"Perospero, you are the eldest son of the Charlotte family. "

"It's up to you. "


Lunn wanted to say something but choked straight back into his stomach, he coughed up the phlegm in his throat and asked "strongly", "Do you remember how your arm didn't get it?"

"How do you know my arm...... It's up to you!"

Perospero didn't play his cards according to common sense at all, and once again choked Lenn.

"You ......"

Lenn gritted his teeth at Perospero, and he didn't know how Perospero's character survived until now.

"Forget it, I don't get angry with you, after all, although you were born as the eldest son, you haven't received attention since you were a child. "

"Your arm was also lost in this rebellion in the Kingdom of Totland, right?"

This time, Perospero did not answer or choke again, but he was now silent with his poisonous tongue.

And the reason why Perospero didn't speak is simple, because Lenn poked at one of his childhood shortcomings.

That is, there is no mother's love and father's love.

In fact, the Charlotte family is really huge, and there are so many younger brothers and sisters that the name of the little Perospero is not clear.

At that time, Perospero was also a very cute and happy child with a vision of life.

But as his younger siblings continued to be born, his mother's eyes did not stay on him.

Naively, he thought that he could get his mother's favor by pretending to be a baby and hiding in the cradle of his mother's room.

But he was wrong, and the words his mother had said to him still echo in his heart.

"I really shouldn't have given birth to you and disgraced the Charlotte family. "

In this way, he was thrown out of the room like trash by his mother.

From then on, everyone else called him "Giant Baby"

These dealt a heavy blow to Perospero's young mind.

So he tries to learn to use his ability, which is the power of candy, to build a house so that he can hide inside and not hear the ridicule of others.

It wasn't until the birth of Samsung General that he completely realized that what his mother liked were those children who were really capable!

Incompetent children should not be born in the Charlotte family in the eyes of their mothers!


At this moment, he Perospero never admits that he is weaker than others.

So he became more diligent, the power of candy became more and more proficient, and his mother finally discovered his brilliance.

Now the candy castle in the center of the Kingdom of Totland was built by him Perospero!

finally thought that he had gained his mother's attention, but the bamboo basket was empty.

No one knew that the castle was built by Perospero, and the mention of himself was still accompanied by the ridicule of the "giant baby".

This gradually became a demon in his heart, he could gossip, so he didn't care about anything.

He can not think about receiving loving care, so others don't want to think about it.

So Perospero went from being a pure and flawless child to a selfish megalomaniac.

If you really love him, it will be sad to see this look, but bigmom will.

She heard about Perospero's change from the outside world.

Today Perospero set fire to another house, and tomorrow he stole the pajamas of a young lady.

The screaming and scolding continued, and then my mother summoned Perospero.

It was also the first time that Perospero had been summoned by his mother in decades of life.

He was very nervous, and he didn't know why his usual arrogance was gone on this day.

"Mom, what did you call me for?"

Perospero was a little trembling, he didn't know if he was called over to be punished for all the bastard things he had done recently.

"It's nothing, it's been good lately and it's going to strengthen. "

Perospero was a little confused, but he didn't expect the result to be completely different.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, let's behave well and go back first. "

Mom didn't say much to Perospero, just looked at his expression and didn't smile, it was a cruel smile.

At that time, Perospero was flattered, thinking that this was his mother's smile on him, and it was also the first smile his mother gave him since he was born.

It wasn't until much later, when the Totland Kingdom riots, Perospero didn't know the meaning of his mother's "smile", which is why his arm was missing.

Although the main reason for the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Totlan is that their mothers charge each of them for a month of souls, they still respect their mothers more.

But there will be no mercy on the residents who are sabotaging like Perospero, and it is indeed his own fault.

He is willing to take it on his own, and as long as his mother's reputation is not damaged, Perospero is thankful.

Unexpectedly, the madness of the inhabitants was beyond Perospero's imagination.

When he was raised high to be executed, he saw his mother, and at that time he still had hope in his eyes, hoping that his mother could save him.

"My eldest son will do whatever you want with all the evils and gags, and I hope that this will calm your anger and stop rioting. "

Mom left without looking at Perospero, as she had thrown him out of the room as a child.

Perospero couldn't believe his ears at all, and the growing cries of the masses below made him have to accept this reality.

"Burn him, burn him ......"

"No, you little minions, how can you kill me!"

Unable to accept the reality, he collapsed at this moment, he pretended to be arrogant and did all kinds of evil, just to get his mother's affirmation again, a smile from his mother.

Now, he was in complete despair.

He didn't know how he managed to escape from the crowd of rioters, in which he also lost an arm, which was taken by a cheetah.

The arm that now looks intact is just a prosthetic leg that he fills with candy.

After that, he lived the rest of his life like a walking corpse.

Until his mother gave him a mission to destroy the Night King.

At this point, Perospero had tears rolling in his eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He watched the Night King descend into absolute madness!

"I'm going to kill you and let my mother see me again!"

"Don't you realize that your mother is a tool at all?"

Lenn was cruel to Perospero when he spoke out about the problem, and even Lenn himself was confused.

Whether this was the right thing to do, whether to reveal the truth or choose to keep the secret was always in Lunn's mind.

It is said that tiger poison does not eat children, how can bigmom use his children to achieve the benefits they need.

This Lunn is unknown.

But from Daifuku to Perospero, he found that some things might be better left unspoken.

Several lights and shadows flashed, and there was no one in Lunn's spiritual world. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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