Pelos Pelo can't move at all now, even if he really wants to continue the fight with Decaris Len, he is also powerless, so he simply gives up this breath.

Dicaris Lenn realized that he no longer had to be entangled by that thing, so he went straight to Pelos Pelo.

"Young man, you're still too young. "

After saying this, Decaris Lenn grabbed Pelos by the collar and glared at Pelos Pelo.

Now Decaris Lenn has already imagined what he will do next.

Since this guy was so disrespectful to himself before, and he still wanted to try to fight with himself, he must let him taste his own power now.

So now Decaris Lenn directly grabbed Pelos Pelo, and was ready to kill Pelos Pelos first and then do everything slowly.

As a result, just as Decaris Lenn was about to make a move, suddenly Samsung would walk out.

"Be merciful. "

"Why are you here for what?"

Samsung will actually have a certain status in Lunn's eyes.

So I stopped when I was about to kill Pelos and had a good talk with them to see what they wanted to do.

"It's really his fault for this matter, but don't do anything to him for your sake, let's leave him alone!"

Samsung will want to sell face to Decaris Len, hoping that Decaris Lenn can let go of Pelos and not worry about this kind of thing like Pelos Pelo.

In fact, they already knew about it, but if they continued like this, it would be a little bad.

Decaris Lenn frowned, in fact, Decaris Lenn was really angry with what Pelos Pelo had done before, and it was indeed a little bad to want to just throw away the fat he had in his hands.

"You just spare him for the sake of our face, and don't fight him so directly, we will help you deal with the rest of the matter. "

Samsung will have some more things to say with Decaris Len.

So at this time, I still hope that Decaris Lenn can spare Pelos Pelo's life, and I hope that Pelos Pelo can be saved by them this time, and I don't want some tragedy to happen.

Decaris Lenn frowned and thought for a long time, but finally nodded, after all, there was still a little friendship between them.

"Then since you've already said so, I'll just spare his life, but you'll have to take care of me. "

In the end, Decaris Lenn nodded and agreed, but he didn't expect that Decaris Lenn had just put Pelos with Luo on the front foot.

Pelos and Luo are now directly exposing this matter, and Pelos and Luo are staring angrily at the three-star general in front of him.

"Don't pretend to be a good person in front of me, don't think I don't know what you are doing behind your back.

You've already betrayed the Big Mom Pirates, and now you're pretending to be kind and trying to save me, what are you going to do?"

Pelos and Luo are extremely vicious, looking at the Samsung in front of him, hoping that this Samsung will be able to give himself a reasonable explanation.

They are nothing more than a traitor to Pelos Pelo who betrayed the Big Bus Pirates.

"This thing is really not what you think, if you really want to continue like this, then I really hope we can explain it to you, and you don't have to be so hostile to us anymore!"

Samsung will be a little helpless, so he can only sigh and make this matter clear to him.

"What else do you have to say, you betrayed such a group of pirates, you are traitors.

So you'd better figure it out for me now, either you explain it to me, or I'm going to punish you for the Big Mom Pirates today?"

Pelos Pelo didn't want to listen to their explanations at all, and kept staring at them angrily, because one of Pelos's impressions of them was that they were just traitors.

Samsung really doesn't know what to say, so they can only continue to quibble with Pelos.

All this is also to argue with Pelos Pelo for a result, and I don't want Pelos Pelo to always look at them as such a thing.

"It's the way it is, it's not what you think it is, so you'd better not say that about us, and Lenn is a good guy, not what you think it is......"

Just thinking about this matter, Samsung will feel that it should be explained to them well, especially Pelos and Luo's side.

As long as you can explain it clearly to Pelos Pelo, everything can be solved with ease.

As a result, I didn't expect that this time it was already seen that Pelos and Pero didn't have the patience to think about this matter with them at all.

And Pelos was very jealous and hateful from beginning to end.

"In that case, then you will tell me why you are here in Lunn, why don't you go back to our Dabahai Group, have you already defected?

Or is it that you have already rebelled in your hearts?"

Just thinking about Pelos and Luo felt very angry in their hearts.

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