Pokmus turned to Perospero, who was doing nothing next to him, and said, "Do you want him to command the pirates?"

Seeing that Pokmus was speaking to himself, Perospero lost his temper.

Eyebrows raised and glared at Pokmuth and said loudly: "What, are you not convinced, your fur clan is one of the masterminds of this riot in the Portland Kingdom, what qualifications do you have to speak here?"

Perospero seemed to deliberately say it so loudly that the other pirates could hear it.

Pokmus saw Perospero being so vexatious, and rolled up his sleeves and planned to fight him.

"Stop, if I see you two arguing again, I'll sue my mom to reduce your two ten-year lifespans, SOIR. "

In fact, Pokmus knew that Baron Dandan's help was helping him, and he jokingly said, "Dandan, how can you say threatening words, with polite words like 'SOIR'." "

"I hope you two can also know how to be polite and know how to respect each other, BON"

Although the Dandan's words were two people who taught at the same time, his eyes wearing sunglasses were actually looking at Perospero.

Perospero felt the murderous aura of the Dandanbar, and was silenced.

Pokmus naturally knew that the Dandanbaron was towards him, but he was still not at ease about handing over the pirates to Perospero like this.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

Baron Balls patted Pokemus on the shoulder, signaling him not to get agitated yet.

"Perospero, you hurry up and take them to pursue the Whitebeard Pirates first, and the two of us will go and explore the terrain first, SOIR"


Perospero couldn't wait for a long time, he rubbed his hands and looked at the dozens of pirate ships behind him, and his long tongue couldn't help but fall out of his mouth.

A greedy look made Pommus look disgusted.

"I believe in your abilities, go ahead, SOIR"

Perospero didn't respond to the Baron Ball's swift move towards the pirate ship, and he was eager to let the crew know right away.

He, Perospero, is also the leader of this pirate group!

"Are you really relieved to let him command the pirates?"

Pokmus still couldn't believe that this guy had become the commander of the pirates, and he looked at Perospero with disdain in his eyes.

"I said that the plan was foolproof, I think it will be directly defeated by this product. "

Only then did the Dandan-Baron slowly speak: "I let Perospero command the Pirates, the main purpose is to let him go and paralyze the nerves of the Whitebeard Pirates first, SOIR"

"You mean to say?"

It was indeed a good idea to let Perospero shoot them first, and even if he and the Ballman stayed on the ship, it wouldn't make much difference.

Let Perospero consume a wave first, and it is best to weaken the power of the Night Lord a little, anyway, Pokmus does not expect him to be able to defeat the Night King.

"It's okay to fight the front line with Perospero's character, we can just wait for the rabbit, SOIR"

Pokemus was a little eager to take the plunge.

"Then let's go to the ambush now. "

"Hmm. "

In this battle, they must win!

The tall and short figures disappeared between the jungles in an instant.

The southwest coast of Odin Island.

At this time, the ship had not yet fully reached the west coast, and Lunn was on the deck holding the map and frowning as he watched the changes in the water system around him.

He seemed to feel that there was something wrong with the plan he had just made, and he couldn't answer what it was.

Seeing that he was about to arrive in the West Bank, he couldn't help but feel a little restless in his heart.

Until now, he had not felt an enemy invasion, but intuitively feared that the battle would start earlier.

Lunn's mind did indeed feel the breath of the others, but only for a moment.

It wasn't clear if it was too far away or if someone had been here to leave it behind, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

He paced back and forth anxiously, and now he was shouldering the entire pirate group, and he was no longer in the state where he was not hungry when he fed the whole family alone.

"What do you think, such a sad face. "

"Why did you come out before your injuries healed. "

Seeing the bandaged whitebeard come to the deck leisurely, Lunn hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

"I'm coming out to breathe, what's my plan now?"

Lunn pondered for a moment and said, "I plan to enter from the west coast of Outin Island and leave through the Dark River. "

He didn't tell Whitebeard about the possible imminent war.

Because the battle hasn't really started yet, Lunn doesn't want Whitebeard to worry, after all, Whitebeard's injury is not healed, and Lunn must not let Whitebeard participate in this battle again.

"It's a good plan, but I don't think we can all go through the dark river. "

Whitebeard looked at the map in Lunn's hand and knew Lunn's route.

"The dark river of Outin Island is indeed suitable for crossing, but the danger factor is still greater than that on the shore. "

"So we have to leave a way back. "

Lun Endaigo was empowered, and the reason why he had been feeling irritable was finally known.

He had always considered the favorable factors of the topography but ignored the geology, and the dark river belonged to the underground river, that is, the river in a hole in the ground.

If it collapses, the entire pirate group must not be buried inside.

Lunn had a false alarm, but fortunately, Whitebeard was able to reveal the drawbacks in one word.

"Marco, Marco. "

Lunn handed Marco over and instructed, "I'll take some of the boats to the Dark River, you go on the ground, it's safer on the ground." "

He paused and continued: "Lead most of the enemies into the dark river and hand them over to me to deal with, you should be able to walk faster on the ground, just don't fall in love with war." "

"It's ......"


Marco was just about to ask Lunn why he suddenly changed his plan, when there was a violent shaking on the deck and the three of them were separated.

Lunn reacted immediately, and he quickly moved to Whitebeard's side, picking up the fallen Whitebeard and sending him to Marco.

"It's too late to explain, you hurry up and take him back to the room first, and we'll act separately from now on. "

This explosion was not a torpedo.

Lunn's mind had already sensed dozens of enemy ships approaching them at the back of the ship.

He climbed onto the lookout and turned on the domineering transmission.

"All the smaller boats follow me down the dark river, let the big boats go first!"

Confirming that the crew had heard, Lunn jumped off the lookout and left the ship and jumped onto a nearby boat.

That's right, Irene!

Lunn suddenly remembered that Erin was still in the previous ship, and he was about to jump back again when the explosion occurred again.

"Bang Bang Bang"

This time the explosion was more intense than before.

Perospero looked at the whitebearded pirates in front of him and shouted, "I'm here, Lord of the Night, you wait to die!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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