The pirate ships brought by Perospero have all been wiped out by the giant waves he has created.

The candy waves were eroded by Lenn again, and he had no way out, but he didn't expect Bray to rush over with Daifuku and Opera to support.

God help me!

With the help, Perospero was arrogant and activated his skills again.

"Candy Wave!"

The ships beneath Lunn's feet were encased in the sugar liquid rising beneath the surface of the sea, and the rest of the ships were trapped in place.

The captain tried to steer the boat away from the part of the sugar attack, but found that he could not move.

"Our boat can't move. "

Lunn also realizes that Perospero's ability can attack from the bottom of the sea, which means that the role of this dark barrier can be ignored.

still underestimated them, since this is the case, he can only see the moves.

"Where has the ship gone?"

Lunn asks about the condition of the ship's captain, which will affect the speed of Lunn's battle.

"They have entered the west shore of Outing Island and are heading towards a fork in the road, and will soon reach the river on the shore. "

The original plan was to let the big ship go first, and then let the small boat follow after the big ship was out of danger, but now the small boat could not move, so the battle could only be solved on the spot.

"Okay, you stay here first, and I'll take care of the rest. "

Lunn gritted his teeth and jumped out of the cabin, unable to hit the dark beam of light directly at the already swampy sugar liquid, as it would pass through the hull and pose a deadly danger.

He broke out of the "dark barrier" and came face to face with Perospero and the other four.

Seeing Lunn come out, Perospero said sarcastically: "You finally don't cower in the barrier." "

"Let's go up with you. "

As Lunn's words fell, the Dark Barrier disappeared, and he had to save the dark power to prepare for this battle.

Fortunately, the candy power that he had absorbed Perospero before had already replenished most of him, as long as the focus was on himself, these people should not harm ordinary people who were far from their strength.

In the end, Lunn thought that Perospero was too simple, with Perospero's sinister character, as long as he could win the battle, there was nothing he could do.

What's more, now that he has gained the upper hand, he must take advantage of the victory to pursue, and it is impossible to let the tiger return to the mountain.

Perospero said proudly: "Opera, you go and deal with that group of little Rollo, Lunn and the three of us are enough." "

"Are you sure?"

Bray had some doubts about Perospero's plan, and it couldn't be said to be a plan, and the eight achievements were said casually by Perospero.

She had really fought with Lenn and knew the strength of the Night King, even if it was for her and the other main forces, the victory was still slim.

Even if the mother is in front of Lunn, it is impossible to be easy.

"Don't worry about it so much, now the entire pirate group is led by me. "

Perospero was a little dissatisfied with Bree's attitude, if it weren't for her ability, she wouldn't have been so "kind of persuasion".

"Oh, I have to remind you that this is the last time my mother will send the main force of the pirates to deal with the Night King, and you can only succeed and not fail. "

Bray didn't bother to pay attention to Perospero after speaking, she conjured a mirror out of thin air and held it in her hand.

Perospero asked suspiciously, "What's the matter, isn't Mom going to deal with the Night King?"

Seeing that Bray no longer answered, Daifuku answered Perospero's question: "The Night Lord must be dealt with, but in order to deal with the Night King, many main forces have been sacrificed, and even the three-star generals have fallen in battle.

Daifuku said this, and hot steam came out of his head, which was enough to prove how angry he was at this time.

"The crisis in the kingdom of Totland has forced the remaining main forces to remain in the city to deal with the rebellion, and there is no surplus force left to deal with the Night King. "

Perospero couldn't help frowning when he heard this, he didn't expect the situation to be so critical.

Daifuku was still steaming from his head, and his body gradually twisted and deformed to resemble an oil lamp, and he wiped his body and summoned the "Lamp Demon Man" from his mouth

Everyone was on standby, and Perospero was no longer taking it lightly.

He knew that if he hadn't killed the Night King this time, he would either be killed by the Night King, or his mother would have his soul taken.

"Then end this battle and let Bree send us back. "

Perospero was once again wrapped in candy armor, this time with a layer of weaponry-colored domineering attached to it.

"Rush, Lantern Demon Man!"

Daifuku rushed to the front, only two hundred meters away from Lunn.

And this distance is the best range for the Lantern Man's attack.

"Majin Hunting!"

The Lantern Demon instantly rushed in front of Lunn and slashed at Lunn from top to bottom with the machete in his hand.

Lunn sent out several pillars of dark light, but with little effect, and the pillars of light went straight through the body of the lamp demon and hit the air behind him.

Bray took off and caught the dark pillar of light with the mirror and bounced back, and the pillar of light passed through the lamp demon's body and hit Lunn again.

"Bang Bang Bang"

These explosions were not the sound of Lunn being hit, but the pirate ship behind Lenn being attacked by Opera.

The few pillars of dark light that had just been bounced off were easily dodged by Lunn, if it weren't for the effect of the domain, Lunn actually wouldn't even have time to react.

He was now very worried about the situation of the pirates behind him, and he had promised to lead them to victory, but now he was exhausted.

Lunn flashed again, and the lamp demon's machete slashed in front of Lunn, and the air was split apart.

It is conceivable that if this knife falls on Lunn's head, I am afraid that if he does not die, he will be a cripple.

Fortunately, the Lantern Demon is an illusion created by Daifuku with the power of steaming fruits.,Although it can't be attacked.,But it's much more affected by the realm than ordinary people.。

At present, Lunn can only use the energy of the realm to deal with the two people as much as possible, but with Perospero, it is only a matter of time before he is defeated.

Perospero naturally won't give Lenn a little respite, and he can't wait to make up for it after Daifuku and Bray attack separately.

"Candy Virgin!"

This treatment is not a virgin in the ordinary sense, but its unique appearance is derived from the torture instruments of Europe.

I saw that the golden iron virgin made of candy opened her mouth as she slammed Lunn's face, as if she wanted to devour Lunn.

"Tiger roaring dragon roar!"

Lunn was covered with a layer of armed and domineering armor, and he forcibly caught the invasion of the "Candy Virgin".

"Bang dang!"

A loud bang passed, and seeing that the "Candy Virgin" did not cause him any damage, Perospero activated the skill again.

"Candy Virgin Decoration!"

This time it's an upgrade of skills, and a layer of armed color domineering is added to the original "Candy Virgin", in addition to this, the prototype of "Candy Virgin" is also exposed.

It was an incomparably ferocious, spiky beast with thorns all over its body, and the spikes in its mouth seemed to be able to bite Lunn through in one bite. _

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