The Whitebeard Legion has an absolute advantage, beating the members of the Big Mom Pirates to the ground, and the members here have fallen into a state of excitement.

Seeing that victory was in sight, everyone attacked more vigorously and faster, and did not think about other other problems at all.

However, while Lunn was fighting with the pirates of the Big Mom Group, he fell into deep doubts.

He took advantage of the gap in the fight to look back, and his brows stretched and locked.

Although it is said that their side has the upper hand and acts as one, Lunn has already noticed something different with his keen sense of smell.

"Why did this fight go so well? Could it be that Charlotte Lingling was so vulnerable? It was impossible!" Lunn thought to himself as he fought with the children.

Charlotte Lingling is ruthless, in order to satisfy her appetite, she can ruthlessly burn down an entire city, how can she be defeated so easily?

Lunn felt that this was not Lingling's style of doing things, and it felt a little weird no matter how you thought about it.

While frowning and thinking, a pirate swung in front of him with a large knife.

The people hurriedly put aside their distracted thoughts and concentrated their efforts on dealing with the pirate in front of them.

As soon as the knife fell, the child was split in half and fell limply to the ground.

Whitebeard and the others are still engaged in a fierce battle with the members of the Big Mom Pirates, but there is no suspense, the other party is not their opponent.

Lunn glanced back at Whitebeard and the three-star general, a group of people who were concentrating on fighting the pirates with all their might, and had no time to think about anything else.

"Well, didn't they find anything unusual?" Lunn sighed softly inwardly.

Forget it, let's not think about it so much for now, and then get rid of all these pirates!

No one put aside the doubts in their hearts and began to concentrate on dealing with most of the members of the pirates.

Three Stars and Whitebeard they have already dealt with most of the pirates, and now there are only a few scattered members left around him.

Lunn didn't think much of it, and rushed directly to the remaining pirates, launching a concentrated fierce attack on them.

The pirates rushed at Lunn from all sides, trying to surround him and take him down in one fell swoop.

But London didn't give the pirates this opportunity, and directly waved the big knife in his hand and swung it at the first few people.

Before the pirates could react, they had already been stabbed in their bodies, and they let out bursts of screams, which sounded very sad.

The bodies of the first few pirates immediately fell to the ground, and the other One Piece Kings around were all shocked by Lunen's fierce momentum, and they were so frightened that they all froze in place, not daring to rush forward again.

Lunn glanced at the surrounding pirates with a pair of cold eyes, and then brandished the big knife in his hand and attacked the pirates on the left.

As soon as he turned around, a large gap appeared behind him, and several pirates standing on the right and behind saw the opportunity, and immediately rushed up and slashed directly at Lunn's back.

Lunn moved quickly, his sword fell, splitting the two pirates on the left in half, and immediately turned back to fend off the attacks of the pirates behind him.

Those pirates were waving their weapons and rushing towards Lenn, but they didn't expect him to react so quickly, and they couldn't help but be taken aback.

Taking advantage of the stunned efforts of those pirates, Lunn immediately took advantage of the situation to launch the most fierce attack on them.

With a scream, the pirates fell to the ground, all defeated by Lunn.

After knocking the other children around him to the ground, Lunn hurried back to find Charlotte Lingling.

Lingling was extraordinarily quiet in this fight, not at all different from her usual performance.

He was yelling at Lunn just now, how could he suddenly be quiet?

Looking around, Lunn was surprised to find that Charlotte Lingling's figure was no longer at the scene, and she didn't know where she had gone.

"Lingling is no longer at the scene!" Lunn widened his eyes and searched around carefully, but still found no trace of the fat woman.

This woman really has a problem, and she actually ran away!

Lunn hurried to Whitebeard's side and took advantage of the gap between him and the other pirates to explain the matter.

"Whitebeard, why is Charlotte Lingling missing, have you found any trace of him?" Lunn's tone was a little anxious, and at the same time full of doubt.

When Whitebeard heard Lunn's words, he immediately kicked the two members of the Big Mom Pirates who were in front of him, and then turned to look at him.

"Did she run away? I didn't pay attention to her just now!" said Whitebeard, as he glanced back at the scene, and sure enough, there was no trace of Lingling.

Lunn raised the doubts in his heart: "Is there something strange about this matter?"

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