
Smuji's hand erupted into a rainbow-colored jet of water.

"Lunn, get out of the way!"

Whitebeard suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up in front of Lunn as he picked up the naginata in his hand to block Smuge's juice party.

As the name suggests, Smuji uses the power of Devil Fruits to turn all enemies into juice, so that they have no power to fight back.

Especially in this unfathomable sea, once Lunn becomes a juice, it will melt into the sea water and wash away, and then the body will become a dead soul before it is rebuilt.

Drops of green juice seeped down from Whitebeard's hands, and his naginata did not withstand the attack!


Whitebeard had long expected that he would let go of his hand and was about to charge up the air crack for this move.

A black claw wrapped around Whitebeard to stop his next move.


Whitebeard looked at Lunn puzzled, wondering why he was doing this.

"Your wound can't be opened again, just leave it to me. "

Lunn said as he stood in front of Whitebeard as Smuge's arm faded and her body began to melt.

Due to the electric shock, the juices were electrified, which meant that Lunn's thunderous power was skillfully used by Smuji.

It's no wonder that Whitebeard's naginata was directly assimilated, but fortunately he let go in time, otherwise he would have been hit by Lunn's thunderous power, and the consequences can be imagined.

Lunn was aware of this, too, but it was just in time for him to see which was stronger, the dark power or the power of thunder.

"Come on!"

The original colorless barrier, the shield made of Lunn's armed color domineering, had been dyed black, and it looked lifeless.


The powerful impact caused Whitebeard to take a few steps back, but Lunn didn't move

The colorful juice hit the dark shield in a strong contrast, and the juice splashed around did not seem to do any damage to the shield.

Could it be that the power of thunder is far weaker than Lunn's dark power?

The answer is no.

Don't look at Lun's appearance, there is not much difference, but the moment the power of thunder comes into contact with the dark power, the dark power actually passively increases several times to ensure that Lunn is not harmed.

In this matchup, it can be said that Smuji's juice damage is almost negligible.

A cold sweat broke out on Lunn's head, and all the dark power was released, and at this time, his energy was all focused on the perception of power, and he didn't pay any attention to the danger from behind him.

When Lunn's dark power was released to confront the power of thunder, the black claws on Katakuri's eyes disappeared in an instant.

The light pierced Katakuri's eyes for a moment, even though the light in the Eternal Night Realm was negligible.

Katakuri, who had just recovered, heard Smuji's groans of pain only to realize that his sister had been defeated.

Seeing the unscathed Lenn Katakuri on the other side, his fighting spirit was aroused.

He tore off the mask he was wearing on his mouth, revealing four sharp teeth, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and the breath of the whole person became even more fierce.

This is Katakuri's awakened state!

"Flowing glutinous balls!"

The sea beneath the Kataku chestnut was all assimilated into glutinous dough, which was supposed to be milky white but was mixed with some Smuji juice.

With the mobilization of his strength, all the glutinous balls were wrapped around Lunen, and once he was caught, trying to get out was tantamount to a fool's dream.


Nuotuan slowly walked towards Lunn and Whitebeard.

"Be careful!"

Whitebeard saw that the glutinous rice balls were surrounded and his feet were already entangled, and he blocked in front of Lunn to attract most of the glutinous rice balls.

But Lunn, who was immersed in the power of comprehension, did not dodge at all, and Nuo Tuan took the opportunity to jump up and stick to him.

"What is this?"

It wasn't until the glutinous ball was about to climb up the neck that Lunn reacted, but it was too late, and a round figure appeared under his feet.


The slime rested perfectly on Lenn's head, ending the release of the flowing glutinous mass, and the sea returned to calm.

Lunn is now a mummy, with no trace of struggle.

And the whitebeard behind him is also assimilated.

However, as long as those who know the strength of the Night King, they will never easily believe that he will disappear like this.

The fact that the Eternal Night Realm still exists indicates that Lunn is still alive.

Katakuri naturally knew it in his heart, but when he saw and heard it, he couldn't predict Lunn's next trend.

How did Lunn suddenly become so unfathomable?

In any case, it must be hurried.



Just as Katakuri was about to concentrate on unleashing his next skill, he heard a heavy object fall into the sea.

These two sounds are the sounds of Whitebeard and Smuji falling into the sea.

Remembering something, Katakuri rushed towards the spot where Smuji had fallen into the sea, only to see the water rippling.

Smuji's last desperate blow had consumed all of her energy, and Smuji passed out as soon as Ron's power vanished.

Seeing Smuji fall into the sea, Katakuri couldn't do anything about it.


Katakuri shouted in despair, and seeing that he was powerless to return to the sky, he looked viciously at Lunn who was wrapped in a ball but still floating in the air.

The sea surface was assimilated by him again, and the glutinous prizes in his hands continued to gather into several thick rice cake sticks.

"Weeping rain glutinous rice!"

The soft glutinous rice smashed straight towards Lunn at the moment when Katakuri exerted its strength, and the tip of the glutinous rice strips turned black, which was Katakuri's armed color domineering.

It is foreseeable that if Lunn is hit by so many glutinous rice sticks, he will not die, but he will also be disabled.

"All to all"

The sound of rapid tapping resounded throughout the field, but it wasn't the result of Katakuri.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Katakuri's mouth, but there were no enemies around him.

It's Lunn!

Even if Lunn was wrapped in glutinous rice balls, the phantom of this dragon and tiger beast appeared in the air, which was the pinnacle of the armed color domineering.

There are so many common senses in the world, such as overcoming rigidity with softness.

But this has no constraints on Lenn!

As long as the armed color domineering is strong enough, no matter how soft and glutinous the glutinous rice is, it can hit its entity, that is, it can really hit Katakuri's body.

This is also the reason why Katakuri vomited blood.

The slime wrapped around Lunn's head had already burst, revealing Lunn's expressionless face, and the glutinous rice balls wrapped around his body showed many marks of punches and kicks.


Katakuri spat out a mouthful of blood again, and the blood melted into the sea and disappeared.

By the time he spat out his second mouthful of blood, Lunn had completely broken free from the glutinous rice ball.


Lunn moved his stiff neck for a moment, and looked coldly at Katakuri without moving. _

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