of the aunt's head made a painful sound, and a crack appeared.

Don't look at it as just a rift, it's not just physical damage, it's deep damage to the soul.

Homiz, who is the strongest of Big Mom, is also a product of the soul, and has not been injured since this hat became Homiz.

Even if this scene is a bit ridiculous, it can also show that it takes a lot of hard work to really hurt the aunt.

Just as Lunn was about to strike another blow, Heartnet felt the invasion of the others.

"Mom, we're coming late!"

Lunn squinted his eyes and looked at the three people who suddenly appeared a little distracted, dressed in bells and whistles should be the same as Charlotte Lingling's family. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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