"Waste, a bunch of waste, rice buckets!"

"What are you five old stars doing to eat, Justice Island said that it would be gone?!"

"Next time, do you want to report to me, the Night King has walked into Pangu City, and then you don't know yet!"

Between the flowers, on the Void Throne, Imu is angrily denouncing the Five Old Stars, Justice Island, as one of the cards of the World Government, and it is okay to say so

No, and he just gave the order!

Catch the Lord of the Night!

Now that the Night Lord has not been caught, and the Isle of Justice has been destroyed, Im only feels a fire burning in his chest.

The five old stars knelt on the ground, not daring to say a word, when Imu was angry, whoever spoke back, that person could be dragged out to feed the dogs.

After a reprimand, Im waved his hand impatiently.

"Alright, you all get out!"

The five old stars retreated as if they had been pardoned, and returned to the silent Void Throne, and the armrest of the throne that Imu's right hand was grasping was about to be crushed by him.


With a roar, the whole flower burned under the wrath of Imu!

And now Lunn, where he is, is in the Chambord Underground Islands, the speed of the warship is very fast, and now it is only half a day before he escapes from prison.

The Chambord Islands had no idea what was going on yet.

Stepping off the warship, Lunn didn't care at all about the large number of eyes attracted by the strangeness of the warship, and Jinping then walked down, and as soon as Jinping appeared, the people on the dock were shocked.

"Isn't that peaceful?"

"Didn't I hear that he was deprived of the title of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, and then thrown into the Great Prison Advance City?"

"This, he got off the warship, did he take refuge in the navy, and then the person he followed was a senior member of the navy???"

For a while, a large number of discussions arose, and Jinping suddenly felt a little bad, and he whispered to Lunen.

"Lord Lunn, if we act in such a high-profile manner, I'm afraid the Navy will receive the news soon."

Lunn nodded indifferently and said lightly.

"What if you receive the news, the current navy, do they dare to come again?"

In his tone, Lunn is dismissive of the Navy, even if he knows, do they dare to come?!

A figure in the crowd looked shocked when he saw Lunn, his mouth opened slightly, and he muttered to himself.

"Unexpectedly, he actually appeared on the sea again, and the war between Whitebeard and the Navy is imminent, this is a big deal!"

Lunn seemed to sense something, turned his head slightly, and the eyes of the two instantly met.

The CP agency of the Chambord Islands received the news of Lun's arrival in the Chambord Islands as soon as possible, which was completely no different from their previous judgment.

The news was first reported to the naval base in the Chambord Islands.

Beta looked at the information in his hand and slowly took a puff on his cigar, and his deputy, Kari, said with a big grin.

"Commander, do you want us to gather our men and defeat the Lord of the Night!"

"In that case, almost everyone of us can be promoted, and we can also be famous."

Beta rolled her eyes, raised her hand and slapped Kari on the head, snorting.

"I'm famous for your size, it's true that you entered the coffin, this Lord of the Night, was strong twenty years ago, and now that he came out of Advance City, how could his strength be weak."

"Let's just assume that we don't know about it, and just do a symbolic search when he's gone."

The supreme commander of the navy of the Chambord Islands spoke lightly, completely indulgent, but a trace of extremely suppressed unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, as a navy, he knew that the pirates were in front of him, but he was powerless or didn't dare to crusade!

What a frustration!

In the 65th district of the Chambord Islands, in a bar, he sat at the bar very neatly, drinking beer, looking at the two people sitting not far away, his eyes showed a little surprise.

"Reilly, I didn't expect that Roger kid to be seriously injured and surrender himself to the Navy."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Lunn took a sip of beer, with a hint of amazement in his tone, Roger, who used to be an opponent who fought with him on the sea, didn't expect that guy to be terminally ill later.

With a wry smile on his face, Reilly took a sip of beer and spoke.

"That's the captain's choice, but now, the Roger Pirates of the year have long since disappeared, and Xia Qi and I plan to live the rest of our lives on this island."

Xia Qi took a puff of cigarette, watched the chat between the two men, lightly spit out a smoke ring, and said to Jinping.

"You men, as soon as you get old, you will miss the past in all kinds of ways, and the sea has changed an era."

"They're still full of blood, you men, won't you get old?"

Lunn, who was chatting with Reilly, laughed and said after hearing Xia Qi's words.

"How can a man on the sea be old!"

Then, he looked at the once famous Hades King Reilly, and said solemnly.

"Reilly, if I set up a pirate group, let's get on the ship together, and let us, the pirates of the old era, sail on this sea again!"

Jinping turned his head suddenly, the whole person was dumbfounded, and Rayleigh was also shocked, the King of the Night, actually wanted to set up a pirate group!

"If Lunn is established, then it will be fine, but will you be established?"

"Hahaha, drink!"

Raising the beer glass in his hand, Reilly laughed!

Lunn smiled as well, raising his glass, and the two clinked glasses.

It's just that if the Night King really establishes a pirate group, the whole world will be shocked, the Night King of one person is so powerful, if a group of strong people gathers again.

Can Imu on the Void Throne still live?!

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