Lunn looked at the people in front of him, he didn't move, and now he just looked at the Samsung general and said, "Don't move." "

When I heard this, I just heard that there was a special mess in this, and when I heard this, I said, "What's going on, what's going on, it's so dark inside this one all of a sudden." "

Hearing this, I don't know what's going on, Lunn suddenly feels that the situation here is not very good, if others don't know, what is the situation in this, and what other way is there.

Lunn now knows that the things here, all the things he has now, may be a bad start from the beginning.

Suddenly, I heard someone shouting and saying, "What's the matter, is this someone closing the door?" "

Suddenly, others felt that this matter was not very simple, and just said: "Is it that someone in the back closed the door?" "

When Lunn heard this, he felt that the person who said this was not a fool, how could he still say something at this time.

Just said this, Lunn just said one sentence and said, "Don't panic, everyone, let's hurry up and see if there are any places nearby." "

Suddenly, when it came to this, Samsung would come out and say, "Nothing, hurry up and come out, don't be afraid." "

As a result, before Lunn could say anything, he heard the outside say, "You are finished, I tell you, you can't come out." "

Suddenly came out of here, Lunn didn't say anything, just heard about it, and just said, "Isn't this Charlotte Lingling of the Big Mom Pirates." "

Also, the Samsung general looked at Lunn and saw Charlotte Lingling, and just said: "This matter is here, let's see if we have been deceived." "

was deceived, Lunn just said, "This matter, it doesn't matter. "

Suddenly, everything here is already a special mess, and the person who keeps his composure now is Lunn, and there are three star generals.

Lunn felt that there was probably no time left, so he just looked at this and said, "That's not it, and then I guess that all their things are deliberate." "

Seeing that the people here have become like this, Lunn feels that it seems that this group of people here is unreliable, and now all things, probably only three stars will be okay.

Suddenly, it was said that it was here, and the Samsung general also quietly came over and said: "This...... Look at it, does this matter matter? "

Suddenly, Lunn heard Charlotte Lingling outside, and said, "Come out, I promise not to kill you." "

Hearing them say this, if it is the rest of the people, it is already very helpless.

For a moment, Charlotte only heard this now, but she didn't know what they were talking about.

So he just looked at the people around him and said, "You say, when will they come out." "

Seeing Charlotte say this, just talking about this situation, I feel that if I say something he doesn't like at this time, I still can't tell others what to do.

So he just hurriedly said, "That's it, I think, you can do it this time." "

Seeing these people suddenly like this, Lunn just looked at the three-star general, not knowing what to do for a while.

Suddenly, I said that if it was me, it would be okay, but there are so many people here, so it is okay, but there are still a bunch of people around me.

Suddenly, Lunn just thought of this matter, and just said: "How to contact people outside, even if you hear about this, maybe there will still be a chance." "

Seeing a few people like this, Charlotte suddenly felt that even if she got here, she just said, "Then why don't they come out, should we go over." "

Hearing her subordinates say this, Charlotte suddenly didn't know what to say, but now she knows, who are the people around Lunn, and then look at her own side, how can they be a group of such fools.

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly beaten by Charlotte Lingling and said: "This matter, look at this, let's go over, we are not surrounded by others." "

Hearing this, this person suddenly didn't dare to continue, if this thing came here, then it seemed that it was okay.

Now there are a lot of things in it, they still don't know, Lunn just said: "This matter, let's not worry about it now, if this matter has not been solved by then, it is okay." "

The three generals heard this time, but they only heard this thing, and suddenly looked at Lunn and said: "Then this is the matter now, do you have any other way, my lord." "

Speaking of which, Lunn doesn't have much to do now, but there is no chance for this matter at the moment.

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